A little help please

There is no try

Oct 27, 2018
Hi all,
Came across this site whilst trying to do a bit of research and you seem a nice bunch....
Looking for a bit of advice re selling some figures.
Long story short is that we came in to some figures a few months ago from a work friend of my Mum who heard how much my boy loves Star Wars and gave us a box of old figures.
Sorting through them it seems that there are a few of the last 17 without accessories but otherwise in good nick.
Her view was that they should be played with but given my boy isn't going to be too bothered about Yak Face etc my plan is to monetise some of the valuable ones and give the money to my Mum's friend or donate to a charity of her choice.
I've sat on these for over six months now - does anyone know of any purchasers in the London area that I could have an honest chat with about coming to a fair price?
I'm eBay naive - have bought on there but never sold so an apprehensive about getting stung on there. Reading through the various advice pages on here I understand that individually selling will raise more money so would if it meant low hassle from my perspective but would also like to get it all done.
As mentioned, only really looking to sell the ones of any value as the rest will (are) getting played with.
Here's a picture of the lot we were given with the last 17 ones at the bottom. The pic isn't great quality as just taken at night but hopefully it helps showing all.
Are there any others apart from those last 17 worth selling?
Appreciate the help,


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Nice collection. Just for the Last 17 figures looks around £450 there alone, some others are worth selling Jawas sell for good money, the R5D4 is nice condition can sell for £30 if its a red bar your looking at £100 +, ones with capes, coats etc always get fair price. Selling on here is an option people are honest and don't rip you off.
You could sell on here with minimal hassle. With regards to value of the other, non last 17, figures the vast majority are under £10.

I don't see £600 in last 17, even if you got £200 for Yak the rest are only about another £2-250 with no accessories.

R2, R5, Jawa, Boba Fett, Ben Kenobi, Luke Skywalker and Leia Bespin may all be around £15 assuming they are not variants like the red bar R5 mentioned already.
So it sounds like your doing the right thing here if your going to monetise the valuable figure s and do what you say with the funds and keep the rest for your lad.

I would suggest with a little bit of research, you can pop the valuable pieces on eBay and see how things go, and keep the rest.
To be able to give an accurate valuation better pictures would help.
I would like to see close up pictures of the R2, Leia Hoth, Yoda and the Fett if possible.
lejackal said:
You could sell on here with minimal hassle. With regards to value of the other, non last 17, figures the vast majority are under £10.

I don't see £600 in last 17, even if you got £200 for Yak the rest are only about another £2-250 with no accessories.

R2, R5, Jawa, Boba Fett, Ben Kenobi, Luke Skywalker and Leia Bespin may all be around £15 assuming they are not variants like the red bar R5 mentioned already.

Ok maybe 600 was a little high but don't the others average £50 each apart from Anakin?
An A Wing pilot in good condition sold for £28 the other day, Lumat and Romba sans weapons are maybe £50 combined, Anakin £10-15, £150-200 for Yak and £50ish each for the rest
lejackal said:
An A Wing pilot in good condition sold for £28 the other day, Lumat and Romba sans weapons are maybe £50 combined, Anakin £10-15, £150-200 for Yak and £50ish each for the rest

Fair enough was going on ebay prices as I don't have FB
So was I, I very rarely quote Facebook prices as eBay is cheaper.
A Wing £28
Amanaman £47
Imperial Gunner £45
Romba £42
Lumat £11
Anakin £12
Imperial Dignitary £42
Yak Face £170
Total £397
Wow, thanks for coming back so quickly guys.
Had a look at R5, not red bar unfortunately. Will look through the others when I get a mo. It's good that Anakin isn't worth that much as I personally like that one - makes it easier to justify keeping it :)
Will update soon when I've a better idea knowing what I'll sell. I guess by the lack of mention that physically seeing someone (maybe at a toy fair or something) isn't a great option for maximising value.
Re any Leia models, you'd all be braver than me trying to get them off my daughter. Strong gender identity association at 3 years old.
lejackal said:
So was I, I very rarely quote Facebook prices as eBay is cheaper.
A Wing £28
Amanaman £47
Imperial Gunner £45
Romba £42
Lumat £11
Anakin £12
Imperial Dignitary £42
Yak Face £170
Total £397

Fair enough but thats warok

So's this :wink:
Really nice bunch of figures! I'd be interested in the Death Star Droid if it has good black paint (easily scratched) and your kids don't want it ;)

I've taken some closer pictures - hoping these are the right standard for putting into a 'for sale' thread. What's the norm re packaging for post and do people do recorded delivery?
These all seem in very good condition to me.
I've also got a question on the Jawa - I keep seeing different hoods in the pictures and don't know what category this is - any ideas?

In line with the other posts and sales threads I'll go with the below unless I'm way off?:

Amanaman 45
A-Wing 35
Death Star Droid 15
Imperial Dignitary 45
Imperial Gunner 45
Jawa (soft cape) ? - hood?
Leia 40
R5D4 15
Romba 40
Warok 40
Yak Face 190


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