Vintage MOC old store stock find?


Grand Master
Jun 13, 2008
This seller is putting up some half decent MOC items supposedly from an old toy shop find, thought it was worth posting!
First wave was mostly ROTJ but now the tri-logo's are coming out as well, he might have more!

Shame he is starting his MOCS at medium/high prices, for some reason it always puts me off bidding!

Here it is :
Some not bad MOC's there.
If he starts them at lower prices he may get more interest, but I guess he has a price in mind and doesn't wanna go below it. Sellers perogative!
I have sent a couple of emails and the guy seems really nice, I will keep you updated on the background of these MOCS !
I was but unfortunately its not what I wanted, I thought I would get him to post some shots of the back, see if it had a clipper sticker or catalogue on the back but no such's a palitoy one like I already have!

Getting some interesting emails though! Will update this later!
I think some are about right for what he has, condition etc but I don't think his background is star wars.

Might see a few relisted with 0.99 starts..
Well he kindly emailed me pictures of the MOC I was interested in and also gave me the back story on the find so here it is :

These came from a local shop in the sellers High street that was being redeveloped, all the toys were going to be chucked in the skip!
The lot consisted of the Star Wars he has , Action Man , Terrahawks, Airfix kits, Dinky toys and Timpo!

Sounds like a cool find, regardless of his prices it still has a cool story, and its always nice to get more MOC into circulation in the hobby, helps to drive down prices for us cheapskates when the numbers increase :lol:

Will update if he gets back to me about a few other things!
this one takes me back :lol:

The Intruder

I used to have him because he was cheaper than all the other Actionmen :oops:
I also had the 'Capture Copter' which 'caught' him :roll:
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