3 quick years.....


Grand Master
Jan 31, 2012
Dublin, Ireland
Hard to believe, but 3 years ago, almost to the minute, I signed up on here :D
Some excellent times, received great advice and had a ball putting together the various little runs.

It's funny looking back at the differing stages of my collecting, from the start of a mix of loose vintage and modern to a full loose collection. Then the first 20 figures on cardback into my LFB focus.
Not forgetting my little AT AT Commander and LFB cardback collections.


Looking forward to many more years on here and having fun putting the small guides together, its definitely rekindled my interest in vintage. ....Hopefully people like them and find something useful, however small :D
Bloody hell I joined just a few days later and remember you starting and finishing that first 12 run about the same time I started my 12 back run still haven't finished mine tho :)
Dublinjeff said:
Hard to believe, but 3 years ago, almost to the minute, I signed up on here :D
Some excellent times, received great advice and had a ball putting together the various little runs.

It's funny looking back at the differing stages of my collecting, from the start of a mix of loose vintage and modern to a full loose collection. Then the first 20 figures on cardback into my LFB focus.
Not forgetting my little AT AT Commander and LFB cardback collections.

Looking forward to many more years on here and having fun putting the small guides together, its definitely rekindled my interest in vintage. ....Hopefully people like them and find something useful, however small :D

Hey great work! :D
SAVORY100 said:
Really appreciate the tight focus you have; you've created a wonderful collection!

Thanks for the comments.....However, its all gone to new homes! Focusing on putting the little reference guides together for now. Im really enjoying hunting down loose variants :D
You've had some really nice stuff over the years Jeff, been fun to see all your different focus collections take shape too!
Thanks for all the kind words fellas....Appreciate it :D

It's funny Joe, when I was putting the photo together for this post here I was thinking back on a few of the items I've been lucky enough to own over the years....Glasslite Luke Farmboy card, Palitoy AT AT Commander card etc. It wouldn't have been possible without the help of the great Forum members on here!

That's why when I sold up at various times I was happy doing it on here. Almost to a figure, everything went to collectors that wanted the pieces for themselves. I really liked that whole aspect of collecting. The fact that you are just a "custodian" of the various pieces before they move on to different homes :D

Anyway, as I say, I'm glad that I got the bug back in the form of the small coo reference guides I'm putting together.

Still always love to look at the AT AT Commander pictures though... 8) Loved that little set up!
Pomse2001 said:
Some fantastic items you have had in the years, do you miss any of the items ?

Hard to say really Lars, there's nothing that I got rid off that I genuinely "regret".. I sold everything at times that suited me for focusing on other aspects of my collecting or for personal reasons..(I did fund a trip to New York :D )

Would I like it all back now, everything I ever owned? Probably, yeah, especially how prices are now :roll: but hey, that's collecting...it's part and parcel for someone like me. Buying, selling to fund another purchases, etc.

If I was totally pushed....the 12 back Leia was always something I really liked.. 8) and maybe the Glasslite Luke, oh and the Tri logo Gam Guard.....and...

Ok, I miss it all... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Damn this collecting lark!
What? Never realized you joined the forum later than me. I always looked at you as a reference for knowledge and experience, especially for all my Luke Farmboy questions.

So sad to see the Luke Farmboy focus has left you, but I can say without you and your help my focus wouldn't be so great as it is today. I still have a special place in my heart for the graded Glasslite Luke you sold to me. It is the only graded figure I own.

Today, I am very happy to see you not having left the hobby which I feared when you started selling weeks ago. Love your coo guides as I am a variant collector myself.
Thanks for that mate, appreciate it. Glad you are enjoying the small guides :D I decided that I had to do something to keep the interest piqued. I'm having fun putting them together.

I'm glad also that the Glasslite Luke went to such a good home!
Dublinjeff said:
Pomse2001 said:
Some fantastic items you have had in the years, do you miss any of the items ?

Hard to say really Lars, there's nothing that I got rid off that I genuinely "regret".. I sold everything at times that suited me for focusing on other aspects of my collecting or for personal reasons..(I did fund a trip to New York :D )

Would I like it all back now, everything I ever owned? Probably, yeah, especially how prices are now :roll: but hey, that's collecting...it's part and parcel for someone like me. Buying, selling to fund another purchases, etc.

If I was totally pushed....the 12 back Leia was always something I really liked.. 8) and maybe the Glasslite Luke, oh and the Tri logo Gam Guard.....and...

Ok, I miss it all... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Damn this collecting lark!

I would have said the same :lol: I hope you get it all back in the future :wink:
Hi Lars,

Just found this shot of the Luke Farmboy figures I had at one point!

This is one that makes me remember the fun putting this little collection together. Even though it's only 5 figures, it reminds me of the effort I put into the whole LFB focus/guide.... :D
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