For those who said they wouldn't go and see TRS

If you originally said you would not go and see TRS, did you change your mind?

  • Yes, curiosity won me over.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Yes, I was always going to, saying I wouldn't was just cos I was annoyed with TLJ.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, but I might yet.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No, and I doubt I will.

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
As the title says, for those amongst us who said they wouldn't go and see Episode 9 aka TRS, who relented in the end and who didn't?

I'm in the bottom category. :?


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
So you still havn't seen Solo or TROS? :shock:

I'm suprised as surely you must think nothing can be as bad as TLJ.


Jedi Knight
Feb 18, 2019
I watched most of it via err..... alternative methods.

It sucked.



Jedi Master
Mar 16, 2017
Before its release I had decided with 99% certainty I wasn't going to see it. Once it came out it was getting such varied reviews and two friends whose opinions I trusted said it wasn't as bad as TLJ convinced me enough to cave in and go and see it. It was a case of morbid curiosity really, like driving past a car crash and not being able to not look. Was I glad I saw it? With hind sight I really feel I could have gone without it and not missed much at all. It was a bloody mess and whether you like Eps 7-9 or not, calling it a "trilogy" is pushing it. A trilogy is a set of three cohesive films telling a larger story in 3 parts. Eps 7-9 do not do that. They feel like big budget fan films made completely independently from one another. They look like Star Wars but are severely lacking in story, plot and character arcs. But I give them credit for making me appreciate the prequels far more now.


Sith Lord
Apr 27, 2014
I haven't seen TRS, not out of any spite or boycott, I just don't find the characters or story in any way entertaining so I had no interest or excitement to watch it at the cinema.

I do have a curiosity though so will probably download it when I have an opportunity but there's a lot of other recent films I will prioritise first.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
theforceuk said:
So you still havn't seen Solo or TROS? :shock:

I'm suprised as surely you must think nothing can be as bad as TLJ.

True, I'm not sure how it would be possible to out do TLJ in terms of utter dreadfulness (is that a word?). Solo I may watch some day. I just think if I watch TROS and it's bad, albeit I'm not expecting as bad as TLJ, it will probably kill SW for me. I'll not being to watch the original trilogy without thinking of the abominations that followed. Whereas, ATM I can still watch them and say it was just TLJ and yer man Johnson that was a **** up. Granted the prequels are kack but they are aimed squarely at kids. The new films are aimed at a wider audience.


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
weasel said:
theforceuk said:
So you still havn't seen Solo or TROS? :shock:

I'm suprised as surely you must think nothing can be as bad as TLJ.

True, I'm not sure how it would be possible to out do TLJ in terms of utter dreadfulness (is that a word?). Solo I may watch some day. I just think if I watch TROS and it's bad, albeit I'm not expecting as bad as TLJ, it will probably kill SW for me. I'll not being to watch the original trilogy without thinking of the abominations that followed. Whereas, ATM I can still watch them and say it was just TLJ and yer man Johnson that was a **** up. Granted the prequels are kack but they are aimed squarely at kids. The new films are aimed at a wider audience.

I wouldn't like to say what you will think of TROS, it's 50/50 if I was giving odds. I'm not even sure if you would like Solo.

One thing I have never understood is when people say all these other films have spoiled the origional trilogy for them. I don't get that at all, no matter what happens nothing can spoil those 3 films for me and when ever I go back to them it still feels like watching them back in the day and what ever happens that story will always stand alone.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
theforceuk said:
weasel said:
theforceuk said:
So you still havn't seen Solo or TROS? :shock:

I'm suprised as surely you must think nothing can be as bad as TLJ.

True, I'm not sure how it would be possible to out do TLJ in terms of utter dreadfulness (is that a word?). Solo I may watch some day. I just think if I watch TROS and it's bad, albeit I'm not expecting as bad as TLJ, it will probably kill SW for me. I'll not being to watch the original trilogy without thinking of the abominations that followed. Whereas, ATM I can still watch them and say it was just TLJ and yer man Johnson that was a **** up. Granted the prequels are kack but they are aimed squarely at kids. The new films are aimed at a wider audience.

I wouldn't like to say what you will think of TROS, it's 50/50 if I was giving odds. I'm not even sure if you would like Solo.

One thing I have never understood is when people say all these other films have spoiled the origional trilogy for them. I don't get that at all, no matter what happens nothing can spoil those 3 films for me and when ever I go back to them it still feels like watching them back in the day and what ever happens that story will always stand alone.

If I watched TROS and it was dreadful every time I put on one of the OT I would just be reminded what a complete **** up Lucas and Disney made of the franchise after the 1st three films and that would piss me off. That's what I mean, more than I would dislike the OT.


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
Yeah I can see that, but still the origional trilogy takes me back to the 80's as soon as I put any of them on. So the rest to me is just add ons that are completely seperate films in my head.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
I haven't actually watched the OT in years, don't get a free couple of hours any more.


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
weasel said:
I haven't actually watched the OT in years, don't get a free couple of hours any more.

I'm sure your son will want to watch them soon, my son watches them more than me now. I have loved watching them again with both my children, it's the closest you will ever get to watching them for the first time again.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Oh aye. He doesn't get a choice in watching them. Along with all the cartoons I watched as kid. Though not He-Man. I rewatched that a few yrs ago, dear god. It is VERY different to how I remember it.


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
weasel said:
Oh aye. He doesn't get a choice in watching them. Along with all the cartoons I watched as kid. Though not He-Man. I rewatched that a few yrs ago, dear god. It is VERY different to how I remember it.

:lol: :lol:
Yes the original He-Man is pretty bad I have to agree. I watched the newer version the other day and that was alright. He-man Origins on YouTube, a lot better.

The A-Team is another one which is pretty bad.


Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
I have resisted posting my thoughts about TROS in these threads until the right thread came along... and it now has!

I said I would not see TROS after the inexcusable abomination of TLJ, and I have stuck to my word. I initially enjoyed TFA as far as it went, but was always very conscious of its not inconsiderable faults, and like many fans, was hoping Episode VIII would make amends... Well, we all know how that turned out!

Words cannot adequately express how much I detest and despise TLJ, Ruin Johnson and that talentless hack Kathleen Kennedy for allowing the franchise to be destroyed in the way that it has. Disney bought the goose that laid the golden eggs, but then set about ruthlessly butchering it and then burning its still twitching corpse.

I will never forgive those responsible for making TLJ, a film which also made TFA a far shitter film in retrospect. And on absolute principle therefore, I refused to hand Disney any more of my money to see TROS as a direct consequence, since they have done nothing to deserve it and everything to earn my contempt and loathing. Out of morbid curiosity, I have watched the trailers for TROS and also read / watched numerous reviews and synopses of the film, and it sounds like a complete dumpster fire. I'm sure JJ probably tried his best with the burning remains of a dog turd left to him by Ruin, but that doesn't mean TROS is any good. Obviously there are those fans that have liked it (and kudos to them for managing that), but the consensus seems to be that it's merely an OK film at best, but canonically ludicrous as a supposed entry into the Star Wars episodic saga.

So no, I haven't seen TROS and don't intend to. I will never EVER pollute my eyes by watching TLJ ever again, but I'm certainly not allowing that to dampen my love of Star Wars. The OT will always be there, and although I'll never truly love them (but I don't hate them either), so will the prequels, and nothing Disney have curled out since will ever change that. With the freakish fluke exception of 'Rogue One', which was presumably sheer luck on Disney's part since it's actually a brilliant SW film, I am happy to ignore all of their other cinematic efforts (I'm kind of on the fence about 'Solo', as I actually quite enjoyed it as far as it went, but it wasn't really good enough to deserve the SW label either), and instead I regard the Expanded Universe novels as canon, as Lucas always intended them to be until he decided he wanted $4 billion instead.

I therefore now regard episodes VII - IX in exactly the same way that I view Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, Prometheus and Alien Covenant. Spectacularly non-canonical, nonsensical, intelligence-insulting steaming turds of sequels will not be allowed to spoil my enjoyment of the solid gold which came before them. Luke formed his Jedi Academy and is still very much alive and well in the EU novels and my head canon, just as Ripley, Newt, Hicks and the remains of Bishop made it safely back to Earth on board the Sulaco, and didn't all die needless, pointless, disappointing, stupid deaths as a result of an impossible egg AND queen facehugger magically teleporting aboard ship :)


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Snaketibe said:
I have resisted posting my thoughts about TROS in these threads until the right thread came along... and it now has!

I said I would not see TROS after the inexcusable abomination of TLJ, and I have stuck to my word. I initially enjoyed TFA as far as it went, but was always very conscious of its not inconsiderable faults, and like many fans, was hoping Episode VIII would make amends... Well, we all know how that turned out!

Words cannot adequately express how much I detest and despise TLJ, Ruin Johnson and that talentless hack Kathleen Kennedy for allowing the franchise to be destroyed in the way that it has. Disney bought the goose that laid the golden eggs, but then set about ruthlessly butchering it and then burning its still twitching corpse.

I will never forgive those responsible for making TLJ, a film which also made TFA a far shitter film in retrospect. And on absolute principle therefore, I refused to hand Disney any more of my money to see TROS as a direct consequence, since they have done nothing to deserve it and everything to earn my contempt and loathing. Out of morbid curiosity, I have watched the trailers for TROS and also read / watched numerous reviews and synopses of the film, and it sounds like a complete dumpster fire. I'm sure JJ probably tried his best with the burning remains of a dog turd left to him by Ruin, but that doesn't mean TROS is any good. Obviously there are those fans that have liked it (and kudos to them for managing that), but the consensus seems to be that it's merely an OK film at best, but canonically ludicrous as a supposed entry into the Star Wars episodic saga.

So no, I haven't seen TROS and don't intend to. I will never EVER pollute my eyes by watching TLJ ever again, but I'm certainly not allowing that to dampen my love of Star Wars. The OT will always be there, and although I'll never truly love them (but I don't hate them either), so will the prequels, and nothing Disney have curled out since will ever change that. With the freakish fluke exception of 'Rogue One', which was presumably sheer luck on Disney's part since it's actually a brilliant SW film, I am happy to ignore all of their other cinematic efforts (I'm kind of on the fence about 'Solo', as I actually quite enjoyed it as far as it went, but it wasn't really good enough to deserve the SW label either), and instead I regard the Expanded Universe novels as canon, as Lucas always intended them to be until he decided he wanted $4 billion instead.

I therefore now regard episodes VII - IX in exactly the same way that I view Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, Prometheus and Alien Covenant. Spectacularly non-canonical, nonsensical, intelligence-insulting steaming turds of sequels will not be allowed to spoil my enjoyment of the solid gold which came before them. Luke formed his Jedi Academy and is still very much alive and well in the EU novels and my head canon, just as Ripley, Newt, Hicks and the remains of Bishop made it safely back to Earth on board the Sulaco, and didn't all die needless, pointless, disappointing, stupid deaths as a result of an impossible egg AND queen facehugger magically teleporting aboard ship :) could be tempted then!? :lol:
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