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  1. kieatky

    Latest Acquisitions

    As far as I'm aware it was exclusive to Germany (I bought it from a seller over there), all the text describing each toy is in German. Exactly how it was obtainable back in the day is a mystery to me though, I'm amazed it's still in great condition as the paper feels very thin and fragile.
  2. kieatky

    Latest Acquisitions

    New addition to the growing ROTJ toy poster collection, it's a lot bigger than I expected, going to need a bigger wall :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. IMG_6205.jpg


  4. IMG_6201.jpg


  5. kieatky

    Latest Acquisitions

    Thanks, I never thought I'd manage to get one myself either, stumbled across it on a random evil bay listing (was a job lot of figures with a couple of posters), made an offer and luckily managed to get it. It's all framed up now waiting to be wall mounted once I've got my room sorted out :D
  6. IMG_6179.jpg


  7. kieatky

    Latest Acquisitions

    Thanks for the kind words, still can't believe I managed to find this, I was mega jealous when I saw yours :lol: Never see these for sale and it was pure luck I came across this one :D
  8. kieatky

    Latest Acquisitions

    Haven't posted on hear for quite a while, great to see all the awesome pieces people are getting :D Finally managed to get myself a ROTJ 'Toy+Hobby' poster. Only ever seen one before (on this thread of all places :lol: ). Ordered myself a nice frame to mount it. Toy + Hobby was the go to...
  9. kieatky

    It was a pleasure to deal with Itfciain because ............

    Top notch service as always, highly recommended :D
  10. kieatky

    Rare R2 with Cock and Balls lol

    This must be the rare 'Tinder' variation. Dirty little bugger :lol:
  11. kieatky

    Latest Acquisitions

    That Ewok Village is sweet, just pretend it's a wooden Ewok Death Star and it will be badass! 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. kieatky

    Latest Acquisitions

    Love the ROTJ carded figures and the Fett card back is great :D My latest arrival today, a bit of Tri Logo Ewokiness :lol:. Don't tend to see that many of these around which is a shame because the box design is beautiful, far better than the Kenner / Bi Logo ones.
  13. IMG_4034.jpg


  14. kieatky

    Plastikhelds collection

    Awesome collection, I'd love to have a display like that, just gotta wait for one of the kids to move out (and for me to actually buy some more stuff :lol: )
  15. kieatky

    SWTOTW, Week 1, 2018, Part 1/2 MLC-3 Mobile Laser Cannon

    Quick google search dragged up this little beauty, the good old lazer tanki :lol:
  16. kieatky

    is this VC Jawa real?

    Looks like a Kenobi cape to me, though I'm no expert and the pictures aren't great :shock: Plus just noticed that there's 2 Kenobi's in the collection and one is conveniently missing his cape :lol:
  17. kieatky

    A Trip Down Memory Lane - photo donation and discussion thread

    A couple more for the thread, same retailer but different designs.
  18. kieatky

    Happy New Year 2018

    Happy new year one and all, hope it's a good one :D
  19. kieatky

    Happy New year. My new blog at

    Love the old Kenner commercials, don't think I've seen the Rebo band one before so thanks for sharing :D
  20. kieatky

    2018 Forum Figure of the Year

    Biker Scout for me, they can't fly in a straight line and are susceptible to crap judo throws but the figures are awesome :D
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