Fantastic stuff! I did own a Boba Fett figure as a child (although it seemed to take an age before I finally managed to get one!), but I never owned a Slave 1. Instead, I had to enjoy one vicariously though my friend across the street from me as he owned one, along with an AT-AT and a Dagobah playset, neither of which I owned as a child either!I like the Slave 1 a lot, it's got such an interesting and unusual look. And I love the way it flies. I never had it or a Boba Fett as a kid which I think has only fuelled my love of it/him as a collector. I have a nice MIB unused one but I display it loose because I want to see it. I got this early on in my collecting, it was the second ship I bought after a boxed Millennium Falcon.
Thanks for sharing yours