Multiple same loose figure collecting


Sith Lord
May 11, 2011
Health warning - this is not a criticism :D

Now I can understand a Stormtrooper army and maybe a few others like the Imperial figures, Jawa or Sand person, but please explain to me the joys/appeal of collecting the same figure over and over? I've just seen a Bossk army on Facebook and it makes no sense to me. This must ultimately have quite an impact on the market. Cue Frank!

Discuss :!:
Its a celebration of a particular figure that usually has some visual or nostalgic attachment to the collector.

Also means whenever you go to toyfairs etc you can always pick up a little memento for the occasion.

When you're a focus collector you quickly get to the stage where everything you need is very hard to find - collecting an army of the loose ones is a way of keeping that enthusiasm going through the dry spells.

This is how I feel, anyhows.
I never am one to knock someone else's collecting style, especially when it doesn't hurt the hobby or anyone else. But I also don't understand the fascincation of having 400 Dengars in a row, especially when many of them are the same COO, such that it isn't about variant collecting.

But, again, if they aren't hurting anyone, I say carry on and have fun.
That's the great thing about collecting, we all have our own spin :D variety is the spice of life, as has been said, Variants and differing paint apps do it for some collectors,
indianawars said:
I like to have the obvious variants, but I've never been an army builder... although they look fantastic on display!

Don't think it makes much of a difference to the market as there a hundreds of thousands / millions of each figure out there, so each to their own I say.

I've never quite seen the appeal myself of having hundreds of the same thing, but then every figure is different in some small way. And I can definitely see the appeal of a focus for collectors. Besides, just imagine: you could be the #1 world authority on dengar etc !!
I don't know, there's something insanely cool about seeing 400 loose Admiral Ackbars stood shoulder to shoulder.

At the last Echo Live one of the dealers showed me his collection of 200 odd loose Nien Numbs - weirdly awesome.
It does feel a relatively new thing to do. Sure there'll be some who've been doing it for a long time, but it's a craze that seems to be growing. I guess the attraction comes when you display them and there's so many places to do this now.
Think it's been mentioned in a post previously, but maybe a figure that you didn't get back in the day, or a figure that has some meaning to the person collecting.
It looks cool as **** imo.


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SublevelStudios said:
I don't know, there's something insanely cool about seeing 400 loose Admiral Ackbars stood shoulder to shoulder.

At the last Echo Live one of the dealers showed me his collection of 200 odd loose Nien Numbs - weirdly awesome.

Couldn't agree more.

There's something very appealing about seeing a large number of the same figure. I fear that if I hadn't capped myself to 8 variants of each figure, I easily could have gone crazy and just army built many multiples for the craic.

It doesn't harm the market, as they're just loosies of which theres millions.
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