Retro Collection A New Hope Wave 2


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
Anyone know where you can buy this yet? Still struggling to find it anywhere in the UK. The US Disney Store has it for pre-order, but would make more sense to buy it here!
I am talking about the set with R2, 3PO, Ben, Jawa etc
Hi Edd, I thought this was a Hasbro Pulse exclusive, and if so it's sold out.😔
Release date is 28.8.23 so all I can recommend is watch FB or eBay after that date.
Think the pre order sets will be delivered in August, you'll have to hope for a restock or buy on the secondary market
I thought these had been released already as there are loads for sale on eBay. I picked one up a while back but people are asking a lot for them.

Interesting you say that they're not due for release until August and maybe they will then be at a more reasonable price. I wouldn't mind a Yak Face myself from the next wave but can imagine that one always being at a high price.

Been unable to find this and the rotj multipack in stock on ukhasbropulse. Seems scalpers have bought them all up as they are at least double on ebay.

Anybody managed to find these elsewhere?
I bought some from Disney this summer. I shamelessly flipped them, as I needed to pay for a Legacy lightsaber... They had loads in the Tatooine Traders store in Hollywood Studios and the Star Wars stores in Disney Springs. They worked out at £75 ea. Didn't see the ROTJ ones though.

Shame it's so hard to find current figures over here- don't get the marketing, but Kenner/Hasbro have been doing this since the 90's with various waves of POTF2 taking ages to make it over here and only having the same old figures available, when the US was getting loads of new ones. Then, as a result, figures sat on the shelves unsold, so they thought SW wasn't selling. I worked in a toy shop for a while at this time and remember literally having loads of Luke, LXW and Luke Dagobah. That's all we had for months and we kept asking for the new waves of figures and they just kept offering loads of Lukes. Eventually, we got a couple of cases with Gammy Guard etc in and they sold out instantly. So frustrating!
this doesn't need a new thread but very cool digital retro collection poster popped up on JediTemple.

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