Any valuable items, and suggestions on selling near Birmingham?


New member
Mar 10, 2025
Hi all,

my childhood collection, recently retrieved from my grandparents'. I recognise a lot is dirty/dusty/damaged etc. These were my childhood toys, and have been played with then left in boxes for decades.

Couple of questions:

Are there any specific items that are worth selling individually?
Does anyone know of any reputable stores/buyers near Birmingham that I can sell things to, in person? I'd rather that than the hassle of shipping?
Are there any other suggestions for selling?

Thanks in advance for your time!


Hi, nice childhood collection. You have several last 17 figures e.g. Lando General, Han Carbonite, Anakin + a couple of ewoks. Have you got a pic of the top of R2's dome? Could also be a last 17.

I would bunch these together and get all the matching accessories together for them e.g. Ewok hoods. Sell these as a separate lot on Ebay, then the rest together as a bigger lot.
Thanks all for the replies and suggestions. Couple of closer pics of R2 below, plus some other figures I'd got out and forgotten about. R2's head clicks when it moves, which I think it's meant to? I'm sure I had way more guns, staffs, sabers etc too, so I'm going to check they're not in a box somewhere.

I appreciate a shop will pay me a lot less, but for convenience of not having to ship etc (especially when they've been gathering dust for so long), I don't mind that. I'll get in touch with Rewind and see if they're interested.

Will try last 17 stuff on ebay.

Going to keep a couple of imperial guard, as they're my favourites. So many happy memories in here. I stopped playing with them in the 90s.


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