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  1. C

    Time Crisis/G-Con 45/Scorpion Gun | Grandstand StarForce | PS2 Games.

    Hi guys, Just thought I'd pop these in here as they're still available. All in working order. The Scorpion Gun had some modifications made for someone with arthritis, as you can see in the photos. Still works though and is fine for someone with no hand issues. An old CRT TV is required. £65...
  2. C

    Random Toys and Games

    Hi, I have quite a bit of stuff I'm looking to get rid of, just wondering if there'd be any interest. I've got - - Heroquest Board Game - £55 - Batman & Batman Returns Board Games - £35 (would split) - Marvel Role Playing Game - £55 - Grandstand Star Force (old electronic table top game) -...
  3. C

    Tie Fighter and EV-9D9

    Hi guys, Taken me a while to post sorry :) but here's some of the stuff I've come across. The Tie Fighter has a broken door unfortunately, but it still lights up and makes the screeching noise. EV is one of the last 17, but one of those with a dodgy left arm that comes on and off. (Photos...
  4. C

    Hi There :)

    Good Morning, I was pointed in your direction as I have some Star Wars Vintage items to sell. I wasn't aware of this place at all, and just had a look and seems a very knowledgeable place. Thanks for having me 🙂
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