Coins in UK?


Dec 8, 2021
I have a simple question, which I hope will provide a clear cut answer.
I've had a good scan of the internet, but can't seem to find any definitive information on the following -
We all know that the power of the force was the final proper hurrah, of the vintage line, and there's a fair bit of info available, on American sites, about the figures issued with coins.
But were the coin figures (or indeed, mail away coins) ever a thing, in the UK, at the time, in 1985?
I have to admit -I'm not really a collector. My interest is purely nostalgic.
Star wars toys shaped my childhood from the very start. My palitoy land speeder and X wing, were treasured possessions, back in 1978, as a 5 year old.
And I collected the figures all the way through.
But for the life of me, I can't recall if I ever saw the coin figures.
I can sharply recall buying Luke in the stormtrooper outfit, in 85, but can't recall any coin with it.
Were all the UK releases, just put out on Tri Logo cards?
I'm strongly suspecting that was the case, and that the coin thing, was a purely Kenner thing, for American buyers.
Any info would be gratefully appreciated.
Hi, you're correct. Our last run was Tri-logo, so no coins. Quite a few probably ended up over here though, via imports, especially after 1985.
Thank you.
It's great to find that out, at last.
So I take it, then, that the droids and ewoks lines, never made an appearance at all over here, either? With neither cartoon (I believe) being shown on British TV.
And so therefore, vehicles such as the A Wing fighter, never saw the light of day here, I would assume?
Originally, I mean.
All of these questions apply to items being available, on UK toy shop shelves, as official new releases in 1985, via palitoy, and not imported in later.
Not that I'd have been too bothered at all about that, at the time.
By 85, I was almost 13, and as such, being a fully mature male...😁.... Wouldn't have had the slightest interest in those cartoons, one bit, either way.
I do feel very blessed overall. The original star wars run, exploded into the massive thing it was, at the perfect time in my life
Five, when the first figures were released, and 12 when they ended.
Couldn't have asked for better timing 🙂.
Thank you.
It's great to find that out, at last.
So I take it, then, that the droids and ewoks lines, never made an appearance at all over here, either? With neither cartoon (I believe) being shown on British TV.
And so therefore, vehicles such as the A Wing fighter, never saw the light of day here, I would assume?
Originally, I mean.
All of these questions apply to items being available, on UK toy shop shelves, as official new releases in 1985, via palitoy, and not imported in later.
Not that I'd have been too bothered at all about that, at the time.
By 85, I was almost 13, and as such, being a fully mature male...😁.... Wouldn't have had the slightest interest in those cartoons, one bit, either way.
I do feel very blessed overall. The original star wars run, exploded into the massive thing it was, at the perfect time in my life
Five, when the first figures were released, and 12 when they ended.
Couldn't have asked for better timing 🙂.
I can certainly remember the Droids cartoon, wasn't it aired on Going Live.? Defiantly remember the Ewoks cartoon...and it's theme music.
We're the E-E-E-E-E-E-Ewoks

Regarding the toy lines there's an old thread about the Droids toy line here.
Hey, thanks for that.
Do you know something.... It's complete news to me, that either of those cartoons aired over here.
It's not like I shouldn't have known of their presence really.
Ha, maybe I WAS aware back then, but the mists of time have faded it from memory. I know I never watched them, either way.

Then again, it was a completely different world back then, wasn't it.
Today, it's fairly hard to escape anything that comes out, what with the internet, and the way hype builds on there.
Back then, there would maybe have been an advert on telly, if you were lucky, and maybe you'd catch it, maybe you wouldn't.

I've just thought, as well - going live, was BBC wasn't it? Philip Schofield and Gordon all that .
I think I watched itv of a Saturday morning, back in the day. But don't quote me on it 😁
Hey, thanks for that.
Do you know something.... It's complete news to me, that either of those cartoons aired over here.
It's not like I shouldn't have known of their presence really.
Ha, maybe I WAS aware back then, but the mists of time have faded it from memory. I know I never watched them, either way.

Then again, it was a completely different world back then, wasn't it.
Today, it's fairly hard to escape anything that comes out, what with the internet, and the way hype builds on there.
Back then, there would maybe have been an advert on telly, if you were lucky, and maybe you'd catch it, maybe you wouldn't.

I've just thought, as well - going live, was BBC wasn't it? Philip Schofield and Gordon all that .
I think I watched itv of a Saturday morning, back in the day. But don't quote me on it 😁
Yeh it was on the beeb, I think at the time it was No.73 that was on ITV with Sandi Toksvig.
Yep, definitely on BBC. Droids was first, followed by Ewoks. Probably around 1987. I'm sure I've heard stories of Droids/Ewoks figures ending up in Toys-R-Us bargain bins over here in the early 1990's.
Isn't it funny how all of that must have bypassed me, as a kid.
I can only think I was watching something else.
Or.... And this is much much more likely....I preferred to be out and about, all over the place, round the local area, playing, and adventuring, from sun up until tea time, and then back out until sun down.
Do you remember that bizarre concept.... Kids actually getting out of the house, to play, for hours and hours on end, with only their imaginations to provide entertainment? 😁
And no, I'm not referring at all, to lock downs or COVID getting in the way..... The shift away from playing outside, began to set in, in society, many many years before any of that thing, came along.
I can certainly remember the Droids cartoon, wasn't it aired on Going Live.? Defiantly remember the Ewoks cartoon...and it's theme music.
We're the E-E-E-E-E-E-Ewoks

Regarding the toy lines there's an old thread about the Droids toy line here.
you're talking about - , a rather strange example
Don't take this the wrong way, because I'm saying it, with respect -
but what on earth is going on?
Firstly, who on earth, are Woof and Joy?
And secondly... What do they have to do, with a comment, left by someone else, referring to a star wars themed cartoon, being shown on a 1980s Saturday morning TV programme, for kids, on BBC1?
It looks to me, more like the type of two-a-penny CGI nonsense, they churn out on the likes of cbeebies, 24 hours a day, to hypnotise hyperactive tots, into being quiet for ten minutes, so mother doesn't fully lose the plot.
Speaking Of which, fully losing the plot sums up, exactly how I'm feeling at the moment, on this forum.....
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