Has Disney ruined Star Wars?

Mr. Tie

Jedi Knight
Jan 21, 2013
As the new movie is forthcoming I have recently watched some more critical sounds on YouTube about the relation between Disney and the Star Wars saga and franchise. Mark Hamill doesn't seem happy about the role of Luke and watching TFA again I can't get the impression that this movie added something new to the Star Wars Galaxy :? You can have a strong opinion about the prequels, but they presented new worlds and characters. Not speaking about act talent though... :D

What do you guys think? Will it get better than some piece of entertainment made by save choices, using a lot of memory lane moments?


Grand Master
Apr 2, 2015
Well personally I hated TFA, not looking forward to the new film at all, Rogue One was ace, but episode 7 IMHO was crap, can't see much hope for 8 and 9. They better not kill Luke off cause that will, well and truly suck. I have seen TFA 3 times and don't think I would ever watch it again thats how much I hate it. So to answer your question yes why couldn't they have just left well enough alone.

Mr. Tie

Jedi Knight
Jan 21, 2013
StarWarsFan said:
Well personally I hated TFA, not looking forward to the new film at all, Rogue One was ace, but episode 7 IMHO was crap, can't see much hope for 8 and 9 they better not kill Luke off cause that will well and truly such has seen TFA 3 times and don't think I would ever watch it again thats how much I hate it. So to answer your quest yes why couldn't they have just left well enough alone.

My thoughts too (and Grants... :D ). I fear that now JJ is going to finish episode 9 it will all become a waste of space... :roll: Not such an artistic move to sell SW to Disney, you should be ashamed George Lucas. He started making SW to become independent from Hollywood, but he sold his artistic soul to Disney... The Galaxy far, far away has become something very sad... :?


Sith Lord
May 29, 2014
In response to the thread title; Has Disney Ruined Star Wars; my answer is No, not at all.

We had a franchise that due to many negative purists that hated the Special Editions and subsequently the Prequels was very much on the back foot... A franchise supported by terrible toys in the POTF2 and Bendems, generally rubbish computer games, some of the worst (and the odd decent) fan fiction ever published, that someone raised above its station by calling it The Expanded Universe... but it was pretty much all, bar a handful of books, unreadable rubbish... even Dan Brown would be ashamed by some of it!

Lucas had torn the heart from the OT with the Special Editions. I can't dispute that, but he clearly had good ideas at heart when tackling these and the idea of making Mos Eisely a busier place, filling in the cockpit frame of the snowspeeders so you couldn't see through them and improving the overall quality were all sensible, but burping frogs and other nonsense just went too far, but not so far as to turn off the majority of his audience, despite the negative rhetoric, the kids still loved it and so they should.

Did he use the Special Editions as a vehicle to put Star Wars back in the public eye and re-raise its profile... yes of course he did
Did he play it safe in doing this... yes of course he did
Did he use them to test the commerciality of a prequel series.. yes of course he did

The Prequels in my opinion are overly hated, they (along with Clone Wars) gave a springboard to all we have today. Should the three films have been an hour or more shorter overall, yes, should most of that have come out of the last two films, yes, is Jar Jar really that bad.. no! My kids grew up on TPM and laughed their asses off at him, because it's a kids film and they were kids... Folk that say otherwise are looking for something that isn't ever going to be there... they are and always have been freakin' kids films, escapism and fantasy.

The Chive Cast recently summed it up quite well when they asked, do you think that The Matrix and Spiderman (1) are better films yet from the same era... surely the answer is no. When does anyone ever talk about that Spiderman film and who on earth truly believes that Agent Smith is less annoying that Jar Jar.. I mean they both have completely stupid voices, both totally unbelievable and for a Sci-Fi film; Jar Jar even looks more believable. :lol:

Now, as for Disney...

Did they use The Force Awakens as a vehicle to put Star Wars back in the public eye and re-raise its profile... yes of course they did
Did they play it safe in doing this... yes of course they did
Did they use it to test the commerciality of a new series of anthology movies away from the Skywalker Saga.. yes of course they did
Do most Star Wars fans rate the first of the anthology higher than The Force Awakens... yes they do

Is Star Wars now broken under Disney... is it ****!

I really don't get modern toy collecting, I can't stand the packaging or cheap hard plastic and the never ending attempt at realism in the sculpts, models for collectors, not toys for children.. BUT, since Disney taking over, I see loads more on shelves wherever I go and they all seem better to me than POTF2 and Bendems...

As for the plethora of Star Wars art that has come out since Disney took over, boom, great stuff... the multiple Topps cards series and sticker albums, I smile every day because Star Wars is everywhere.. I'm a Star Wars fan, it makes me happy to see it everywhere all the time..

I wasn't at Celebration Essen, but as a pre-Disney event all I hear is how easy it was to get around, the queues just didn't exist, it was nothing like a post-Disney celebration only a year or so later with huge appeal, thousands more fans taking part. Star Wars was reborn, Star Wars is again the biggest franchise in the market, has Disney ruined Star Wars, no, it clearly hasn't, its scraped it off the floor, given it mouth to mouth and given many hope that it will live on forever in some form.

Surely the Anthologies are Star Wars future for the fans and for now at least the Skywalker Saga is the movie series for masses...


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
I don't think so, not by a long way.

I would dearly love to have seen the Trilogy that GL intended to end with rather than a rehash (however well done) and whatever the next two films entail but we all want things we can't have so there you go.

I'm really looking forward to more spin off movies away from the main Skywalker storyline, hopefully we'll see more Old Republic pre Anakin, more Rebels at war, more non Skywaker Jedi, more smugglers, more planets, new creatures, over all just more Star Wars


Jedi Master
Apr 21, 2017
I think we are all well aware that Abrams played it safe with the force awakens in that he used
most of the plot lines from a new hope as he did with star trek i.e kane ect. However i didn't
hate the force awakens but to me it didn't bring anything new and i was disappointed with the
screen time Mark Hamill had.

I am very excited to see The Last Jedi and with a new director i feel this one could be like the modern day
Empire Strikes Back the best one in the trilogy. So i would say Disney has not ruined star wars because Disney
is bringing us new movies that i am excited to see.

I can name more i disliked about the phantom menace then i can about the force awakens.

This is just my personal take on it.


Sith Lord
Jun 20, 2017
I thought TFA was good but not as good as I hoped it would be, the trailer made it look absolutely epic and quite dark, but it turned out to be very family friendly so was a bit disappointed, but still I liked it enough to want to watch it again several more times. Rogue One was brilliant, real, gritty and dark, and the music was much better compared to TFA music which I thought was a bit pants. Rogue One actually had me almost 'jaw dropped' in a couple of epic scenes and of course the final scene.. jaw drop!, this is the first time iv'e ever felt amazed in the cinema watching Star Wars, which includes everything running up from Episode 1.

But I hope one day Disney ends up selling Star Wars to someone else and then it's yet again taken in another whole new direction by making fully serious and gritty, dark, ( at least ) '15 rated' violent Star Wars films.

It will never happen, but one can dream 8)


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
subzero said:
But I hope one day Disney ends up selling Star Wars to someone else and then it's yet again taken in another whole new direction by making fully serious and gritty, dark, ( at least ) '15 rated' violent Star Wars films.

It will never happen, but one can dream 8)

Their is more chance of Disney making a stand aloan film about Jar Jar Binks than their is of them selling the Star Wars franchise.


Sith Lord
Jun 20, 2017
theforceuk said:
subzero said:
But I hope one day Disney ends up selling Star Wars to someone else and then it's yet again taken in another whole new direction by making fully serious and gritty, dark, ( at least ) '15 rated' violent Star Wars films.

It will never happen, but one can dream 8)

Their is more chance of Disney making a stand aloan film about Jar Jar Binks than their is of them selling the Star Wars franchise.

An 18 rated Jar Jar Binks movie? :lol: :lol:

Mr. Tie

Jedi Knight
Jan 21, 2013
Well, as I read the lovely comments of you guys (thank you for that :D ) I can only come to the following conclusion: episode 7 - 9 will be food for the masses (groundhog day movies - did you see that? Yeah, I got some deja vu) and the spin offs will give the less famous directors a change to make more quality SW movies in the spirit of the OT.

Oh, and that AT-M6 walker from The Last Jedi? Yeah, what about it? Did you see the front of it? Yeah, I did. Looks like some fracking Cylon to me :shock: :eek: :roll: OMG, JJ did it again... :wink: :lol:

Darth Bobby

Sith Lord
Sep 18, 2015
There seems to be lots of people who really love Star Wars involved in making the new Star Wars films, so hopefully we'll get some really great films. However Disney is a business so they'll want to make money. They are walking a tightrope because they don't want upset the old fans yet they want to make it appealing to new people. As with all things Star Wars it's about taking the rough with the smooth. I remember people slagging off the Ewoks when ROTJ came out. There's going to be some good bits and some bad bits. Having watched TFA a few times, it does feel like a massive wasted opportunity but maybe they had to play it safe and go mainstream to get it off the ground? TFA made me look at the prequels in a different light, now I can see that GL was trying to do something new but it didn't work. The prequels went down so badly I felt like Star Wars was broken for a few years... if ROTS been the last film that would be really sad. Personally I'm just pleased they are making new films. Rogue One was amazing, TFA was okay, the Last Jedi looks really good... I'm dreading the Han Solo film! Who knows, time will tell.


New member
Sep 29, 2017
Well my tuppence in all this is that since Disney took over all there interested in is the kids market with the new movies as they certainly do not appeal to me as an original trilogy buff!

I understand that Disney is a business and they must look to the new audience and the next generation of Star Wars fans. I think they nicely plugged the gap with Rogue One but would have loved to seen the original version that Gareth Edwards filmed which was a "Gritty War Movie" as this version again was toned down to appeal to all ages. Disney do not want to forget the first time rounders of this franchise like me cause as an avid collector I have the spending power to buy the Sideshow, Gentle Giant and Hot Toys merchandise that most kids can probably never afford to buy!

Will be interesting to see what comes of the new character based movies such as the Han Solo movie and Yoda, Boba Fett and Obi Wan which are all in the pipeline for production. I also here that there is a Twilight Company movie in discussion to keep the Original trilogy buffs like me entertained! A battle on Hoth movie, yes please!!!

I certainly will not be rushing to see the Last Jedi but will obviously watch it at some stage as it is a "Star Wars" movie!


Jedi Master
Jun 13, 2014
No Disney hasn't ruined Star Wars. As mentioned above there's been a ton of rubbish Star Wars things released over the years and I'd argue they added a pile of tat to Star Wars that's best simply ignored.

As for Disney. I thought TFA was quite good. I'm in a minority that thinks Rogue One is terrible, but these films are quite clearly additional fodder and are take-them-or-leave-them material. If I 'took' Rogue One it would undermine certain things in the original. Instead, I'll watch the original as it existed at the time as I do with any films that spwaned lots of sequels.

Disney ruining Star Wars would be like saying Pink Floyd's Division Bell ruined Dark Side Of The Moon.


New member
Sep 29, 2017
Interested to know what you thought in Rogue One was undermining the original trilogy. They got it spot on after 40 years we now understand how the rebels obtained the Death Star plans and there was nothing in Rogue One that I could identify would open up any problems for the trilogy? in fact it leads on very well to a New Hope.


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Thought Steve summed it up perfectly. There is so much genuine Star Wars love going into these new movies, which is really reassuring. Its our generation who are getting to make these movies now. Also have a lot of faith in Kathleen Kennedy.

Loved TFA and R1. Sure, TFA played it a bit safe, but the new characters are great and it felt like SW again. There were also some fabulous moments like the escape from Jakku. Can't wait for TLJ and Han Solo. The rumoured runtime for TLJ is 2:30, it could be absolutely epic 8)


Jedi Master
Jun 13, 2014
Toontotalwar said:
Interested to know what you thought in Rogue One was undermining the original trilogy. They got it spot on after 40 years we now understand how the rebels obtained the Death Star plans and there was nothing in Rogue One that I could identify would open up any problems for the trilogy? in fact it leads on very well to a New Hope.

I find the scale of both Empire and Rebels to be wildly out of sync. The bad guys throw the entire Empire at the people stealing the plans but when they come back to attack the Death Star they send a dozen Tie Fighters for cover. Leia's small band of freedom fighters seem much bigger and more established than we saw on Star Wars too. But, hey, that's sequels and prequels - everything has to be bigger and better.

I feel Luke's achievement could be undermined a little too now that we know it was an intentional flaw, not that I really understand the point of putting a flaw in that wound require the greatest force user in the galaxy to successfully pull off anyway.

Anyway, that's all slightly off topic because ultimately I don't believe the new films ruin anything as the OP asked. I watch all classic films in the context of their release time and do the same with their sequels. I don't care about Psycho 2 when I'm watching Psycho, for example even though I enjoy that sequel in its own continuity.
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