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  1. timbo72

    Snaketibe's Feedback

    Bought a few figures from this awesome guy. Great deal and fast postage. Won't hesitate to buy more items from this top fella
  2. timbo72

    Loose figures

  3. timbo72

    Loose figures

  4. timbo72

    Loose figures

    Oh and right hand weequay?
  5. timbo72

    Loose figures

    Awesome, how much for both pilots, top right Gam guard, left hand rancor keeper and left hand Lando?
  6. timbo72

    Loose figures

    Not looking for an R5, thanks for the heads up though
  7. timbo72

    Loose figures

    Not looking for
  8. timbo72

    Loose figures

    Gam guard, Bwing Pilot, weequay, lando, rancor keeper
  9. timbo72

    Loose figures

    Literally anything considered. Especially ROTJ
  10. timbo72

    Loose figures

    Wanted any loose complete/incomplete figures. Not bothered about condition so beaters welcome.
  11. timbo72

    Archived Loose figures - all sold

    If you still have Ree Yees and any of the Numbs. Could I please have a Numb and Ree Yees?
  12. timbo72

    EVERYTHING SOLD. #ALL REDUCED £2 FIGURES Large Lot Of Loose Figures For Sale

    Plus Ackbar 3, Reyes3, and squid 3
  13. timbo72

    EVERYTHING SOLD. #ALL REDUCED £2 FIGURES Large Lot Of Loose Figures For Sale

    Hey buddy, Please could I buy the Bwing Pilot and Rebel commando?
  14. timbo72

    Mint complete Bwing pilots

    Any loose, complete or incomplete. Beaters accepted
  15. timbo72

    Back from a long hiatus

    Unfortunately not 😕
  16. timbo72

    London comic con july

    I've got tickets for the Friday, unfortunately Ernie Hudson cancelled so my photo got cancelled Anyone going?
  17. timbo72

    Back from a long hiatus

    Just thought I'd say hello to everyone as I've been away for a good while. Hope everyone is good and hope I can contribute again
  18. timbo72

    Springsteen @Hyde park July

    Hey, just wondering if anyone here is going to see The Boss in Hyde Park? I'll be there hoping beer prices aren't too extortionate
  19. timbo72

    Mint complete Bwing pilots

    After a long break I'm looking for a couple of mint complete Bwing pilots. Hopefully someone might have some lying around?
  20. timbo72

    Latest Acquisitions

    Sweet Ackbar :D
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