Ebay - Spotting Fake Star Wars Figures Info - WTF!?!


Jedi Knight
Oct 31, 2012
I've just had a guy cancel an ebay sale as he thinks my star wars figure is a fake thanks to Ebays guide to original coo's -


Basically according to this 'guide' anything with a china coo is a fake!!! :evil:

The figure in question is a Luke Skywalker Farmboy figure I 2b variant: http://swspaceclub.com/wbobafett/coo-guide-3-0/anh/luke-skywalker/#a

I pointed the buyer to this forum and the above variant guide but he doesn't want to know.

Is there any truth to this ebay guide crap!?!

:roll: ebay proving once again what useless ****s they really are :evil:
Could be completely wrong (my apologies if I am :wink: ) but this guy has been asking a lot of Q's about coo's, any link :?

haha - this has come up on FB today as well - what a load of old rubbish

I have had seller say this to me in the past as well - I think you are probably best of without him mate as he doesn't sound like the sort of chap you want to deal with if he is that blinkered
Glad to hear its not just me! Thanks for the heads up mumbo, Dax doesn't match his ebay id so no way of knowing.

Is there a thread on here i can direct him to as one last ditch attempt?

Normally i'd just refund him and move on but i posted the figure this morning!
Haha the China figures are all fake article strikes again!!


I'm just about ready to retire from all of this madness! The combination of the large influx of complete ****wits we've seen in the last couple of years and the insane prices things are selling for these days is enough to send anyone over the edge!
I looked at reporting that article a while back but bizarrely there isn't a 'load of old bollocks' option
Joe said:
Haha the China figures are all fake article strikes again!!


I'm just about ready to retire from all of this madness! The combination of the large influx of complete ****wits we've seen in the last couple of years and the insane prices things are selling for these days is enough to send anyone over the edge!

That combined with the just toys, rip open figures, repro box club................I have thought about going off the grid.
:lol: FB. Schmasebook!...ebay...shocking :!:

Joe and Uncle Tod you are stalwarts on this fantastic forum....it wouldn't be the forum it is without guys like you, FB ....! It's their loss and our gain :wink:
What absolute twaddle!

And the 'county of origin' :| how about i knock out some fake Ree-Yees and stick LANCS on the leg :lol:
From the point of view of a newbie collector......

Who the hell wants these repro Snags, Yaks and boxes? My concern is the sustainability of the vintage hobby. Can people not see that adding to this demand floods the market with shite?

I see some fella is selling CDs (!) on Ebay that help you spot a fake Jawa. Surely this information is widely available?

With regards Chico's original post, I can understand as a new collector myself an element of caution but the facts are out there and obtainable, if you just ask!
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