!!SPOILERS!! The Mandalorian Spoilers Allowed Discussion Thread

That explains it! Still think they should've gone for a head squish though :lol:

Forgot to say- absolutely loved the appearance of X-Wings (piloted by 3 of the directors!) 8)
I think it was a nice twist to discover Mando had just locked them up, rather than kill them. Which is what was implied and what we probably all thought when he said 'they got what they deserved'. This episode really showed why he's considered to be one of the best; cool, calm, professional and doesn't take it personally. Great to some tidbits of the New Republic too. Whilst I agree that the first three are still the strongest episodes, I'm still loving this. My only real gripe was hearing Richard Ayoade voice Zero. All I could hear was Moss from The IT Crowd. I would rather they stay away from so many known faces and voices. That said, Nolte doing the voice of Kuiil is still outstanding. I have spoken! :D

I think the final chapters might take it up a notch. With only two left we've yet to see Moff Gideon and the showdown with him and his Deathtroopers against Mando we've seen in the trailers. Also the biker scouts and speeder bikes are yet to make their appearance. My guess is those remnants of the Empire, the guys after The Child working with Werner Herzog's character, finally catch up with Mando for some quality actions scenes.
Another great episode, one of the best for me. I liked the casting, the different aliens making up the crew. I also thought it was one of the funniest. Bill Burr nailed it. The Droid Zero (?) looked like the prototype Death Star Droid by Kenner. Also, the survalence robots in the republic ship looked like one of the droids the Jawas have in front of the Sandcrawler in ANH. This show is great.

I don't think the baby Yoda story is finishing any time soon. This is what the show is, Mando surviving, getting money, moving on and protecting it. Without the baby what is it? Obviously the last two episodes will have some conclusion, but it's going to be set up for season 2 so expect a cliffhanger. What's the one thing to make you desperate to see season 2 - baby Yoda getting kidnapped?
Besides seeing IG11 in a previous episode, chapter 6 knocked it out the ball park for me! If i had 1 gripe it was Zero. **** droid, **** voice. Just didnt appeal to me. Most intelligent in the party but sees the child to exploit, grabs a gun but cant find it! Anyhows, 2 to go. From everyones expectations in the last couple of posts, theyre gonna have to cram this **** in somehow unless the last chapter, which is after Rise of Skywalkers release, is a longer effort like the 1st chapter was?...
This is going to be the first season of a few imo. I'd rather them take their time and not rush everything into two episodes. I imagine that there is likely to be some sort of tie in with TROS, maybe baby Yoda kicks the **** out of the Emperor?
I thought this was a pretty rare Easter egg


Dantooine said:
Maybe they've all bee locked up in space prison. Maybe baby Yoda has already done porridge!

Baby Borstal has definitely done an 8, and used his mind powers to sniff out the nonces and the grasses on his block. That's why he wouldn't step foot on that prison ship, too many bad memories.

For me that prison was way too clean. Looking at that photo above it's a long way from the used universe. Needed a Baby Yoda dirty protest to bring it into line, they should have had him whip off his nappy and get busy with it.
Oh my ****ing god! Chapter 7 is the best yet. Tension, suspense, fan service, great character development, pace, dialogue!!! I'm blown away with this and a proper cliff hanger going into the series finale.

This episode was directed by Deborah Chow again and I have to say, she's one talented lady. With her directing the Obi-Wan series I think it is in very. very safe hands.

Disney, please just put Favreau, Filoni, and Chow in charge of all future Star Wars and you will not go wrong. **** TROS, this is Star Wars!!! :D
I have spoken.jpg
Agree 100%. That episode kicks ass! By far the best of the series to date, and it leaves me itching to see episode 8! This is how Star Wars can be made if those responsible are both knowledgeable, talented and respectful of what's gone before. It's simply superb.
Great episode, the troop transporter was so cool!
Do you think they'll blast their way out or will it be iggy to the rescue?
I have a hunch that we may get to see another 'This is the way' moment in the finale. Werner Hertzog, aka The Client, eluded to this when he taunted the Mando about his beskar armour and how it's s shame there aren't any of the the Mandalorian artisans left to best manipulate the beskar metal. It'd be awesome to see the Mandos descend on Moff Gideon and his troops representing an act of retaliation against what the Empire did to Mandalore. I can't see IG-11 by himself being enough to shift the tide. Or perhaps the remaining Guild members come to the rescue, although they're aren't best of friends with Mando. God damn it's going to be a long week! :lol:
I think as the biker scout's have acquired The child once he is bought into to this stand off some force powers will be used to help get them out either way what a great episode loved every minute of it. Roll on the last episode.
My guess is that our friend the ugnaught, Kuiil, is not dead and will fly IG-11 into town in the Razor Crest, dropping the droid into the mix whilst raking the Imperials with fire from above. Hopefully the Child can lend a Force hand somewhere along the line too as Mando, Cara and Greef blast their way out! :-D
Amazing episode again! The Imperial Troop Transporter making an appearance was the icing on the cake.
As for the final episode I don't think the Mandalorians will make another appearance as they've had to move their base. Pretty sure we will see IG-11 as why else did they have a long flashback to him being reprogrammed. Hopefully IG-11 will become a mainstay of season 2 and Mando will get over his Droid thing.

Very sad about Kuiil, loved the character, Nick Nolte was excellent.
Dantooine said:
Very sad about Kuiil, loved the character, Nick Nolte was excellent.

I am hoping he is just wounded and makes a return I had completely forgotten about the imperial troop transport another great insert into the episode making it feel like the star wars universe.
What a finale...

Some kicking ass action... said goodbye to another character... face unveiling, an e-web cannon coming into play... and a 'new' lightsabre...

Defo leaving it open for season 2.
Fantastic finale. Loved every second of that.
Great mixture of action and emotion.
There was some satisfying setup & payoff for a change. Take note Johnson/Abrams.
The series has had a few so-so episodes, but has been streets ahead of anything the ST has produced.

Just knew Moff Gideon was going to survive. I nearly had a nerdgasm when he drew the Darksaber.
Can't wait for Season 2.

If Kennedy doesn't give Favreau & Filoni a big screen SW opportunity, she needs butt-****ing with a banjo.
Agreed, that was a superb final episode! It makes me both happy and sad to see it end; happy because we have been given 8 fantastic episodes of true Star Wars content, but sad not just to see it end so soon, but also when I think about the sequel trilogy of films that could have been if someone like Jon Favreau had been put in charge of it. I get that there are fans of the Disney ST films, but even the most die-hard supporter of them has to recognize that a very significant proportion of the fan base can't stand them. Disney have fractured the fan base in a way that the prequels never came close to managing, not because those films are universally loved, but rather because the majority of fans hold broadly the same opinions about them, and few if any fans felt betrayed by them.

By contrast, the ST has polarised opinion and driven an unwelcome wedge between opposing groups of fans, as well as between Lucasfilm management and those copious fans that dislike the new films. Again however, by contrast the ratio of likers to dislikers of 'The Mandalorian' kicks the **** out of the same ratio for the ST. This means that a far greater proportion of Star Wars fans would have been happy with the end result if Disney had entrusted the writing and direction of the ST films to a Favreau or Filoni.

Oh what might have been... :(
Great ending to the series, great set up for season two. It was... great!

As far as the films, just because this series works it's no guarantee that Faverau would do the same with the films. He said in an interview that with Star Wars he wanted to tell a smaller story like ANH and tv is perfect for that. If it's a movie they can get too big and overblown.

For instance, in this episode the Biker Scout punching the bag with baby Yoda in it got more of a reaction out of me than the whole of the ending of Rise of Skywalker. The Sith thing, what do I care, it's meaningless. A cute little fella getting hurt and I'm triggered.

The only episode I didn't like in this whole series was 4, it was a bit generic and sappy. Other than that, amazing, easily the best SW stuff since 1983. The VPN was worth every penny. Bring on season 2.
Just watched episode 8 Mandalorian and it is great like every thing on the Mandalorian. No big screen movies please, just these series. So they can respond to the solid SW fanbase in a proper way. Still haven't watched TROS and I really don't care about it. Hope they will also make Kenobi. Looking forward to it... :D
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