Get this guy on your eBay blocked list - discopoda


Grand Master
Sep 22, 2010
This guy left me a neg a couple of days ago - basically it read that the package was damaged in the post and one for the figures was broken.

Fair enough, but he never made any contact with me and hasn't replied to my offer of a refund (even though postage damage was obviously not my fault)

Don't understand why people do that - if you are not happy then ask for a resolution - don't just leave a negative (and ruin my 100% feedback in the process)

Get him on your blocked buyers list
Hi Iain thanks for the info sorry to hear that. Some idiot been a bastard by the looks of it.
Sorry to read this Iian and it must be really annoying. But you have nothing to worry about your an honest guy with a top reputation in the hobby, don't let aBay feedback get to you. Most descent people read between the lines anyway.
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