R2-D2 pop up lightsabre carded

Simply Sci-fi

Jedi Knight
Jan 30, 2014
This is an item I have had knocking around my collection for a while. I'm finding it difficult to value due to the condition of the card.

I was thinking of keeping it because my loose example is in unmint condition.

Any ideas on the value?


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£1.59...says it right on the card :wink:

£300 - £400 wouldn't surprise me though
Yeah, like you say it's a bit beat up but still very nice. I'd say this was in the £275 area. Mint these go for about £400. They've settled in value after the insanity about a year ago.
steve obi wan said:
Loose ones are going near £250 at the minute !!! :shock:

Steve, to be honest I was about to tell you that you were mistaken and off I went to eBay to prove it.

I can indeed tell you that you are mistaken :D


Honestly, I look at the little fella and think "Wow, what a cool action figure". Then I look at the price and think "Wow, people are off their tits". Time to pay off the mortgage, I think.....
ScruffyLookingNH said:
steve obi wan said:
Loose ones are going near £250 at the minute !!! :shock:

Steve, to be honest I was about to tell you that you were mistaken and off I went to eBay to prove it.

I can indeed tell you that you are mistaken :D


Honestly, I look at the little fella and think "Wow, what a cool action figure". Then I look at the price and think "Wow, people are off their tits". Time to pay off the mortgage, I think.....

Yep !! More craziness !!! :shock:
edd_jedi said:
Bloody hell! Absolute madness. Thanks Facebook...

I don't know the reason for these prices (R2s really had settle down and, 6 months ago, had come down from the £600+ that was being achieved on Trilogos to a more reasonable £350-400) but they certainly are ramping up. Again. Rogue One? Seems odd if so. TFA didn't seem to have this much of an effect. As for FB, I think that's a sign/symptom rather than the cause. If you look at Echo they have seen a huge increase in numbers over the last 6 months and it appears to be increasing more and more rapidly. If their membership numbers (and no doubt a parallel increase here and other groups and forums) are anything to go by then SW is once again on the accent once again and the ever increasing popularity is only ever going to lead to an increase in demand.

As per usual we can only try an protect ourselves against the rises by buying smart. Cut across all channels: forums, FB, free ads, eBay, auction houses, car boots, toy fairs, etc.

Maybe Jared has an insight into what's going on in the domestic v European v US markets at the moment, but I just don't feel the rest of the world is being subjected to these price pressures. Perhaps it's as a result of the foreign markets being restricted to us due to the 15-20% drop in the £ value? Prices abroad have not increased because UK stuff has (relative to their currency) dropped in value and become 20% cheaper. As such, demand over here has increased from abroad and prices have risen here by (up to) 20% as market forces dictate. The stuff abroad hasn't increased in price, it just looks more expensive in GBP and the stuff at home HAS increased in price due to increased in demand from home and abroad.
I think it's just the general hysteria people cause on Facebook that drives up the prices. I saw two people fighting over a trilogo Klaatu this morning, and a couple of weeks back somebody posted a pleading WTB post for a sodding loose Rancor Keeper! It's this false mentality that everything is like gold dust that is driving up prices, I have no doubt about it. You simply don't get it on forums or eBay.
ScruffyLookingNH said:

I was about to post a link to this.

Now we know condition on a loose PU-R2 is key to the value (and the sabre being present) but at £300 plus for this figure it's crazy. I recently bought a loose genuine sabre for £85 a couple of months ago and considered myself lucky at that! :D The first one I bought was only £60 from here about 3 years ago.

Some figures are going absolutely mental at the moment, red bar R5, Tri Logo Fetts, Painted head Fett's and don't get me started on VCJ's!

And in answer to your query Craig given the recent sales of loose ones, I reckon £400-500.
I reckon I could sell my loose collection and buy half of the Kenner debut MOC run. :?
SublevelStudios said:
ScruffyLookingNH said:

I was about to post a link to this.

Now we know condition on a loose PU-R2 is key to the value (and the sabre being present) but at £300 plus for this figure it's crazy. I recently bought a loose genuine sabre for £85 a couple of months ago and considered myself lucky at that! :D The first one I bought was only £60 from here about 3 years ago.

Some figures are going absolutely mental at the moment, red bar R5, Tri Logo Fetts, Painted head Fett's and don't get me started on VCJ's!

I bought a sabre a few years ago at a toy fair for a fiver !!
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