Recent content by Capetown

  1. Capetown

    History of Palitoy

    I've backed it now as well. I thought I had got it during the early bird period but I think I forgot to confirm the purchase in my credit card app. Oh well.
  2. Capetown

    End of 2024 Review and 2025 Goals.

    Got my ATL Interceptor on the cusp of 2025. I've also managed to find an upgrade for my Bi-Logo TaunTaun and my Kenner Death Star box. I've also now learned that I'm not looking for a Wicket in Palitoy baggie, but a Wicket in Kenner Taiwan Baggie. So, maybe in 2025?
  3. Capetown

    How many AT-AT boxes?

    Saw this on Would you say this is a true variant? Have you seen this Sold by Woolworth sticker on a Star Wars box before?
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  5. Capetown

    Finally selling my pride and joys - vintage loose figures, death star, x-wing, landspeeder, snow speeder, minirigs

    Some lovely items you have. Especially the Death Star should earn you quite a bit of money, even if not complete. Does the Death Star have the clips to assemble it? Instructions maybe?
  6. Capetown

    Amiga 500 reset function

    I never used to know about CTRL-A-A, so I always just turned it off and on using the button on the psu.😄
  7. Capetown

    Boy it's quiet on here now

    At least there are still people talking here, unlike the graveyards that are RS and the Imperial Gunnery.
  8. Capetown

    Toy of the week 2, Week 17, 2024, Palitoy Droid Factory

    Oooh the only set I still need.
  9. Capetown

    New Member

  10. Capetown

    Jawa Sandcrawler Remote Control

    Sounds about right.
  11. Capetown

    Warning, protect your star wars against Silverfish

    You're nothing if not thorough, Lars. Well done.
  12. Capetown

    Warning, protect your star wars against Silverfish

    Ah, a man of taste. :cool:
  13. Capetown

    Warning, protect your star wars against Silverfish

    Horrid little buggers. I've read that silverfish (the ones you see in bathrooms) are a different species from the ones that eat paper (paperfish). Nothing that helps you unfortunately, Lars. My commiserations.
  14. Capetown

    Toy of the week 2, Week 11, 2024, Land Speeder

    Here's the Tie Jäger, sadly not shrink wrapped anymore, but you can see in the photo it lacks the tape on the box.
  15. sw_tie_fighter_anh_kenner_german 005.jpg

    sw_tie_fighter_anh_kenner_german 005.jpg

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