I've actually had a good long think about this and actually still want one thing from my complete disaster of a 2016 list.
This coming year I want to get a 12 back, any 12 back. This will be a budget purchase but you can get them for around (and under) £200 so that's goal number one.
actually achieved this and got it for under £200, sadly around the same time as the car broke so it was short lived, still, there's always next year
Number two should be achievable as well - I intend to complete the first 12 loose figures, of which I need 10
sacked this one off pretty early on, very disheartened with the sharp increase in loose prices, far better value to be had in MOC and boxed items
Number three on my list is to add more KayBee stickered items to my collection
no more stickered items at time of typing but did get a KayBee carrier bag
Number four would be to have fun, go to more shows, fairs, shops, meet ups, to stay focussed and complete the first 3.
not done brilliantly at this but hopefully will make a couple of events before the year is out
Love to see everyone else's and whilst I don't want to wish the time away I can't wait to see how we have all done in 12 months time