Hi all!


Apr 19, 2023
Hi all, I hope you've all had a great Xmas and wish you all, all the best for 2024 also!

Just thought I'd chime in with a quick introduction. My names Rob and I'm 45 and like many of you here, I dipped my toe into the OT in the early 80s starting with ROTJ carded figures as obviously my age meant I wasn't around for SW and didn't really know much about ESB being 3ish at the time!

Also like many of you, I was seduced by the zx spectrum and that saw the end of Star Wars figures for me sadly and a steady progression into consoles etc. My poor figures likely being sold for a pittance to fund a few sub par spectrum titles or the like. All I have left of my childhood 'collection' is a few grainy photos that have recently come to light of my brother and I playing in the snow in my nans back garden. It's hard to make out anything really but somehow they seem precious to me!

Anyhow, not to bore you and to come right up to date, my meagre current collection is roughly 4-5 years in the making and is my third time around collecting vintage SW figures after briefly dabbling with MOCs in the mid 90s. I remember thinking the MOC's were unsustainable though on my then apprentice wages after shelling out £15 for a carded biker scout (what was I thinking?!).

This time feels a lot more organic though due to the current prices and also a lot more enjoyable as a result. With the exception of the odd flurry of activity from time to time, it's pretty much an 'as and when' collection. My current focus is to try and obtain a full loose collection. If I could achieve that, I'd be very happy. I also try to get the odd item of interest along the way like the odd cardback, or an emperor mailer or the like.

I've been listening to the rebel alliance podcast and perusing these pages for the last year or so and thought I'd now pluck up the courage to say hello!

Thanks for having me!
Ahh, the Spectrum, football, music and girls had a lot to answer for, back in the 80's!

Nice to have you aboard, Rob. Would be great to see your collection and your childhood photos- get a Vintage Showcase thread started...
Thanks guys, very much appreciated. I don't have my own space as such so I have some on the shelf in the back of my wardrobe, a few 12/SW cardbacks in GW cases in another cupboard, my falcon, AT AT and a couple of other bits in the loft, boxed sbowspeeder under my bed………

One day I'll have that space, but until then I'll keep on buying and enjoying it.

Here's a few of the guys kicking about, have others sat with my friend in the US and a few more sat with a friend around the corner. I'm a long way off and I can't afford the high end stuff (hence the cardback displays) but I love what I have and I'm happy with it


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Hi Rob,

Welcome to the forum. Thanks for the great introduction and terrific photos! I hope you stick around and enjoy it here. There's an awful lot of knowledge to be found here and the regulars are very friendly, so if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask :)

Thanks for the warm welcome all. I have to be honest, I was naturally a little apprehensive introducing myself, as having seen the calibre of some of the members collections on here and having heard about the level of some of the pick ups on 'the vintage rebellion', you realise there's some heavy hitters on here! Thanks again all!
Hi @aj23fan great to read your back story on vintage Star Wars and great collection you have. Thanks for contributing. There are some big hitters out there but this forum has never been a dick swinging platform. Happy new year and I look forward to your future collection updates.
Welcome onboard. There's no judgement on here, a collection is a very personal thing and people have more important stuff to spend money on. Three beaters are as good as three perfect vinyl caped Jawa's. It's not a cock measuring contest.

Although, if your three beaters are Ewoks and you think they are the best, I would question your sanity lol
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