
Jedi Master
Jun 26, 2012
I'd seen the trailers - in particular that one known as the 'supercut', and I really wasn't expecting quite so much from this film. They held a lot back!

Wow, the space battle at the end of this was glorious! I'd say, Return Of The Jedi finale excepted of course, that this is the best space battle ever committed to film. And like Return Of The Jedi the action cutting between the planet surface Scarif / Endor and the space above works really well to create a thrilling sequence. I've watched so many CG heavy superhero flicks that numb me in the final act by trying to do multiple climaxes, but Rogue One plays out its big battle scene far more elegantly. The stakes get higher and higher, and the crescendo occurs as the Rebel fleet literally hyperspaces into the arriving Star Destroyer and then the giddy delight of seeing Vader himself in action. In this scene Rogue One momentarily becomes a horror movie - the Rebel marines trapped in a confined corridor with an unstoppable monster - are we watching a Star Wars movie or Ridley Scott's Alien?

For my part, as a fan of the original Star Wars trilogy I was always just as interested in the big picture of Empire vs Rebel Alliance as I was in what our individual heroes were up to, and Rogue One delivered here. The Force Awakens didn't seem too concerned with showing the military aspect or hierarchy of the two factions, but Rogue One did delve nicely into this side of things.

I think the cast didn't quite have the star wattage and sheer likeability of Rey, Finn, Poe, Kylo and BB8, but in fairness this was a different type of movie. Considerably more gritty and serious than the frothy and funny confection of The Force Awakens. Having said that I did belly laugh at Chirrut's comment when they put a hood over his head...

10 out of 10, fave film of the year for me!


Sith Lord
Jun 29, 2014
London, UK

Now that was a Star Wars movie......even had a little 'sniff' at the end when she turned round :D

I put this as my number 3 after Empire and New Hope

Things I liked:

1. Tarkin/Leia CGI was amazing.....such a leap since Tron Legacy's attempt
2. Old characters popping up (great use of old ANH footage in the cockpits)
3. Other references: Blue Milk, Moisture Vaporators, The Probot, Death Star Plans...the list goes on!
3. The Space battle...almost equal to Jedi's
4. They all died...sounds odd to say this is a positive but would have left too many loose ends and the movie was better for it

Things not liked:

1. No opening 'Star Wars' logo/music at the beginning
2. Description of each planet when you first see them (seemed very 'TV show' to me)
3. R2/3PO....scene was not needed in the hanger, would have been better to see them quickly on Tantive IV
4. Vader's 'hand gesture' when choking Krennic.....looked silly
5. Saw....character was not really needed and the scenes dragged on with him in (the whole mask thing reminded me of Blue Velvet!)
6. Watched it in IMAX 70mm and a lot of the scenes seemed 'blurry', I wasn't the only one who mentioned this in the group I went with. Anyone else have this issue?


...cannot wait to see it in 3D tomorrow


Jedi Master
Jun 26, 2012
Jez said:
I loved Tarkin and Leia, yeah they will never be perfect but they were dam close to it.

After coming out of seeing The Force Awakens I remember thinking that my one big negative was that bad CG on Maz and Snoke took me out of the immersion. However, having rewatched The Force Awakens a couple of times at home on blu ray the fx don't seem half as bad. I think therefore that the sheer size of the image on a cinema screen exacerbates the flaws. Tarkin wasn't 'quite' right but we were looking at a close up of his face 20 foot tall. At home I strongly suspect the illusion will work better.


Sith Lord
Apr 28, 2015
I'm giving it 7/10. Up from 6/10 for TFA

For those that are asking why clips from the first trailers weren't there, they had a test showing which was apparently awful, so went back and reshot massive chunks.

Bullet points as usual

- no opening music
- In fact no memorable music at all
- Opens with a speck, is it a ship or something on the screen?
- Liked the film grain/quality
- Good use of natural lighting
- Little girl actor reminded me of child Anakin actor. Dull
- Great cast. A bloody shame they all had to die. IP Man actor Donnie Yen! Blinding idea. Pardon the pun. I had big hopes he'd do something mental with his Kung-Fu later.
- Humour was on point. Unlike TFA. Droid was ace.
- Tarkin & Leia were way too X-Box.
- Yes Darth Vader did have a swagger. Stood out a mile. Voice & tone were too off. Usually speaks slower. And that quip about strangling, nope, didn't work.
- I liked the first half better. I was always about the big end battles, but I found them very uninspiring in this. The originals had little scenes with individual pilots, this was just a mass of ships floating about
- However, the arrival from hyperspace of the rebel fleet gave me the raging hard-on, and the original pilots from ANH brought a lump to my throat.
- Loved all the little nods to the originals - sounds, droid's voices, cantina characters, probe droids
- Liked that physical models were clearly used for the Star Destroyers, but occasionally they weren't lit right, and looked WAY too much like models.
- What is this obsession with throwing in CGI creatures with tentacles? STOP IT NOW! Looks fake as ****.
- Loved all the outfits of Saw's men. Like the black Biker Scout helmet.
- Thought the texture of interiors was on point. That dirty weathered universe look
- Like others I question all stuff that is missing from OT. All those different troopers, those TIE fighters. Just stuff to turn into toys.
- Rey & Jyn are great role models for young girls, but they both tried too hard to be sassy & tough, and always looked like they were about to burst into tears. Leia was bang on without trying.
-mentioning the crystal which is used for the Death Star weapon is the same stuff light-sabers are made from? Stop spoiling the magic like Mediclorians in a Jedi's blood FFS

That's it for now until I think up some more stuff lol.


Sith Lord
Dec 11, 2012
Absolutely loved it...even with only two hours sleep I've been buzzing all day...lived tarkin and the Vader scenes had my jaw on the floor...makes me want a Vader movie now...loved the references to the rebels tv show


Sith Lord
Mar 12, 2011
Just got back. Short and sweet. Fantastic! The fear in the rebel troopers when you got Vader coming at you like a madman makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! Tarkin, i didnt have an inkling, well impressed with what they did there. Not that fussy so no negs from me whatsoever. Watching a new hope now :)
Actually remembered the one thing that bored me slightly. Most of the score sounded like it was from Spaceballs! :lol:


Sith Lord
May 11, 2011
Loved it. Way better than VII. Nothing will ever touch the original 3 but this ran ROTJ very close. Well worth a second viewing. Episode VIII is really going to have to up it's game after this one.

It tied lots of stuff in with the original trilogy withought forcing it.

I thought Felicity was very good and she remains on my laminated list. 8)


Jedi Knight
Jan 19, 2013
pretty much all of what I'm thinking about it has already been said, but I loved it, I have a feeling it may top my list, or I might just still be buzzing, we'll give it time.

CG is getting good, definitely not perfect yet, but it's damn good. I thought Leia looked better than Tarkin, but it was shorter, and there's may have been a little bit of a tear in my eye at the time (if anyone asks, I was in pain, OK :wink: )

can't wait to see it again!


Apr 19, 2012
Really enjoyed that, my eyes must be getting bad though as I didn't realise that Tarkington was CGI!, only thing that bothered me was the music was a bit hit and miss, loved the nod to Rebels off Bail Organa, enjoyed it a lot more than TFA tbh


Oct 23, 2015
I thought it was excellent, apart from the music which I found odd at times. Also by the end even thou I knew they had to die ( as it would leave too many unanswered questions) I wished they had of survived. As has already been said Vader at the end was the cherry on the top.
Off to see it in 3D tomorrow.


Jedi Knight
Feb 12, 2014
For me it was the best Star Wars film since Jedi. Nothing will ever touch the OT though. Definitely makes up for TFA which I didn't like at all.

Things I liked in this one:

  1. Good range of characters.
  2. K2SO continued the strong tradition of comic-relief robots but with kick-ass ability. Nice touch.
  3. Loved the links to ANH. Dr Evazan/Walrusman. Original Red & Gold Squadron pilots. Death of original Red 5. Was that James Corden :D
  4. Tarkin and Leia CGI was a nice touch. I'm still dreaming of the day that they'll CGI all the original cast and create new Star Wars adventures featuring Luke, Han & Leia etc.
  5. Darth Vader scenes - awesome

Things I was not so hot on:

  1. Opening sequence. Come on it's a Star Wars story so do the crawl or at least the Star Wars logo.
  2. Music was shite. Kept hearing half-finished Across the Stars for Jyn. Be brave and right something new.
  3. Agree with previous comment that the Star Destroyers weren't lit correctly and just looked fake.
  4. The CGI tentacle monster was pointless.
  5. Not enough air-time for our 2 favourite lovable droids.
  6. If AT-AT's can be destroyed by X-Wings then why wasn't the same strategy used in the Battle of Hoth ?
  7. Where did all those new spacecraft and stormtrooper outfits go by the time ANH started :)

I've waited a year but I can now go and see another Star Wars film more than once at the cinema :D


Sith Lord
Oct 12, 2012
Saw it in 2D last night. I'm kinda torn as to what I think about it. I like the story leading up to finding her father. Very edge on the seat stuff as the daughter, the rebels and the empire all try to get him at the same time. Felt very much like Hanks death in Breaking Bad.

The movie then seemed to change in tone very quickly and went into full on action mode. It felt a little like I was watching someone else playing Battlefront. Liked it though and thought it brave of Disney to kill them all off (even though it was necessary of course).

Vader wasn't in it enough. Tarkin was in it too much as the cgi took me out of the movie a little. In my mind Tarkin should have been the 'cameo' and Vader should have had his screentime, even his scenes.

Was a good movie, but didn't feel like a Star Wars movie. I think the music didn't help in that respect.

Need a second viewing. Not as good as TFA in my opinion. The worse thing is it's not a film I can take my 8 yr old daughter to and enjoy together. Not a family film, it's definitely aimed at older star wars fans.

I liked it though.



Staff member
May 9, 2014
Loved all the easter eggs and looking forward to spotting more when I go again tomorrow. Saw the Ghost twice - once parked up on Yavin and also in the space battle. Also heard the announcement on Yavin about 'General Syndulla' 8) Loads more to find I'm sure!


Sith Lord
Aug 25, 2013
Sussex by the Sea
I have held off a little from commenting but having had a couple of days of thought I have decided that I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I realised at the time, and at the time I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I was initially disappointed in the lack of the opening crawl and the music at the beginning, however after digesting I felt that when you start watching it, it feels different to the Star Wars you know. By the end of the film it is very much like you have been reunited with an old friend, and everything is familiar.

The nods to the original were subtle, which is all they needed to be. It was so much darker than any Star Wars film to date. Cassian shooting the guy in the back early on for example. Anyone think of another scheme where a character gets shot in cold blood? And they have spent years trying to get rid of that so to go there again was great. And death, so much death, which is what a war film has to show.

I enjoyed the cgi. Sadly Vader was not the Vader we used to have but it wasn't a terrible Vader and the scenes at the end were superb. I looked beyond all the cheesy odd vehicles and beach troopers who will sell toys. Loved the fact that krennic was killed by his own weapon as well.

Can't wait to see it again. When it finally gets its DVD release it will be difficult not to watch this and anh back to back.


Sith Lord
May 29, 2014
Why does everyone seem to think that they all had to die at the end? I've seen this comment here and all over social media (without spoiler alerts too which is annoying for those not watching at midnight showings I'm sure :evil: )... of course they didn't have to die!
No rebellion or war moves on a single linear plane does it? They could easily have delivered the ending with the plans being handed over, escaped the planet and moved off to other missions away from the OT timeline we already know. Despite the assault on the Death Star being an all hands to teh pumps affair, thee is no way that every single rebel or rebellion sympathiser was involved in that one attack on that one day...


Sith Lord
May 13, 2015
Bonsai_Tree_Ent said:
Jez said:
I loved Tarkin and Leia, yeah they will never be perfect but they were dam close to it.

After coming out of seeing The Force Awakens I remember thinking that my one big negative was that bad CG on Maz and Snoke took me out of the immersion. However, having rewatched The Force Awakens a couple of times at home on blu ray the fx don't seem half as bad. I think therefore that the sheer size of the image on a cinema screen exacerbates the flaws. Tarkin wasn't 'quite' right but we were looking at a close up of his face 20 foot tall. At home I strongly suspect the illusion will work better.

That's a really good point I hadn't considered. On the small screen those to big bug bears will probably pass without notice.

Stormcab, I think you're my brother from another mother. I forgot about the models. I love them a thousand times more than CGI and they were absolutely spectacular, but yes, at one point a Star Destroyer looked particularly model like. That said, it didn't bug me at all, I just thought "respect" :)


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
Did any of you see if captain antilles did he look like captain antilles from a new hope ? I think the scenes with him was so fast in the new movie so I did not see his face correct :?
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