Toy of the week 2, Week 20, 2024, Lumat

Toy of the week 2, Week 20, 2024, Lumat

  • I hate the Lumat Figure, it should never have been made

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Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012


I think kenner did a great job with the lumat figure, the only thing that could have been better are the hood could have had the correct color.

Lumat was sold in denmark, but I never got it as a kid in the good old 80s.
Lumat…yet another of the Murder Bear group.
Kenner needed to release these little buggers, but why oh why so many that all look alike at first glance?
Here are my two, the loose one bought a friend!

Interestingly, according to the excellent Variant Villain website (, all Lumat figures were produced in Mexico by Lili Ledy, and none have COO's or date stamps... every day's a school day! :)

There are no known mould variants for Lumat, but there are some minor paint and colour ones. Lumat's quiver can have just the arrow heads, or both the heads and the shafts painted. Also, the eye, nose and mouth paint comes in slightly different shades, as does the colour of the plastic used for the hood and quiver.

Sadly I still have no carded example to show you, however I do have three loose variants showing the above colour variants:

Bow & Arrah 02.jpg

Bow & Arrah 03.jpg

Bow & Arrah 04.jpg

Bow & Arrah 05.jpg

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