
Didn't like the fact Sabine being stabbed by lightsaber resulted in a quick recovery. Disney did the same in Kenobi when Reva got impaled. Lightsabers seem ineffective on humans.
Didn't like the fact Sabine being stabbed by lightsaber resulted in a quick recovery. Disney did the same in Kenobi when Reva got impaled. Lightsabers seem ineffective on humans.
Yeah, it's becoming a bit of a meme now.
Disney have turned the limb-hacking weapon of the OT/PT into the galactic equivalent of a paper cut.

Also, did we really need yet another map/wayfinder McGuffin? 🙄

Overall I enjoyed the two episodes. Great visuals and soundtrack. Thought the opening scene was the best SW in a long time.
There seems to be a lot of potential and I'm looking forward to see where it goes.

Although, I'm not sure what 'normies' will make of it. Will be interesting to see the viewing figures.
I've only watched the first episode, really enjoyed it. So warn down with life in general at the moment I really looked forward to this and it didn't disappoint, so far anyway!
Ok, can anyone tell me why the Mandelorian with the purple hair isn't dead after having a light sabre stuck all the way through her?
Same reason people don't die after having swords stuck all the way through. Miss vital organs and it's an inconvenience, especially with bacta and other advanced medicines.
Watched both episodes again- really excellent! My wife hasn't see CW or Rebels and followed it pretty easily, with the odd question here or there. There are some 'catch-up' vids on YouTube, that give a 10 min background if you haven't seen the cartoons.
I enjoyed the first two episides, i felt like i was watching live action rebels!...which i could understand anyone who hasn't seen the series might feel a little confused with all these 'new' characters thrown at them...but i highly recommend watching that and the clone wars👍

Great visuals and effects, Baylan was great...i wonder who was the third 'assassin' 🤔

/edit....oh and chopper🥰
OK, I've finally seen both episodes and... I loved it! Yes, it's blatantly 'Rebels' season 5 as feared, rather than a straight-up Ahsoka show, but the worlds and characters have been brought to life extremely well. I thought Lothal in particular was perfectly realised. So yes, I loved it for what it is, but I do wonder how much viewers not completely familiar with the 'Rebels' storyline and characters will miss out on. Hopefully there's still plenty there for them to enjoy, but inevitably some things may be confusing, at least to start with.

All of that said, and without wishing to sound overly critical or ungrateful (God knows it's a relief to have a good Star Wars show!) I was actually hoping for a bona fide Ahsoka show, where she is unambiguously the lead character going out on adventures of her own and without sharing the limelight with the cast from a previous show. It looks like I'll still really enjoy what they're giving us (unless the show takes a sudden and horrible downturn... although I'm not aware of Rian Johnson having any involvement in it), but even so, great though it's been so far, the show's title IS misleading and hence it isn't really what I was hoping for. Perhaps if there's a second season that might change? I hope so.

Regarding its overtly female focus / bias, you can certainly see why that talentless woke witch Kathleen 'The Force is Female' Kennedy would have fallen over herself to eagerly greenlight the show, given that the only male characters of significance are Baylan Skoll (white human male - villain.... of course), the as-yet unseen Thrawn (blue Chiss male - villain.... of course), and Ezra Bridger (Latin human male - hero and lead character of the 'Rebels' series, here so far relegated to a cameo, but hopefully with a larger role to come). However, regardless of the show almost certainly being given the go-ahead by KK for misandrist reasons, the fact remains that this one may have slipped under her radar a bit, because unlike Rey for example, Ahsoka, Hera and Sabine are already firmly established in 'The Clone Wars' and 'Rebels' shows as being fully fleshed out characters with backstories, rather than blatant Mary Sues, and perhaps more importantly, are also well liked by fans. Sadly Kanan Jarrus is dead and hence is unlikely to appear in 'Ahsoka', unless as a Force ghost or as a flashback (one less male hero... another big tick for KK), and so far they haven't included Zeb either (although given his cameo at the end of the 3rd season of 'The Mandalorian', I'm certainly hoping he will appear), so I can certainly sympathise with those that feel there seems to be too large a female bias when it comes to hero characters in the show. I would agree with them completely if this was a ground-up newly created show, since we all know KK's hatred of men by now, but in this case I do think the show should be given a pass. Hera, Sabine and Ahsoka ARE established, good, canonical characters in their own right, and have also (at least in Hera and Sabine's case) spent 4 seasons of 'Rebels' together as crew members of The Ghost, so in this instance, I don't see this show as deliberately woke in its casting, but rather as a continuation of the established 'Rebels' series, picking up the story from the point at which it left off. And if that just happens to coincidentally satisfy KK's agenda, then that's all it is in this case; coincidence.

Anyway, I'm now really looking forward to seeing the rest of the series, and sincerely hope it can maintain the same high standard set in the first 2 episodes, and doesn't try to 'subvert our expectations'...
I enjoyed it. I love the Star Wars universe so pretty much enjoy anything that's based within it.

I can't imagine it would be as enjoyable had you not seen at the very least Rebels. It follows nicely after the last episode and I think a lot of the references wouldn't be fully clear without watching the cartoon/s.

I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing how this develops.
I enjoyed both episodes, although I haven't watched the animated series 😉
My youngest has, and the oldest is tempted to as a few of his friends have at 23, so he's not to old.
Only thing that I didn't like was Sabine recovering from the lightsaber stab, as mentioned above. It makes Qui -gon's death lame.
Bring on episode 3.
I really liked the 2 first episodes. But I miss that we did not saw Thrawn :cry: I also think it was strange that we did not see Sabine in a bacta tank and even more strange that the sith did not split her in 2 parts :rolleyes:

In the coming episodes or maybe next season, then I am thinking what will disney do with Baylan Skoll if he do not die in the series, since sadly Ray Stevenson who play him passed away all to young :unsure:

Also a little strange to see a new sith master and an apprentice from the empire. What were they before the fall of the empire. Since there is always only place for one master palpatine and one apprentice vader :unsure:
I've enjoyed it so far, not quite as good as mando but better than other series from Disney. But I'm not sure if the bad guys are siths or just bounty hunters with red sabers?
I really liked the 2 first episodes. But I miss that we did not saw Thrawn :cry: I also think it was strange that we did not see Sabine in a bacta tank and even more strange that the sith did not split her in 2 parts :rolleyes:

In the coming episodes or maybe next season, then I am thinking what will disney do with Baylan Skoll if he do not die in the series, since sadly Ray Stevenson who play him passed away all to young :unsure:

Also a little strange to see a new sith master and an apprentice from the empire. What were they before the fall of the empire. Since there is always only place for one master palpatine and one apprentice vader :unsure:
Baylan was a Jedi- Huyang researched his saber hilt and identified him as being a young Jedi before the war. He couldn't ID Shin's saber though, as she would've been too young to go through the Jedi temple.
Baylan was a Jedi- Huyang researched his saber hilt and identified him as being a young Jedi before the war. He couldn't ID Shin's saber though, as she would've been too young to go through the Jedi temple.
Yes I heard that in the series. But we did not hear about what happen to him after the empire war created. As I understand it he disaperead after the clone wars. But was he in the empire when vader and palpatine ruled and when became he a sith :unsure:
Yes I heard that in the series. But we did not hear about what happen to him after the empire war created. As I understand it he disaperead after the clone wars. But was he in the empire when vader and palpatine ruled and when became he a sith :unsure:
I guess we'll hopefully find out soon enough!
I really liked the 2 first episodes. But I miss that we did not saw Thrawn :cry: I also think it was strange that we did not see Sabine in a bacta tank and even more strange that the sith did not split her in 2 parts :rolleyes:

In the coming episodes or maybe next season, then I am thinking what will disney do with Baylan Skoll if he do not die in the series, since sadly Ray Stevenson who play him passed away all to young :unsure:

Also a little strange to see a new sith master and an apprentice from the empire. What were they before the fall of the empire. Since there is always only place for one master palpatine and one apprentice vader :unsure:
From the ads on Facebook, I don't think they are sith, hence an orange sabre and not red...
Dark jedi is the wording, but we shall see, as the episodes progress. I expect she will turn on her master in the end.
I guess we'll hopefully find out soon enough!
I hope so, it feels a little bit strange if they also were sith under vader and palpatine because in star wars movies they have always said there are only one master and one apprentice :unsure: Maybe they first turned to the dark side after they were killed. It will be interesting how disney will explain it :unsure:
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