Advice re fakes (ebay auction)


Sith Lord
Apr 4, 2012

I won an auction for some figures which had two light sabres for Luke Farmboy and Darth Vader. Upon receiving them today I could see straight off that they were fakes, the yellow one has paint flaking away and both of the sabres sink. The seller has just stated this: "My listing stated as much information as possible that i knew regarding the figures. I believe your reasons for opening a case against me is incorrect". Seeing as original sabres are worth about £10 each right, I thought that asking for a partial refund is fair?

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, please move if necessary!
Hmm, trying to reasonable; But I'll probably just see eBay/paypal siding with the seller this time!
I'd out the seller as well because if there are fakes with these figures then there are likely to be more with the rest of the ones he has up for sale
Make your complaint dude. No reason not to if you've received fake goods. We shouldn't put up with this ****
He may have stated that he gave as much info as he knew, but the fact is you bought them under the impression that they were real, they were not so he should just refund you the money once you've sent them back. I can't see how if you're not happy with the item and believe they are fakes that ebay wouldn't side with you mate.
Doomseeker said:
He may have stated that he gave as much info as he knew, but the fact is you bought them under the impression that they were real, they were not so he should just refund you the money once you've sent them back. I can't see how if you're not happy with the item and believe they are fakes that ebay wouldn't side with you mate.
If they are fake but stated as real then ebay will side with the buyer, not as described, I've never lost a case with a fake anyways.
I just always have the nagging suspicion that eBay hates me - too many bad experiences as a seller!

Well the case is open now so we'll see where it goes!
8) Keep us posted. There seems to be a lot of this 'i'm not sure if it's fake' Ebay listing going on. It's bollocks :evil:
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