
Staff member
May 9, 2014
Dark vador said:
Well seen it twice and is it just me or why are there 2 darth vader tie fighter along with 2 standard tie fighter and one shuttle in the shot of the boarding party? I thought vader tie fighter was unique????

Thought it was a bomber... same shape of wings as Vader's.


Jedi Master
May 20, 2013
I loved the film and saw it at midnight in Hereford. To me, it felt a lot more like Star Wars than The Force Awakens though I did have a few issues with it.

1) Saw Gererra, the character played by Forest Whitaker. Why did he just stand there when the Death Star destroyed that town?! He came across as a badass, someone who has tested the empire time and time again. He looks badass, with two robotic legs, armour and a Mad Max style shoulder pad. He could easily have jumped on that ship and helped back up Jin Urso's story. But nope, he was "tired of running". Bollocks. If it was meant to be a Ben Kenobi self sacrificing moment it failed badly. If anyone followed the Clone Wars TV series, you can see a younger Saw Gererra in season five and he does come across as a badass. Total waste of a character and an awesome actors talent.

2) Animated faces. Tarkin was okay. But still looked weird. Maybe it was the big screen but he had too many flaws on his face if that makes sense? And did he really need to be in it?
They really got the look of Carrie Fisher down to a t. Unfortunately, the look they got was the glassy eyed and waxy looking skin of Carrie Fisher at the height of her drug addiction, not the fresh faced princess of ANH. Didn't need to see her face. Hood up from behind would have been fine. Of all the easter eggs this one annoyed me the most.

3) Easter eggs/fan service. I don't mind a few nods to other films in the series, but this seemed worse than TFA for it. And people in the cinema seemed to love it. The sight of Dr Evazan and Ponda Baba, the droids and Leia was met with approving grunts of "Yeah!" and "Oh **** Yeah!" It was like we were all sat watching a dirty movie by the sounds some of my fellow movie goers were making. I liked the sight of Ponda and Dr Evazan until the place got totalled and it seemed a bit absurd they had escaped. The droids I was kinda "Meh" about. They didn't need to be there and neither did loads of the other little nods that were included that I have forgotten about because it was gone 12am at night and I remember **** all when I am tired.

4) SAS Stormtroopers. They look badass and I can appreciate that there would be elite troops in the Empire. Remember that scene in ROTJ when Palpatine says "An entire legion of my best troops await them". Remember how they were in that movie and were kicking ass against the ewoks? Exactly, they weren't. **** off Disney. Stop putting **** in to sell toys. I could deal with the shore troopers, as that could be armour that is for that kinda environment, like snow troopers on Hoth, scouts on Endor. SAS type troopers? Piss off.

5) Perhaps a silly one but I never said I wasn't a pedantic twat. The Stormtroopers didn't sound like the original trilogy troopers. The original troopers sounded like they were talking through a walkietalkie. Like a static kinda sound when they spoke, making them feel a little more machine like maybe, and less human. These ones didn't. Oh well.

6) Darth Vader. Sticking a tall muscle man in a costume (and a shitty looking costume at that) doesn't make for a good Vader. I dunno how I feel about the end scene where he becomes a kind of space Jason Vorhees, hacking his way through rebels like a machete through horny teenagers. It got a great response from the audiance, and was the part where the cinema seemed to have some mass orgasm by the sound of the furious grunts of approval and casual profanities. I personally would have preffered a cutaway and then a mass of dead rebels afterwards. But I am not a cinematographer or a director or anything, i'm just someone who gets pissy about meaningless things in good films. And as whole, it was a damn good film.


Sith Lord
Jan 10, 2015
Darth Bobby said:
Did anyone else see Itchy? Maybe I imagined it but I'm sure I saw Itchy for a few seconds?

Which part I'm going back to watch it again i will keep an eye out for him.

Darth Bobby

Sith Lord
Sep 18, 2015
yoda said:
Darth Bobby said:
Did anyone else see Itchy? Maybe I imagined it but I'm sure I saw Itchy for a few seconds?

Which part I'm going back to watch it again i will keep an eye out for him.

I can't remember... all I can remember was he was side on, on the left hand side. He's not on long. I may have imagined him/ wishful thinking.

Darth Bobby

Sith Lord
Sep 18, 2015


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Third time today. Really do love this film! The score is growing on me, although it's crying out for the proper theme in the first 15 minutes or so. That awful logo (why didn't they just use the logo they've been using for the last year?) followed by the weak main theme (trying too hard to be a 'different' SW, but just sounding like a naff knock off) isn't a great start, but that's nit-picking. Oh yeah, and r2/3PO should be on the Tantive with Leia...

Otherwise, it's fabulous. I still can't get over the final third- what a masterpiece 8) The score mimics parts from the other films really effectively- the part where they give the clearance code is very similar to the equivalent part in ROTJ. Very cool and nicely done.


Jedi Knight
Feb 12, 2014
Just seen it as well for the third time. Took the wife and daughter this time. My wife didn't realise Peter Cushing had died, she thought he'd just aged well!! My daughter who's seen Star Wars but when she was much younger was not really aware of who Tarkin was and, also, didn't realise that it was CGI. She's in the right kid's demographic age range for this film so that's justification enough that the CGI Tarkin does the job.

Managed to see Chopper this time and pointed him out to my daughter who loves Star Wars Rebels so she was beaming when she saw him! Forgot to point out the Ghost as I was enjoying the battle scenes too much and had to pop out to get some food when the Ghost is on Yavin 4!

I agree with Cazza on the score. It's beginning to grow on me but will never rival John William's masterpieces. There were a number of times I noticed a few chords from classic tracks in the OT before they deviated off. This added a nice touch. There was one that really struck a chord with me (pardon the pun) but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. I also noticed a similarity on the shuttle entering the shield over Scariff.


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
One of my mates whent to watch in the other day and he spent the first 45 minutes wandering where Rey, Finn and Luke Skywalker were. He thought it was Episode 8! :lol:

Apparently he's going again because he spent the whole film feeling confused and diden't concentrate on the plot/story. :lol:


Sith Lord
Oct 19, 2006
Derby, United Kingdom
Managed to watch this the other day and wow I thought it was amazing. I loved the whole story and I liked the main rebel spy and them showing that the Rebels are not totally innocent and have to do questionable things to achieve the objective.
The last third of the movie was exactly what I want from a Star Wars movie.
The camera angle from the x wings were amazing and the behind the asteroid droid shots were great. I like how badass they made Vader in the final few minutes and the frantic moments of trying to pass the plans on. Great to also see Tarkin and a real bold move to include him as much as they did.
I cannot wait to see this again which will be when it comes out on blu 8)


Sith Lord
Apr 27, 2014
robpmarsh said:
Not sure I can watch Rogue One again just yet in case that last scene has me blubbing out loud after today :(

I just got back from a second viewing and it did me. I was planning on watching anh now but I can't face it.


Sith Lord
May 29, 2014
robpmarsh said:
Not sure I can watch Rogue One again just yet in case that last scene has me blubbing out loud after today :(

I sat down for my fourth viewing as my phone buzzed breaking news of Carrie's fate. I must admit I was wiping away more than one tear at the end! :cry:


Grand Master
Jun 13, 2008
Even later here but I've finally seen it!

I found R1 to be a really good film overall. I need to see it again to give a final verdict but yes I enjoyed it.

Admittedly at the start I wasn't sure, especially with all the movement from one planet to another (with the badly done location text) but I settled into it and after 30-40 mins I felt like I was in the Star Wars universe once again.

The rebel characters were all really good, I thought Jyn and Cassian were great characters and K-S20 gave some much needed comic relief in the form of his dry one liners. I liked Chirrut and Baze too, the chemistry they had was fun (and sad at the end) and the ass whooping they gave to the Stormtroopers was great too.

Tarkin CGI could have gone really badly but I actually enjoyed his scenes more than I thought I would. I bet we all thought the same thing the first time we saw him on screen "uh oh, this is going to be x-box cut scene material" and indeed that first scene was a bit ropy but the rest was fine and I enjoyed exploring his character a bit more than we saw in ANH. I quite liked the way he just took over Director Krennic's DS operation (or tried to) after the first successful test, very dog eat dog and also quite fitting for high ranking officers of the Empire.

I wasn't sure about Krennic when I first heard him speak at the start of the film, his accent was a bit odd (is the actor Australian?) and his lines were a bit wishy washy, kind of like how some people reacted to General Hux in TFA. Still not sure if he was worth the hype, at the moment I would say no but we all know he wasn't the real Villain anyway and Vader's appearance at the end didn't disappoint for me.

Vader's castle was ok, I get that they wanted to revisit an old McQuarrie concept but I guess in my mind I always kind of see Vader as a character that has no real home. In the OT he's either on a shuttle, on a Star Destroyer or on the Death Star and just visits planets or cities on missions, he's kind of always in motion and just floating around wherever the Emperor sends him. It was cool to see him in his bacta tank thing and the little chat with Krennic was alright but I didn't think it was amazing. IMO the best Vader scene in R1 was him just totally destroying the rebels on his own at the very end, the brutality of it all actually took me by surprise and I can't wait to see it again a few more times.

First watch 3.9/5 - happy but want to see it again and will gladly do so :D
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