Jedi Master
Hi All,
Was hoping someone might be able to assist me with this one.
I picked up this Ree Yees in a lot of other carded figures, as I was going through them I noticed that the cardback on this figure had a matt finish, as opposed to a gloss finish on all my other carded figures. I then also noticed a hole in the cardback behind the figure and I seemed to remember something about the Made in Mexico figures having this???
The bubble is unfortunately cracked at the bottom and there is a drawing pin hole in the card as well (seen in picture 5)
Any ideas to the value as I'm not precious in having this in my collection and will be looking to pass it on.
Was hoping someone might be able to assist me with this one.
I picked up this Ree Yees in a lot of other carded figures, as I was going through them I noticed that the cardback on this figure had a matt finish, as opposed to a gloss finish on all my other carded figures. I then also noticed a hole in the cardback behind the figure and I seemed to remember something about the Made in Mexico figures having this???
The bubble is unfortunately cracked at the bottom and there is a drawing pin hole in the card as well (seen in picture 5)
Any ideas to the value as I'm not precious in having this in my collection and will be looking to pass it on.