Requesting Help Identifying Vader Figure (Dutch Clipper?)...



Hi Guys,

I'm looking for a bit of advice in trying to identify a Darth Vader which I bought a while back, since there are a couple of things which make me wonder if it may be a Dutch Clipper Darth Vader variant.

I've taken a few pictures (links below), which I hope are clear enough to make out the details! The standard original Vader is on the left, and the variant is on the right.

On the variant vader (right), the cape is slightly longer. The cape collar goes higher above the head, and the bottom of the cape touches the ground. On the regular Vader (left), the cape stops just above the ground. The outside of the cape on the variant has a slight rough, matt texture while the inside is smooth and matt. On the regular Vader, both sides of the cape are smooth and shiney. The cape on the variant also feels quite a bit thicker than the regular Vader.

The cape fits very snugly around the arms, and there is no sign of stretch or wear, which I would expect to see if the cape had been replaced with a repro.

The markings on the left leg of the variant are :

@GMFGI 1977

There is no COO, just a scar where the COO would be. The writing is also quite a bit larger than the regular Vader, probably about 1.5 to 2 times bigger.

I had read that the Dutch Clipper vaders appeared more 'crisp' than the regular ones. This does appear to be the case with this one, although I could quite possibly be imagining that, since they are very similar!

I think the sabre is a repro, it's darker and looks a bit like one of the common painted repro's. Unless the Clipper's shipped with a different sabre too?

So, what do you chaps think? Any opinions or suggestions would be very welcome. Do we have a Dutch Clipper Vader (possibly with a repro sabre), or just another standard Vader with repro accessories?!

Thanks for your help!

Best Wishes
Jim Q :D
I would say that is 100% a duch clipper vader. Here are some pictures of my one which i had graded by afa . The sabre from my clipper vader is the top one.



I agree, the figure and cape are the Clipper variant.

The flash makes it hard to work out the colour of your sabre but I would guess it is genuine.
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