Competition Time again! WE HAVE A WINNER


Jedi Master
Dec 15, 2011
So, I got this sealed Ion Cannon ROTJ spare as I received an AFA 80 in a deal I did recently..
Whats better then than a competition!

Heres the prize! Will be shipped to the winner with regular post

Since Im taking a small pause in buying stuff because Im trading cars, the question is simply! Whats the mileage on the car Im trading in towards a new car ? Guess to be in km or miles, please specify in your guess... Its a 2008 Abarth GP, it had 48000km on it when I got it a year ago. Closest to whatever mileage I have accumulated on Sunday 28th July wins

Oh, only members with over 20 posts are allowed to enter

As a hint I normally use the car to/from work, get take away on sundays and to pick up StarWars stuff at the post office, I live pretty much dead center but work around 12km from my home. Sometimes I do travel offshore for a week and then the car is not in use.


And the winner is....... CHIFFY that was only 86km away from having a perfect guess! Congrats


52999km Itfciain
53000km Maniac79
53750km Dublinjeff
54321km Chiffy WINNER 86km away from a perfect guess!
54527km Crazyhazy
54825km Walkie
55000km Jez
55120km Mumbo
55333km Tundra9
55555km Dark Sith Lord
56105km Rob71
56721km Michael Sith
57325km Cc4rhu
57500km Jedi_june
58001km JuniorChubb
59500km Stormtrooper37
60457km Chico
61249km Jedi_masters
61267km Theslider
61392km Fuzzybuzzytoys
62458km Flycasual
63000km Rebel_Runner
64000km Bramistuta25
65000km Garydo
65200km Boba Skinner
66000km Stargeezer
66666km Banton989
67240km Joe
68000km Pomse2001
68170km Snaggletooth
71123km Benny100
78346km Hoth_stuff
88000km Starshipriot
125528km Edd_jedi
157715km Maulster79
If it's been used to pick up star wars stuff then 148,000 :lol:

Seriously though I'll go for 60,457km.
jedi_masters said:
I'll go for 61249!!

Great comp buddy.

What you trading in for??

Looks like its gonna be a Fiat 500 Twin Air S, with all possible options.. Was amazed how fun it is to drive in the city.. Im used to high power cars like Lotus, Porsche etc. but I think it might be time to get sensible :p
Looks like this :lol:

I know nothing about cars (some people would say I know nothing about vintage collecting :lol: ) Never even heard of that car, but here goes:


Thanks for a great comp - love these bits o' fun!
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