Recent content by Simply Sci-fi

  1. Simply Sci-fi

    Is everyone asleep??

    I'm sorry to have been away from this place for so long. It's a great place to hang out and get away from life's troubles. I'll make sure to drop by more often.
  2. Simply Sci-fi

    Star Wars bedroom ware quandary.

    s1d0w: Nice item! The manufacturer was Penshiel Ltd but it could well have been sold in Marks and Spencer. There was a range for Return of the Jedi too. I'm always interested in anything like this, so thanks for sharing.
  3. Simply Sci-fi

    Star Wars bedroom ware quandary.

    Aliencouture - If genuine, you have an amazing item there. Where did you obtain it? (there's plenty of opportunity for fakes). I suppose that the photo was to display the piece in a natural setting and that you don't use a genuine Revenge of the Jedi prototype as an actual bed cover.
  4. Simply Sci-fi

    Star Wars bedroom ware quandary.

    Revenge of the Jedi prototype fabric sounds very exciting. Pictures would be great to see.
  5. Simply Sci-fi

    Star Wars bedroom ware quandary.

    I'm still interested in any information on UK Star Wars merchandise if anyone's got anything juicy.
  6. Simply Sci-fi

    Perception Of Repros In Different Hobbies

    The Miroman/Micronauts hobby is beginning to see reproduction items via 3D printing. Although some of the parts in individual kits are extremely rare, the demand for them isn't such that they can be sold for a great deal. There's more a spirit of assisting the collecting community by making...
  7. Simply Sci-fi

    The Star Wars Phenomenon in Britain book available with 30% off until the end of January

    Thanks very much. I've not heard anything negative about the book so far. People are really enjoying it.
  8. The Star Wars Phenomenon in Britain cover final vertical.jpg

    The Star Wars Phenomenon in Britain cover final vertical.jpg

  9. anthony daniels planet.jpg

    anthony daniels planet.jpg

  10. Simply Sci-fi

    The Star Wars Phenomenon in Britain book available with 30% off until the end of January

    I thought I would let everyone know that my book is available from the distributor with 30% off until the end of January. If you enter STARWARS30 on the order page at the Eurospan website, the price works out as £24.46 which is the cheapest price around...
  11. star wars book keddies kids vader cropped.jpg

    star wars book keddies kids vader cropped.jpg

  12. blue peter r2 small.jpg

    blue peter r2 small.jpg

  13. Simply Sci-fi

    Darth Vader toyshop visits

    Interesting. I've heard before that a Darth Vader on tour stank of sweat. I didn't get that close to the one that visited Romford. He was pretty animated so I kept my distance!
  14. Simply Sci-fi

    Price sticker dilemma

    I get the impression that stickers relating to specific toy shops are becoming more desirable by collectors. The rarity has been magnified by people (like me until recently) peeling the stickers off.
  15. Simply Sci-fi

    41 years ago star wars had premiere in London

    Here's another advert from later in the cinema run that mentions the Ilford Odeon where I saw Star Wars.
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