Value of old figures


New member
Jan 16, 2025

Found my old SW figures which been in storeage for ages and looking for some valuations, as I have no clue what things are worth..

Unfortunately some are abit worn from the old days but curious on value


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Welcome along
You'll want a few opinions on value and it's well worth checking out the 'sold' price on eBay and places. But
Figure wise, from what I can tell (photos) they look in pretty good nick and there are a few last 17 figures in there: Yakface, Amanaman & Romba. There are some other nice figures there, Luke Bespin, Boba Fest, are the 3PO & R2 solid versions (first 12)?

The last 17 figures are worth the most, assuming you have the weapons to go with them, maybe 150 each for Amanaman and Romba, give or take, Yak Face could go as high as 300 - with weapons... without obviously less.

A few of the other figures, the Lukes, Han's Leia's, Yoda with weapons maybe 40 each, Bespin Luke can go for a bit more - again without weapons a lot less.

The other figures, troopers and the like drop down to maybe 20ish give or take...

The TaunTaun look pretty beat up - not much value there, maybe 10/15

The carry case is nice, but a bit beat up.

The X-Wing has seen better days, but it is the electric version and has the stickers there (always fun) but hard to say, maybe 40ish?

The AT-ST and the Transporter look ok (do the electrics work on the transporter) - maybe 40+ Transporter I think maybe a bit more. Maybe 25/30 for the mini rigs. The Hoth playset, if complete maybe 80ish

The Sandcrawler is the maybe the big ticket item you have there - it looks like the remote control toy - if so if it is complete with the controller easily 500-600+ even without you should get 300+

These are all just opinions but as a lot maybe something in the range of:
Figures: 900ish
Vehicles: 500ish
so overall 1400 - 1600

The problem with selling though is bulk/lot sale v's individual items. You won't get top dollar if you sell as a lot, for the most part folks that buy lots are dealers so they will only offer a 3rd of the value as they mostly look for a 3-1 return on their purchase price. Individual sales will get you the most, but, that is a lot more work and you'll find the higher ticket items sell fast and you can be left with things that don't shift.

You could try shops that will sell on your behalf (again they take a percentage) or auction houses like Vectis. Or forum sales like here. I am sure those last 17 and that Sandcrawler will be of interest to people :)

hopefully others offer an opinion, the more views you get the better and do research before selling. One last view is don't sell, get the bug and start collecting :)
Great advice above!

If you decide to sell, make sure you are 100% prepared to part with this piece of your childhood. Maybe keep a couple of your favourite figures? So many people sell their childhood figures and REALLY regret it later.

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