Big huuuuge thanks to all.

Start collecting allthe Powell & Peralta reissues & paraphanellia they're putting out for the Bones documentary should keep you busy for a while:D
You were the inspiration for my army building, still don't think I'll reach you heights though! If any of your stormies need a new home give me a shout!
Start collecting allthe Powell & Peralta reissues & paraphanellia they're putting out for the Bones documentary should keep you busy for a while:D

:lol: :lol: hilarious,, i just did my first graphic for a local board store,, and it got me thinking of a deck collection. when i have the space i will have both ,, the army and the decks.

@theslider,, if things dont go as a unit i may break the army up but i would be really reluctant to do that.

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