New Collection Room


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
As you've probably noticed I haven't posted anything in this section for a long time, the main reason for that was when my first son was born I had to give up my 'office' for it to be his bedroom. So for nearly four years my entire collection was boxed up in various cupboards around the house.

Late last year we finally moved to a bigger house, so I once again have my own small room for work and also my collection. Great I thought, I'll have everything on display! I soon realised that I have way too much stuff to get even a fraction of it on display, without making the room look like a toy shop (after all I have to use it for work video calls!)

So after much thinking I decided that rather than have all of one thing on display, I would choose a handful of my favourite items from each collection to put on display. It was really tough choosing what to put out and what to leave packed away, I wish there was room for some of my boxed vehicles/playsets or consoles but they are just too big.

Anyway, here's what I have decided on:

Top two rows: my favourite MOCs, the iconic 'first 12' on Trilogo cards, and then some of my favourite Luke's.

Next three rows: a small selection of my Nintendo and Sega games, some Star Wars but also other big titles for the SNES, Game Boy, Mega CD, Game Gear and Saturn.

Bottom three rows: my Mega Drive and Master system games. I really wanted to have all of my MD games on shelves as I have over 100, but it would have taken up the entire bookcase! So I have doubled up the bottom two rows just to save some cupboard space.

Opposite shelves: A small selection of my favourite PC and Amiga games, and also my Grandad's Stephenson's Rocket which I have posted before. He worked for Hornby in the 70s/80s and the middle 'tender' is hand made out of wood, the prototype for the production plastic one.

And finally, some of my games consoles. The B&O TV was under £100 on eBay and has an excellent picture for retro games.

I hope you like it, it's not the biggest collection and a lot of it is still boxed up, but I'm very pleased to at least now be able to see some of it rather than having the whole lot hidden away :)
That's the way to do it. Looks great- really love the games. Do you still have the 30-bk Luke Bespin?
That's the way to do it. Looks great- really love the games. Do you still have the 30-bk Luke Bespin?
I do, that was one of the tough choices, the Kenner 31 back just edged it because of the clear bubble (even though it has a price sticker) I would love to have so many more out!
You have some stunning MOCs in great condition there Edd, and then casually placed a major character proof card!
Nice set up Edd, have any of your Sega games got a store label on the back ?


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Nice Edd and picking a selection of highlights from your collection is definitely the way to go to stop the toy clutter (I haven't had quite as much luck with displaying my collection and have rammed the space I have lol!).

You can always have a change around from time to time as well and rotation has been the one thing that I've enjoyed myself over the years.

I've had a bit of a change around, I decided to put away all my USA SNES games and put the PAL ones out instead, as the colourful boxes make it look more interesting. I also added some new things I've picked up this year including a small collection of Japanese Neo Geo games, which is what I'm currently hunting down! Sorry for the bad photo, it's hard to get a good one because of where the desk is.

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