Princess Leia Organa Figure, COO reference guide NEW UPDATES: 17/11/17


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
Princess Leia Organa, COO reference guide:


Again I, decided to help Jeff. So here is one of many guides. I never had Princess Leia Organa when I was a kid. I remember I wanted that figure
so much but I never got her, if I remember correct then it was not easy to find her in the stores :(

If anyone has any other variants to add, please feel free to update the reference guide. All help appreciated.

Princess Leia Organa can be found on many cards :D

Before I learned about variants I thought there was only one COO variant of this figure :lol:

The force is strong with leia, but she do not know it :lol:
Hello, hello. Thought I'd introduce myself by way of helping to update this section with what is becoming my personal obsession. I'm also posting pics detailing cape textures, blasters, and paint. These figures were purchased loose, so I am hoping that I can find some verification that the accessories are matched up correctly.

First up is my own No COO



Detail of interior cape cross-hatch pattern

Details of exterior horizontal line pattern

Solid dark blue blaster




Exterior cape detail - smooth texture

Interior cape detail - smooth texture

Semi-translucent dark blue blaster




Exterior detail of cape - smooth

Interior detail of cape - cross-hatch pattern

Semi-translucent green blaster




Exterior cape detail - fine, rough grain

Interior cape detail - horizontal line patter, smooth grain

Semi-translucent blue/black blaster

Calrissian_Charm said:

Thanks for helping with the thread, it is hard for me to find time to work on the threads at the moment. It is great to see another member helping with the thread, thanks :D
Calrissian_Charm said:
No problem, I love doing this stuff :D

Nice, the first one, your no coo must be the one sold on tri-logo :wink: I have found a few of them with cardbacks in childhood lots.

I have a no zip sound leia cape that confuse me, maybe you can help me with ID it if it is real or fake ?
I'd say first that I'm not an expert, but I can give my opinion and tell you what I know. I have two Leias with "no zip" capes. The first is the Taiwan, which is well documented. The other is a Hong Kong COO. It's in the pictures I posted. I believe it to be authentic mainly because of the discoloration on the back. It's slightly but noticeably yellow as if from sun or simply age, like a couple other Leia capes I have that do have the crosshatch pattern. I also trust the seller who said he was selling his Early Bird set from when he was a kid. He had already sold the Luke, and so I bought the Artoo, Chewbacca, and Leia. The Artoo was the dark blue variation, and Chewbacca came with the infamous green bowcaster. Not conclusive, but a point in a good direction. I'd also note the fact that both Vader and Ben also come with "zip" and "no zip" capes. Now, I do have a Hong Kong Leia with a zipping cape, but the COO is smaller and higher on her leg. She also has black hair/belt. I got this after the pics I posted. To compare, the "no zip" HK Leia has brown hair/belt. I hope that info helps.
Calrissian_Charm said:
I'd say first that I'm not an expert, but I can give my opinion and tell you what I know. I have two Leias with "no zip" capes. The first is the Taiwan, which is well documented. The other is a Hong Kong COO. It's in the pictures I posted. I believe it to be authentic mainly because of the discoloration on the back. It's slightly but noticeably yellow as if from sun or simply age, like a couple other Leia capes I have that do have the crosshatch pattern. I also trust the seller who said he was selling his Early Bird set from when he was a kid. He had already sold the Luke, and so I bought the Artoo, Chewbacca, and Leia. The Artoo was the dark blue variation, and Chewbacca came with the infamous green bowcaster. Not conclusive, but a point in a good direction. I'd also note the fact that both Vader and Ben also come with "zip" and "no zip" capes. Now, I do have a Hong Kong Leia with a zipping cape, but the COO is smaller and higher on her leg. She also has black hair/belt. I got this after the pics I posted. To compare, the "no zip" HK Leia has brown hair/belt. I hope that info helps.

I am also not an expert :D but after collecting in 17 years then I have learned something :lol: Nice a ben with no zip, I did not know that :shock:
I always find the zip capes in childhood lots :roll: Never the no zip cape :(

I will try to find some time to upload the rest of my leia variants so we can compare variants of figures, capes and weapons :D

Here is 2 pictures of the no zip cape that confuse me. Let me know what you think or if you need better pictures ? :D


The cut of your cape looks almost identical to my HK brown hair/belt Leia, right down to the clipped corner.

This is the front of my cape. It's tough to see, but the yellowing follows the line of the back and doesn't extend to the side. So only on the part most exposed.

Calrissian_Charm said:
The cut of your cape looks almost identical to my HK brown hair/belt Leia, right down to the clipped corner.

This is the front of my cape. It's tough to see, but the yellowing follows the line of the back and doesn't extend to the side. So only on the part most exposed.


Nice, so you don't think it is a cape for the Taiwan ? I never thought the no zip was sold on Hong Kong ? :?
No, the Taiwan capes are very thin, and one has a horizontal line pattern. This cape is thick but flexible. Like I said, the aging give points for authenticity, and I would also expect if it is a repro, we would find it on a variety of different Leia figures, which is why I ask, what color hair and belt does your Leai have, and what's her COO stamp look like? If ours match, it's another good point for authenticity.

Honestly, we'll never be positive unless someone pulls one of a card or out of a baggie, but we can make a reasonable conclusion
Calrissian_Charm said:
No, the Taiwan capes are very thin, and one has a horizontal line pattern. This cape is thick but flexible. Like I said, the aging give points for authenticity, and I would also expect if it is a repro, we would find it on a variety of different Leia figures, which is why I ask, what color hair and belt does your Leai have, and what's her COO stamp look like? If ours match, it's another good point for authenticity.

Honestly, we'll never be positive unless someone pulls one of a card or out of a baggie, but we can make a reasonable conclusion

I got it with a Hong Kong Leia. I bought it with 2 other capes from another collector who also collect variants. He was sure they all were original.
But not sure if they were on the correct figure variants. All 3 have no zip sound, the vader I later learned was a lili ledy, the leia still confuse me and then there is a tusken raider that confuse me very much :? But I can upload pictures of my other figures to compare capes, weapons and figure variants with you :D
Here is some pictures of the leia that I got with the no zip sound cape.
The cape on the figure is not the zip sound cape, I removed it because I was not sure if it was real :?


Well, it wasnt that easy. I have this Leia too, but she came with a zip cape, but I would mention that the texture is so fine that I thought at first it didnt. In fact, it didnt zip from my fingernail, but did with my fingertip.

I'm happy to compare notes on figures and accessories :D
Calrissian_Charm said:
Well, it wasnt that easy. I have this Leia too, but she came with a zip cape, but I would mention that the texture is so fine that I thought at first it didnt. In fact, it didnt zip from my fingernail, but did with my fingertip.

I'm happy to compare notes on figures and accessories :D

Thanks I never thought about that, I will try my fingertip :lol: Nice I will upload some more pictures soon :D
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