Latest Acquisitions

subzero said:
Snaketibe said:
subzero said:
Lol delivery no.3 today, door has not stopped ringing.

After a tip-off from someone on my last tri Fett post ( thank you ) I was made aware I only had 4 out of the 5 main light Fett variants, so very happy to add the final PBP to complete the set, the painted knee / unpainted dart second from farthest right, sorry the lighting is awful in this pic...
You're welcome. Does that mean I get a commission? ;-)

Ahh it was you!, I couldn't be bothered to check back through the thread out of laziness. :lol:

I have a beater mini-rig covered in dust if you want it? :lol:
I don't collect mini-rigs thanks, but I could always add the dust to the collection on my shelves :lol:
Latest 2 to arrive via Mr Sanderson! Cards a bit wavy but am and I was trying to stay offerless, but these are too cool!





Loving the match Montgomery Ward price tags on the back!
They are really nice, I need both of those.
Rarely see price labels on the backs of cards, I could live with that.
Love the Stormie and Bossk, very nice condition and nice and clean.

Just got my latest figure, the last of which I bought with the 20% off ebay code the other week. 8)

Arghhhh why did I miss that code... The elusive moc potf han could have been mine!! Lovely bosk great figure!
coomber75 said:
Love the potf cards have them all except han anakin and yak.. What's a fair price of. A han any ideas?

Sorry just realised I missed this comment before lol.

From what iv'e seen on previous ebay prices a POTF Han goes for around £300 max, but you'd prob get lucky and be able to get one for £250 or less.

I'm sure you'll be looking out for an ebay code though from now on so you should be fine. :)
Holy Crap, so my last Latest Acquisitions update was at the end of November!! Since then we've had FF, SS and Xmas :eek:
Lets see what you've been buying then :D

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Richard: Mate i'm so chuffed for you. To finally get the Tie Bomber you've been after, bravo mate. Well done.
Kieatky: Dude, thats a great boxed B Wing, talk about mint! Congrats.
Iain: Wow mate, a Ledy MOC Yoda! Very cool.
Cardbackkid: Loving the 12" line Fett. I very nearly bought a Luke at FF with the plan to slowly get the accessories as well.
Subzero: Awesome looking Tri Logo Chewbacca, congrats mate.
Lejackal: Thats a lovely gesture from Simon. He's not all bad! Great Dave Prowse autograph.
Michael Sith: Dude thats a cracking mini haul of bargain carded/opened figures. At those prices you simply can't go wrong.

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Lejackal: Mate thats a great looking Dengar Tri Logo, very nice.
coomber75: A blind auction?? Yo've done well there with those bad boys. Great score on the R2. Oh plus the Imperial Cruiser!
Kieatky: Cool getting both Jabba's Dungeon sets. Best of luck with the figure hunt!
clarkspie&chips: Maaaaaaaate, i was so close on getting that Luke MOC. Binary sunset Sun faded but it really didn't matter. So iconic. Plus that VHS store display is killer, bloody love it!

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RobPMarsh: And what a beauty she is! Congrats mate, that Canadian Leia fits perfectly with your focus!
MaxF: Wow oh wow, Merry Christmas. Mate thats a great 41Bk Fett to go with your other Palitoy, well done mate. Chuffed for you!
Greedole: I don't believe we've had the pleasure. What an extraordinary post. Cracking photos of those heads.

Page 2174
Lejackal: Mate you've been on fire. Congrats on the awesome Droids A-Wing Pilot.

Page 2175
Subzero: Dude you've totally rocked that. The Tri Logo Fett line up is fantastic. Well done.
DorsetMark: Great 20p find that badge mate.
Seahawks: Great to see you posting your purchases bro. Cracking play doh sets mate, i love all 3.

Page 2176
Maxf: Mate your Palitoy run is coming on leaps and bounds. They look great. Loving the AT AT Driver the most.
Chipsteak: Loving the Geoff Love love. Fantastic.
DB94: Merry Christmas. Your daughter has done well! Great looking Luke and Ben mate. Good work with the Falcon arm and training ball to boot!
Lejackal: Sweet X-Wing and LXW mini haul. What was the mistake with the Droids A-Wing, i thought he was great!
Plastikheld: Wow, completing 2 great runs! Thats awesome. I loved completing my Luke run, i doubt i'll do it again but never say never. The first 12 run is brilliant!

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Mini99: Two great POTF MOCs. Love the Luke and Land with the oh so special weapon!
Coomber75: Wow, what great armies you've built! That takes some doing!
Subzero: Mate you've done well there! Congrats on the VCJ, something i really want to add to my collection myself! Also nice one with the 2 MOCs, Han and Anakin, congrats.
EddJedi: Mate your LXW focus is very cool. Congrats on adding the 70 B to the C. You've just made me head over to to check which was which!

Page 2178
Quote from earlier: Subzero: Dude you've totally rocked that. The Tri Logo Fett line up is fantastic. Well done. // I had no idea about the PBP. Nice one on adding that to the mix!
Roundster: Loving the 48 back offer cards! Both those are cracking, well done!
Subzero: Congrats on what may well be one of the mintiest Leias i've seen, gorgeous.
Apack7229: Well done on the Fett card back. Nice one.

Some awesome pieces being added on this ever excellent thread lads. I must say i was expecting to see more. Lots of stuff purchased as FF and not shown here. I appreciate that SS has a separate thread but i was expecting a tad more.
Having said that, it has been a flipping crazy time of the year for everyone. FF, Episode 8, Xmas, New Years etc so on reflection maybe we're all to busy :lol:
After all, i came home from FF with a nice haul and haven't posted any photos yet. Maybe get chance at the weekend :lol:
Love the ROTJ carded figures and the Fett card back is great :D

My latest arrival today, a bit of Tri Logo Ewokiness :lol:. Don't tend to see that many of these around which is a shame because the box design is beautiful, far better than the Kenner / Bi Logo ones.


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Thanks for the kind words Jez, hope you've enjoyed looking.

That Ewok Village is sweet, just pretend it's a wooden Ewok Death Star and it will be badass! 8) :lol:
Nice village kieatky and I agree, the Trilogo looks so much cooler than the other releases

I have had these 2 for a little while but finally got around to taking some pics
Sealed Euro release Fire Cart

Ewoks lunchbox to go with the Rotj I already had
kieatky said:
... which is a shame because the box design is beautiful, far better than the Kenner / Bi Logo ones.
Definately!!! Blue Sky over Endor.

@roundster: don't know why, but I love those cards with NN offer. They look vintage as ****. Congrats!
@apack7229: jealous on that cb. Just great!
I don't post much opinion on this thread anymore. But everyday I see amazing things. Hardly anything I wouldn't love to have in my own collection.

Here are some lovely new additions. The Walrus Nan is about as close as I can get to a trilogo with the bubble. I live the multi offer on the ERG as well. Thinking of putting a long term production run of this figure.


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Sweet MOC's, love the Royal Guard that's always been one of my faves.

Is the Walrus Man the trilogo hybrid with the reverse logo?.. I seen one of those for sale on ebay not long back.
Nearly 10 pages of catch up for me - all fantasitc buys!

Special mentions for coomber's DC Cruiser - a beauty! Plastikhelds run of lukes, they look great together as do subzeros Tri Fetts
and Max must be rivaling Gary now, are there any Palitoys left?
Carl's X-wings are fantastically displayed and Edd's pilots are also beauties.
Kieatky keeps adding some special items - love those dungeons, and Roundsters ROTJs are very minty - but where's lobot?

Saying all that my favourite is Rob Marsh's Canadian Leia, fantastic!

Not a lot new for me recently but did pick up this X-Wing of Jason at FF, and this landspeeder was from SS - both now feature on the website

Just got one of my birthday presents in today. Saw this and thought it was pretty cool.


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apack7229 said:
Just got one of my birthday presents in today. Saw this and thought it was pretty cool.
Oh, that's really special!
What a fantastic piece of Star Wars memorabilia.
"Rank of Colonel Galactic Empire" absolute magic.
Great item.

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