Top 5 Celebration 2016 experiences


Sith Lord
May 13, 2015
Well that was just epic. First Celebration and it could have gone much better. A few minor gripes but I thought it was well organised and something I'm not going to forget in a hurry. Learnt some lessons for next one!

So, top 5 moments/events/experiences for me:

1) Audience with Mark Hamill. Bloody brilliant for me as Id never seen him in the flesh let alone hear his (no doubt oft repeated) anecdotes, impressions and reciting of script lines. Amazing.

2) Meeting so many, happy people! Not just from here but from all over the world. The shared interest made it simple to strike up a conversation with anyone. And this includes the evening socials. I won't stop sweating alcohol for a week.

3) The Collector's Track. Not going to highlight any particular panel as they were almost all amazing. OK, dammit, the Stationery panel and Dave's Palitoy talks were the highlight. I'm still fuming I couldn't get to see Andygo's prop talk but I'll save that for below!

4) Podcast crew! From the insanity being perpetually encouraged at their booth to the live show (or whatever it was) it was great. What brings it into the top 5 was seeing Jez (and family) receive his well earned token of appreciation and being bowled over by it.

5) Swag trades. I still feel like a cheat having been lucky enough to have been handed in a platter a design for a cool sticker by Mark D. But that aside it was so much fun to swap for so many amazing pieces. There's some I missed out on but I'm overloaded with such creative pieces that it's going to take an age to work out how to display them nicely. The best were, without doubt the 12 Collector's Track medallions but they were closely followed by the pseudo-Helix pencil and many, many other items.


Sith Lord
May 29, 2014
Very similar five from me (in no particular order):

- Mark Hammill talk in celebration stage... funny, clever and informative and of course a real childhood hero too!

- Rogue One panel in celebration stage, Gwendoline Christie held it together in what at points were quite trying times! To see the next trailer (not that behind the scenes gubbins that they've officially gone public with) 'exclusively; too was a real bonus.

- A Helix felt tip gift from a friend I last saw at Jnr. School! Such a kind gesture and a real reflection on him and this forum generally.

- Swag swops galore and the subsequent meeting and talking to old and new folk because of it.

- Meeting, talking and getting a selfie with Steve Sansweet, bit weird, but that damn gold book made me take my collecting seriously and changed my life in many ways...


Sith Lord
Sep 4, 2009
Wow :!: What a show 8) 8) My head is still spinning :) Just so much to c and do, 3 days just wasn't enough :!:

My top 5;

Carrie Fisher show hosted by Warwick Davis, very funny-esp them two acting out scenes from Jedi :lol:

Mark Hamill talk, u gotta love Mark :D

Meeting a fair few of the cast & crew of all the films and getting a few autographs

Catching up with the V R podcast team and attending some of the fan based talks 8) Just gutted I didn't have the time to attend all of the ones I wanted to c :!:

Seeing so many fans and collectors from all over the world, just priceless :D

Some of the free b stuff was superb, wish I got more of it. Thanks Jason("Mr Palitoy") for ur cool give aways mate, ur Palitoy 45a Han card with the added badges was epic 8) Those coins given out at the fan based shows were awesome too as were the pencils 8)

Thanks Dave Tree for my pick up for my collection, top man 8)

Thanks to "Star Zone Toys" for the cool little Yoda bag, the Mrs loved it :) And thanks for ur professionalism, much appreciated.

The queuing was savage but u quickly forget all that pain and just rem all the special SW goodness we were all treated to over the wkend :D :D


Jedi Knight
Aug 3, 2015
In no particular order:

1. Definetly watching the Carrie Fisher panel. My first celebration and my first panel, and a very entertaining one too. Gary stole the show.

2. The vintage stationary talk. I dragged my 12 year old son along to this and it was one of his highlights of the weekend too. Lots of new information, and professionally presented. Was good to spot those items I used to have as a kid, particularly the yellow Darth Vader pencil case.

3. Seeing so much great cosplay, especially all the stormtroopers. Imagine how different it would feel without all those characters walking around.

4. Picking up a battered and damaged Lando Palitoy card/mocish. I collect for nostalgia within a budget (hey I got 3 kids going to Uni soon :shock: ), and this one fits the bill perfectly.

5. Meeting some people I've met through this forum. It's a balancing act saying Hi to forum members without boring or embarrasing my son, but I got to meet a few, (and thanks to Savory100 for the cool Han Towel :D ).


Grand Master
Aug 5, 2012
Gateshead UK
1. Meeting so many people. Sadly, I didn't put names to faces, forum members etc.... far too many people came up to me and I'm conscious of the fact I may have appeared to brush some off. I assure you it wasn't my intention it was just manic!

2. Getting so many people to do silly things at our booth

3. Spending so much fun times with my fellow crew

4. Walking around and seeing so much Star Wars! Of every different type.

5. Convincing Marc Hockley to let go of his 12" Tusken :D


Sith Lord
Jun 29, 2014
London, UK
Only a top 5?

In no specific order:

Meeting up at The Fox (numerous times!) finally putting faces to names was great. I think more swag trading was done there than actually in the event!

Carrie Fisher on the Celebration Stage....from Warwick's cheesy opening video to Gary chasing him to Carrie speaking about Episode VIII I was laughing so much.

The Collecting Track Panels....well the 10 I managed to get into anyway. The medallions were a bonus but I learned so much over the 3 days I really hope I can get to Orlando for the next ones.

The quality of Cosplay outfits on display, even the kids outfits were amazing and some of the adult ones were mindblowing.....personal fave was Han Solo on the TaunTaun and all of the Leia Hoth's.

Finally the guys from the podcast.....once you've met them you know none of the insanity is faked. All I can say is keep up the amazing work and hope to meet you all again soon.


Sith Lord
Sep 12, 2011
It was my first time at anything like this. I was blown away! I didn't get to see any of the panels but want to try and catch up on line. I met a huge number of people. Some I knew and many I didn't, and just want to say that I feel great pride telling people about our forum, and being associated with you guys is an honour. Thank you all!


Sith Lord
May 13, 2015
jackabina said:
It was my first time at anything like this. I was blown away! I didn't get to see any of the panels but want to try and catch up on line. I met a huge number of people. Some I knew and many I didn't, and just want to say that I feel great pride telling people about our forum, and being associated with you guys is an honour. Thank you all!

Neil, the thanks need to go to you for doing such cracking work redistributing all that plastic goodness that comes from and via Iain. Was bloody great to meet you and perhaps you'll make it to FF sometime to continue the party!


Sith Lord
Oct 17, 2013
On a bloody downer today because it's all come to an end and that proves what a great time I had. In no order:

1. Travelling down and hanging around with the Midland crew and welcoming Rich Temple to the team. We had such a laugh we'll talk about it for years to come I'm sure.

2. Finally meeting loads of forum members I've come to know online over the years - each and everyone of you were top fellas. Also meeting old friends and making new ones.

3. The room sales: a strange but brilliant experience, makes me miss trading. Made enough cash to pay for my new Mac after my old one died last week.

4. Being part of the Collecting Track, wow, that was something else. Nervous as hell but managed to get through it without too many balls ups. The response we got was amazing. Being invited to the thank you event on the Sunday morning before the show opened and sitting next to Steve Sansweet, then receiving the freebie pack, having photos with everyone afterwards - amazing.

5. Signing at the Acme stand, again, nervous as hell as I thought I'd be there looking like a right lemon but was surprised to see so many people buying my prints, such a buzz talking to people buying your art, everyone was so friendly.

In all, one of the best weekends I've ever had.


Jul 11, 2016
:D Saw a few SWF.Uk T-Shirts about especially in the Collecting Track. (Didn't want to impose or land on people only being signed up to the site a matter of days + having young family in tow!)

In no particular order:-

1) Gary chasing Warwick was just priceless.
2) A lady giving my son a handmade Star Wars Tie she had made for her own son but wasn't the right size so she had brought it to give to another little fella. Made my day people how people can be so kind.
3) The re-introduction of Thrawn.
4) Seeing some beautiful vintage toys boxed in all their glory that I'll never be able to afford and certainly NOT at them prices! :lol:
5) The good nature of virtually everyone there. Was absolutely superb and surpassed 2007.

A few gripes but only things like the queuing was a bit too mental especially with a 2 and 6 year old + sisters 9 month old. (Though they were really well behaved.)
Some of the prices . . . but you don't like you don't pay.
Not enough time to try everything out and going to some of the bigger panels meant I missed far too many Collecting Track talks. Not happy about that really.

Glad everyone enjoyed!


Sith Lord
Oct 20, 2006
Had a fantatic time at CE3 even though I had to split my time between there and a 60th Birthday (the mother in laws)

Although I have been out of the collecting bug for a while now it was great to be in such an immersive atmosphere. Didn't have any impulse to buy anything but had a great time looking at all the stalls, displays, catching up with old and making new friends.

Don't really have a top 5, enjoyed it all really.

Looking forward to the next European one as I doubt I will get to Florida next year. :cry: :cry:


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
Good idea :) here's mine:

1) Attending the legendary Room Sales for the first time. Saw some ultra-rare stuff and even bought something cool (a Blue Snag)

2) Friday night drinks, although I go to quite a few Farthest From's etc I rarely get to spend much time drinking/socialising with everyone

3) Collector Panels - as always some amazing stuff, I consider myself fairly up to speed on collecting but there were a few new things I learned (eg fake POTF coins and the road-side Death Star!)

4) Buying vintage - I never go to conventions of this size expecting to buy much as prices are usually insane, but I actually bought loads of stuff this time and found there was quite a lot of stuff reasonably priced. I bought loads of weapons/accessories I needed and a few loose figures too, so was very happy. Not quite the one of a kind Luke Bespin MOC I found at the 2007 CE, but still happy :)

5) And finally of course meeting lots of new forum members, as well as seeing some I've now known for years again.

My only disappointment was not seeing Mark Hamill or Carrie Fisher, sorry as much as I love both of them I am not queuing up all night for anything. Having been to Excel several times for work expos I know that they have two other areas just as huge as the two open for CE, so I don't know why they didn't just put the shows in one of those which would have happily fitted thousands of people so everybody could have seen them. Maybe next time I'll get a hotel so the early starts won't be so prohibitive.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
SAVORY100 said:
Meeting, talking and getting a selfie with Steve Sansweet, bit weird, but that damn gold book made me take my collecting seriously and changed my life in many ways...

Hey that's a coincidence, I took my copy of that book along to get signed by him as that is also what got me back in to collecting :)


New member
Feb 6, 2016
Well, that was the first Celebration I'd attended (and my second post here...), and I thought the whole thing was outstanding. I know some people had one or two problems at times, but our time there couldn't have gone much smoother. Hard to pick 5 things, but I'll have a go... all I know is that the Monday after was a real downer!

Anyway, in no particular order:

- The whole mood and feel was fantastic - the word "Celebration" couldn't be more appropriate, as there was such friendliness & camaraderie among pretty much everyone we encountered. So many people were nice to our son (5), too, which really kept him going through what was a quite tiring time.

- Loved the characters outside Excel, whom we got many photos with. A great start to the day to get you really into the spirit of it before you've even set foot in the building.

- My wife getting Carrie's autograph. I took my son off elsewhere, as he wouldn't have handled the wait too well, and among the many other things that we did in that time a fine Darth Maul was happy to pose with my son, let him try out the lightsaber, etc.

- Meeting Garrick Hagon & Robert Watts. Was great to meet them, and their sigs provided the finishing touches to my gold box DVD set.

- The Rogue One props. I thought this was a good exhibit, with enough in it to intrigue but not so much as to spoil. Thankfully the queue for it didn't take long.

But it all went really well. We even got off quite lightly with the wait times for food, drinks etc. Only real minus was the 1hr wait for the Celebration Store (and I only picked up 3 things once finally in there...), but my wife took our son off to the family area during that time, so that was OK. Only got 1 wristband (for the EA games panel, which they plenty left for) but that was an enjoyable, punchy event that made good use of our time as it took place after the show hours had ended for the day.

All in, a great experience, and one I'm keen to have again at some point...


Jedi Knight
Apr 14, 2014
the Netherlands
1. Meeting a lot of you, we should do this more often :lol:
2. seeing all this merchandise
3. Hotelroom sales and specially the drinks and talks after.
4. swaps
5. a creepy budget hotel


Sith Lord
May 15, 2013
Isle of Wight, England
Was a fantastic time!

Here's my list:

1) Getting ****ed up with friends new and old (shout out to the Swedish Drinking Team!).

Well, that's about all I did really. Couldn't be arsed walking about and queueing up and all that Star Wars stuff :D


Sith Lord
May 13, 2015
Nick_IoW said:
Was a fantastic time!

Here's my list:

1) Getting ****ed up with friends new and old (shout out to the Swedish Drinking Team!).

Well, that's about all I did really. Couldn't be arsed walking about and queueing up and all that Star Wars stuff :D



Sith Lord
May 29, 2014
Nick_IoW said:
Was a fantastic time!

Here's my list:

1) Getting ****ed up with friends new and old (shout out to the Swedish Drinking Team!).

Well, that's about all I did really. Couldn't be arsed walking about and queueing up and all that Star Wars stuff :D

Amazing! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Jedi Master
Mar 16, 2015
1) Hanging out with likeminded friends - new and old, celebrating something which has been part of my life since I was 4.

2) Drinks on the Saturday night - knackered, but good banter sat outside on a summer's evening

3) Mark Hamill's impromptu talk on Saturday evening to a few hundred fans in the 'live' area

4) Hanging out with Palitoyjunky (and his long suffering and very cool partner), theguiltyone, sithsmith, dave tree - meeting Kavik, Juan Carlos, Walthamwookie, Carl Dix, NickIOW, Iain S and loads of others for the first time. Treating Mattias to a little bottle of something, as he's too fancy for beer ;)

5) Buying a few bits and pieces, including some loose bits I needed, as well as something I was fascinated with in the Concept to Screen to Collectable book for about 20 years!
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