Why so much hate for Prequels


Mar 7, 2024
United Kingdom
Personally I love the prequels and Sequals. Just don't get the hate. We are all here for the Love of Star Wars. So many critics on x


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Both prequels and sequels have proved to be incredibly devisive! I like the prequels and they have a certain nostalgia for me (nothing can compete with the OT for me though!). However, dreadful scripts, poor acting and overuse/dodgy CGI have taken their toll. Much prefer the sequels- much better scripts, acting, use of real sets, models and complimentary CGI. They do fall down on the overall story arc, though, because they were way too rushed. R1 and Solo were great and have really enjoyed all of the D+ series (apart from the odd episode).


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
I hated the Phantom Menace first time I saw it. Now however I've come to appreciate the prequels a lot more. I think even more so when I started watching the sequels. Not a sequel hater by any means, but currently I prefer the prequels


Jedi Knight
Apr 24, 2022
Is there really that much hate for the prequels these days ? I think a lot of people who weren't that impressed have softened over the years. I enjoyed them but had the odd criticism here and there back then. My love for the prequels has definitely grown over time though, but I'm not sure that will be the case with the sequels I'm afraid. Force awakens wasn't too bad, it was a bit of fan service I guess but it at least it laid a platform to be built on in the next 2 films, but instead of getting a super skilled master of the force in Luke we got a grumpy old man and a bunch of characters I just couldn't connect with. Ray as a character wasn't too bad I suppose but I think they needed to lay the full plot of the 3 films out before they started filming it was a bit of a mess. An opportunity missed in my opinion - we'll see how they age I guess.......
Mar 8, 2024
Stoke On Trent
Personally I love the prequels and Sequals. Just don't get the hate. We are all here for the Love of Star Wars. So many critics on x
20 plus years on I have more respect for the sequels, although I still call Ep 2 Attack of the Clowns( ranks at the worst SW film on my list) I loved the hype and the toys most of all as I was transported back to the 70s and 80s and back to playing with my mates, I think the prequels got the same dismissive criticism but again as soon as the opening scroll and music began SW once more gave me goosebumps, the over reaction of some fans was laughable! I'm of the mindset that whatever the opinion of others the SW universe has done us all good in one way or another and that The Jedi and Sith will still have a positive impact on future generations to come.


Mar 7, 2024
United Kingdom
20 plus years on I have more respect for the sequels, although I still call Ep 2 Attack of the Clowns( ranks at the worst SW film on my list) I loved the hype and the toys most of all as I was transported back to the 70s and 80s and back to playing with my mates, I think the prequels got the same dismissive criticism but again as soon as the opening scroll and music began SW once more gave me goosebumps, the over reaction of some fans was laughable! I'm of the mindset that whatever the opinion of others the SW universe has done us all good in one way or another and that The Jedi and Sith will still have a positive impact on future generations to come.
Good reply. I actually don't mind Attack of the Clones. It's Star Wars after all


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
Most people's issue with the prequels is how good they could have been. George Lucas stuck to the story and told it how he wanted to. When in reality the fans wanted the original trilogy style but prequel story. I still love ROTS. The first two should have been the first film and then Anakin turning into Vader could have happened at the end of 2nd film or beginning of the 3rd.

I don't know they just could have been infinitely better.


May 5, 2015
Bit of a mixed bag for me...

Prequels: really liked Phantom Menace, hated Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith was decent.

Sequels: really liked Force Awakens, didn't like Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker was alright.


Jan 3, 2022
I feel that the primary reason is because George went too far in several moments.

  1. Moments of showing off (not only the CGI, but also the sets, Jango's gadgets etc.)
  2. Captain Obvious dialogue (Telling the audience what's going on)
  3. Talk of politics
  4. Anakin's yipeeing, oopsing, whining etc.
  5. The CGI
  6. Jar Jar Binks/his clumsiness
  7. The 'Yoda and Jedi children' scene
  8. The love scenes
Last edited:


Mar 7, 2024
United Kingdom
I feel that the primary reason is because George went too far in several moments.

  1. Moments of showing off (not only the CGI, but also the sets, Jango's gadgets etc.)
  2. Captain Obvious dialogue (Telling the audience what's going on)
  3. Talk of politics
  4. Anakin's yipeeing, oopsing, whining etc.
  5. The CGI
  6. Jar Jar Binks/his clumsiness
  7. The 'Yoda and Jedi children' scene
  8. The love scenes
Personally none of the above really bothers me too much. I love every moment of Star Wars movies. Can't warm to the TV series as much unfortunately


Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
I feel that the primary reason is because George went too far in several moments.

  1. Moments of showing off (not only the CGI, but also the sets, Jango's gadgets etc.)
  2. Captain Obvious dialogue (Telling the audience what's going on)
  3. Talk of politics
  4. Anakin's yipeeing, oopsing, whining etc.
  5. The CGI
  6. Jar Jar Binks/his clumsiness
  7. The 'Yoda and Jedi children' scene
  8. The love scenes

Yeh, ok, BUT other than that what don't you like? 🙄😏😂


Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
As mentioned I think a lot of detractors at the time the prequels came out were expecting something similar to the OT in tone and style etc and in some ways just compared everything they saw on screen to those films, characters, sets, direction... everything and as a result nothing was ever going to live up to that expectation, to be fair you could say the same crowd did the same thing when the Sequels came out...

For me the Prequels told a complete story, that was mapped out from the beginning. Sure the dialogue wasn't the best and the CGI was a touch much in places, and the romantic element was pretty unromantic - but the vision was clear, the story solid and we got some of the best moments in all the SW films (Pod Racing, Darth Maul lightsaber duel, Jango v's Obi-Wan, the space battle over Coruscant, Order 66...). And really, is Jar Jar any worse than the Ewoks? (PS I like both, I'm just saying that they both exist for the younger viewers)

As others have said, I think most folks who bashed those films 20 years ago have softened if not reversed that view. I do wonder if that is, in part due to how bad the Disney Sequels were and folks realising just how good they had it before... To be fair to the Disney Sequels (All of which I think are the worst of the 9 main films) they have some fun moments and each on there own is watchable, but overall they really suffer from disjointed and in places partially developed story telling - the strength of the first six films is they were all written before anything was filmed, whereas the Disney films where just a jumble and almost designed to sell merch as much as anything - not like some D+ shows. But on the other hand Disney gave us Solo and Rogue One - both of which are good and enjoyable films.

For the most part the D+ stuff has been watchable, Mando S1&2 were great fun, Andor gripping, The Bad Batch had its moments, but not a patch on Clone Wars/Rebels.

But I think to look at why folks voiced or continue to voice such strong opinions on the various films I think you need to look at the context around their released understand the weight of expectation they carried. In 1999 the OT fans wanted more of the same, the new fans didn't care. in 2015 I think the entire world wanted to see what Disney would do with a $4b IP and the OT fans wanted to see how their beloved characters were going to be treated and again, new fans didn't care.

Anyway - for me, I have my tickets to see Phantom tomorrow (dragging one of my kids along :) ) - I queued up for the 12:01 screening back in 99 and loved it back then and have been looking forward to going back to the cinema for a few weeks now - and for context I am from the OT generation.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
The prequels were pretty poor, and could have been sooooo much better. They were over CGI'd and the plot was piss poor. Jarjar must go down as one of the most hated characters of all time. The love scenes were horribly wooden, not that I watch SW for love scenes. Indeed the acting in general was poor, albeit you could make the same accusation of the OT. Then we get to the actual turning of Anakin to the dark side. When I saw it for the first time my rection was "WTF, is THAT IT?" It should have been the climax of the trilogy but it looked like it was written in a spare five minutes by a school kid rushing to class cos he/she was late. Massive massive disappointment.

The sequels are a huge mixed bag. Rogue one was brilliant, it looked and felt very much like a SW film and it filled out the back story and plugged a few gaps (explaining the glaring weakness in the Death Star etc.) and it was well acted.
The Force Awakens, as others have said, was pretty much a sop to fans, it again looked and felt more like a SW film after the over CGI'd prequels, and the plot was fairly similar to that of ANH. But the acting, directing, outfits and feel were all very SW.

THEN it implodes utterly. The mere fact ruin Johnson was allowed to do what he did to SW is a damnation of Disney that they will never get over. The Last Jedi is an utter utter abomination. I would sooner stick my meat and two veg in a meat grinder for eternity than watch that steaming pile of utter shite again. The ONLY good thing I can say about it is it looked and felt like a SW film. Other than that, it starts badly and goes down hill massively. The "comedic" element between Po and Star destroyer commander…nah. Doesnt work. Is about as funny as 6 yr old would come up with and is just pointless. The massive design flaw in the bombers the rebels use, that's the kinda design flaw that ehh would prevent the ****ing bombers getting made in the first place. No one would be dumb enough to send 15-20 in to battle all nice and close in formation. You can run out of the ability to go to light speed? Since when? NEVER mentioned in any other film but sure just add it for shits and giggles, no need to explain where it's come from the fans won't mind. Ohhh and what's that, you can track in hyperspace now too? Ohh ehhh, how? You CBA to explain, right. Since when can you track in hyperspace? Ohhh you CBA to explain. Brilliant.
Cantor bite…why? That whole, scene is literally only in the film to give the ethnic minority characters something to do. For the record, I have no issue with their skin colour (OT SW was very white) or their acting. More the fact it looked like Disney was trying to tick every box and the fact their only bit in the film was totally unnecessary.
Holdo decides to come up with a great plan and NOT tell anyone. Genius. Yup, that's exactly how you get to the top. Have brainwaves and then don't tell your staff.
Luke is now a whiney wee bitch. Like a huffy teenager. Yup, that's exactly how he was in the OT so that makes sense. Ohhh wait. No. That's not right. That's a complete and utter change of characterisation done cos…..cos.
The plot is basically "Speed in space" a very slow chase movie. Fantastic. You have an entire galaxy and flexibility with the rules of physics (lightspeed etc.) and you decide to remake a mediocre 90's movie. Genius.
The Empire rules the entire Galaxy and must, by definition, have hundreds if not Thousands of Star Destroyers but they don't have ANY spare ANYWHERE in the entire galaxy? BOLLOCKS. I guess they must all have much more important jobs to do than helping finally destroying the last of the Rebels. Very plausible. And remind me why a Star Destroyer can't jump in front of the Rebels and cut them off, or cut the distance between them to at least allow them to shot them? That's right, cos it would end your **** film in seconds. On that note, sucide runs withlightspeed. RRRIIIIGGGGHHHHHTTTT. So, ehhh WHY didn't the rebels just do that to the Death Stars? Given the dozens and dozens of pilots who died trying to blow it up, surely it makes more sense to get ONE volunteer and send him or her off on the suicide run and hey presto. No?
It's ALMOST as if Ruin Johnson just made **** up as he went along and didnt give two ****s about whether any of it had been done before or was plausible given the established back story.

SW died for me the day I saw that film. I literally haven't watched a second of any SW film or series since. I cant face it, such is my visceral hatred of what that film is.

And now I'm in a bad mood. Why did you remind me of that abomination?!
May 6, 2024
Both prequels and sequels have proved to be incredibly devisive! I like the prequels and they have a certain nostalgia for me (nothing can compete with the OT for me though!). However, dreadful scripts, poor acting and overuse/dodgy CGI have taken their toll. Much prefer the sequels- much better scripts, acting, use of real sets, models and complimentary CGI. They do fall down on the overall story arc, though, because they were way too rushed. R1 and Solo were great and have really enjoyed all of the D+ series (apart from the odd episode).
Personally I love the prequels and Sequals. Just don't get the hate. We are all here for the Love of Star Wars. So many critics on x
Lol.... always a topic that splits the fans, usually into age brackets haha.

I grew up with the original films. I was so excited when they announced the prequels but when they came out I was so disappointed. For me they didn't feel anything like the original films. The scripts were poor, the acting bad and the characters didn't live up to those of the original films.

The sequels brought more promise and for me they grew more and more closer and true to originals in the quality of the scripts and the characters.

If I watch them now I look at the originals and the sequels as being Star Wars and if I think of the prequels as just another sci-fi set of movies I don't mind them so much lol. I guess it's similar to the way I view James Bond. The old films were James Bond. The new films are not.... but watching them as just another thriller they are pretty good.


Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
Well - having trooped off to watch Phantom at the cinema and loved it again I felt compelled to watch Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith - and guess what, really enjoyed them as well.

I think watching all three so closely it reenforces my view that despite the excess of CGI, which really isn't bad at all, in fact for 20 something years old it all holds up pretty well, and the wooden(ish) acting (which I am sure is how the actors were asked to play it) - the three films hang together really well and tell a pretty compelling war story, how it began, played out and ended. The opening battle sequence in Revenge is awesome - and only a monster keeps a dry eye when Order-66 plays out....

If anything I would say the prequels are aging rather nicely whereas the sequels are very much not - funny, I would love to revisit this question in 16 years when Force Awaken hits 25yrs and see what people think :)
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