Comprehensive Guide to Baggies

Post No - 81

Walrusman (Wally) - one for you JC


Palitoy-a Confirmed, Photo Courtesy OF Snaggletooth

Euro-b Wally Andrew Neo.jpg

Euro-b (white Tusks) - Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neo






Sw-e (see greedo for text/font type)


SW-e Factory error (no text), baggie & seal type as well as the figure coo/paint apps are a perfect match, so I can only assume this bag did not have any print at the time of being packed, maybe just cut in between print stamps.


SW-e - Vertical font NEW ADDITION 31/1/17 PHOTO COURTESY OF RobbieZombbie

ESB-d Wally Andrew Neo.jpg

ESB-d - Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neo


Euro-g - previous info pre reclassification below -

Previously considered to be ESB-h, but under further investigation along with a few similar baggies which I am convinced are actually a new (unclassified to date) baggie type with euro origins, note how small the bag is compared to the normal ESB-h style with the figure diagonally placed in the bag due to the baggie dimensions, also worth nothing the figure is the wrong era for the ESB-h baggie type & no "confirmed authentic" examples of this figure have ever turned up in the ESB-h, but a couple of fake ones have, EDIT this is now confirmed to be Euro-g
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Post No - 83

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This image like the ERG shown came from a flea market find in France form a collectors called Fabrice Fuybert who has sadly since passed away, it would be the only non Kenner baggie we have seen this figure in, sadly it can not be classified as all we have to go on is this tiny image which has been cropped from the bulk find image (shown in the bulk finds section), the rest of the baggies in the find were authentic so one would think this one is as well, obviously it's impossible to make out what it states on the baggie text & it would seem to be of a crisp material type & heat sealed with very small grey/blue font, I wanted to include it in case other examples ever crop up which sadly seems unlikely now.

Just another example of how much we still don't know about baggies & what wonders ended up never making it on to the card-stock they were very likely intended for.







ROTJ-h/B? Alternated Heatseal & the only baggie to date to have ever been found with this heat seal type, CONFIRMED with several examples from around the world all having come in multipacks
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Post No - 84



Palitoy-i - Tape sealed


Palitoy-i / Meccano - red sticker same as the above but with the inclusion of the Meccano red sticker (free figure offer) - open ended baggie (unsealed), all the examples from the find do not have a tape seal like the one above, this 100% cements the fact that "some: of the palitoy-i baggies did indeed come without any form of seal, so open at one end, many such examples have been found with the woolies 99p 8 packs


Palitoy-m Photo Courtesy of Narayan


ESB-a - 2nd issue - (Brown Snake)

ESB-a Yoda Brown Andrew Neo.jpg

ESB-a 1sy issue - Brown Snake - Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neo


ESB-a - 1st issue - (Green Snake) sometimes found with Lili Ledy accessories - CORRECTION - sometimes found with Ejector pin marks on accessories - false alarm erm sorry! :oops: & specific to the ESB Yellow 6 pack, many a split decision with collectors regarding the existence of a true green snake for this figure, yes you get discolored brown snakes, but this pack always has a solid green snake in it, I have a loose example & IMHO it is a variation not discoloration.


ESB-a - 2nd issue - (Orange Snake)


ESB-c (brown Snake)

ESB-c Orange Snake Andrew Neo.jpg

ESB-c (Orange Snake) - Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neo




ESB-f (Brown Snake)






ROTJ-f Hybrid - Black eyes figure with Orange snake


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Post No - 85



Palitoy-U - Photo Courtesy of Laurence Dyer

Franck Euro-a 3.jpg

Euro-a & the only example to have ever surfaced in a recent find tracing back to a Meccano employee - Courtesy of Dorothée Drouin Franck Gada

ESB-d Zucuss Andrew Neo.jpg

ESB-d - Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neo

ESB-g large font Zuckuss Andrew Neo.jpg

ESB-g (Large Font) - Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neo
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Post No - 86


Yes I know its not in the correct order, but I only just got my first Lumat baggie & the final one I needed for a full run of Kenner issued figure baggies :p


ESB-h or at least it's always been said to be, going back to look at one in close detail it struck me just how small the baggie is, it's a lot smaller than a regular ESB-h baggie & more in line size wise with the Euro-g baggies, but we know this was Kenner issued in MP's, so this opens up the door to the question - did ESB-h baggies come in different sizes for smaller figures, obviously the coo's for this figure are of no help, could it be the Euro-g were sent to kenner USA as well as to European vendors?

ROTJ-k Lumat Andrew Neo.jpg


ROTJ-k & from what I know (to date) the only figure to have ever surfaced in this baggie type, reverse shown for the unusual tape type.


ROTJ-l - I have had to make a new classification for this kenner issue baggie as although it is shown on the SWCA guide in the rarity section, it has not been given a classification on that guide, so this is a new baggie classification.
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Post No - 87

Other Known Baggies


Stormtrooper Blaster Baggie (heat sealed) - this is one that came in the early issued SW-b & D baggies with the stromtrooper (see stormtrooper baggies) & this is one from a damaged baggie, the blaster is slightly translucent, it has now been confirmed these have also been found in the earliest issued ESB era baggies ( ESB-a 1st issue )


Removable limbs C3P0 net baggie (tape sealed) again one from a damaged baggie


Palitoy - Mailer Survival kit baggie

Kenner survival kit baggie .JPG

Kenner - Mailer Survival Kit baggie

at at survival kit.png

at at survival kit sticker - Copy.jpg

Kenner - At At Survival Kit baggie, which came included with the At At Vehicle & an image of the printed image from the box



Rebel transporter accessories baggie & photo of box outer offer sticker PHOTO OF BOX OUTER COURTESY OF - Kevin Bletsoe


Jabba's pipe & bowl set baggie


Salacious crumb - Made in Hong Kong Black font


Photo of 3 Salacious Crumb baggies with various minor text variation, noted by Kevin Bletsoe PHOTO COURTESY OF - Kevin Bletsoe, it's been confirmed there at minimum 5 minor variations on crumb baggies, maybe even 7 make that 8, see below info


Salacious Crumb alternate large bag type, shown next to standard type PHOTO COURTESY OF - Kevin Bletsoe


& Yet another Salacious Crumb Baggie that's turned up, sealed at either side IE Text vertical rather than horizontal, crumbs there are too many crumbs :? PHOTO COURTESY OF - Kevin Bletsoe

crumb 3 - Copy.jpg

Some additional information & an image of 1 of the 8 confirmed, so thanks to Stephen Tzaras I can confirm there are at least 8 different Salacious Crumb figure variatins all known in baggies, they are numbered on the back of the neck from 1 to 8 & do have minor variations in paint colour & application, image of one number 3 shown above as an example.


Palitoy-s - Droopy McCool


Palitoy-s - Max Rebo - tri logo Version - No Text


Palitoy-s - Snootles Tri logo no text Version - No Text


Palitoy-s / Large - keyboard & instruments



Palitoy / Tri logo Rebo band outer baggie, with all three figure & piano bag inside, I found it quite odd that the large outer baggie sports the Black Made in Hong Kong font, whereas the inner baggies are all no text (just to further complicate matters lol) PHOTO COURTESY OF - Kevin Bletsoe, this baggie does not have it's own classification as it's item specific


Probot Droid version 1 & the ONLY VERSION I can confirm 100% legit - No Text heat sealed, this baggie does not have it's own classification as it's item specific

See fakes section ( Page 8 ) for the other examples

Takara wind up R2 Mark Yeo - Copy.jpg

Takara-a - "copyright twentieth century fox film corporation", this version we know came in the counter top display box


Takara-b - G.M.F.G.I - no info on this regarding why there are 2 versions & if indeed this was also issued in a counter top bin/box like the other version, this version seems to be a little rarer.

Takara wind up R2-D2 available in counter top display boxes in Japan - PHOTO COURTESY OF MARK YEO & BARRY SCOTT


Packing Error MOC Tri Logo Ben, with Luke Jedi baggie inside the bubble (Green Saber/Palitoy-a baggie), must have been one of those days at the office eh :lol: PHOTO COURTESY OF SHAWN_K


Hoth Wampa, to date I have seen this crop up in 3 baggie types, but I can only speculate one as legit so far that being the one with text Made In Hong Kong photo taken from an ebay listing, then these other examples below provided by Kevin Bletsoe this baggie does not have it's own classification as it's item specific & in all honesty I still have reservations on it's authenticity, it could be a rebo band large baggie from the tri logo set? just not much known about these in all honesty.




New addition 2/6/15 what is speculated to be spray mask test sample Hoth Wampas, PHOTO & INFO COURTESY OF KEVIN BLETSOE


1. no paint at all on eyes mouth hands claws
2. left hand painted, right palm and claws no paint
3.both palms painted no claws painted
4. no claws painted flat mat coloured eyes
5. both palms and claws unpainted
6. both palms painted, no claws painted
7. no claws painted,flat matt eyes , uneven eye paint
8. claws painted light coloured greeny/brown , palms painted, eyes and mouth uneven partially painted

These further 8 examples to be added soon as I get the photos -

9. light grey eyes and mouth
10. no paint on both claws /left hand painted (circles)
11. both claws unpainted
12. dark brown painted claws
13. no eye/mouth claws painted no palm paint left palm
14.dull matt eye paint primer evident unpainted left claws
15. light pink/peach coloured claws
16. dark grey matte eyes & mouth /unpainted claws & palms


Aftermarket Store Made up multi figure baggie technically not an official release as the title would suggest, this kind of pack was made up by some stores to try to move dead stock that was not selling at the end of the toy line, much like the woolies 8 packs, but made up in store in the USA, an interesting item all the same IMO & worthy of inclusion. PHOTO COURTESY OF - Andy Raymond

Below are a few examples of baggies that were included within vehicles / Play-sets & other issued items, it's quite mad just how deep the hole goes with baggies & what they were used for.

Dagobah pack.png

Dagobah play-set Yoda back pack baggie -

which seems to be the same as the Kenner survival kit & at at accessories baggies.

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Inflatable lightsaber repair kit baggie, the baggie being very specific & not found with any other items (Thant we know of), no designation.

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X-Wing cannon baggie, very similar to the ESB-h baggie type.


Electric Toothbrush replacement heads, in a baggie with the same font type as the SW-c baggies kenner & GM Logo


Twin Pod Cloud Car canopies, no text with twin heat seals, very much like the ESB-j type baggies if not the same.

3p0 bulk bag 25 count.JPG

C-3P0 bulk bag 25 count - several of these turned up a few years ago & it is not clear how these originated or for what purpose, if they are bagged up like this by kenner or done aftermarket, I think there were 5 available in total, I would assume they are from the 200 count shipping cases & rebagged into smaller quantities for sale, obviously that's only an assumption & we will likely ever know more, but an interesting item.
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Post No - 88


In this section I hope to do what little I can to further the understanding of the single figure mail away/mailer promotions which were the only way 3'3/4" figures were available as a mail in offer outside of the U.S.A & Canada (as far as I am aware that is), this will obviously include the other European countries & vendors a little further down.

These were as a rule, offered as free figures when you send in so many proof of purchases or at least that was the case here in the UK when you send in X number of figure nameplates from the front of the carded figures you bought or later in the "Bounty Hunter offer" with vehicle POP's, hence so many cardbacks are in circulation missing the nameplates from there fronts & even MOC figures with the pop's removed & names removed/cut out, I would like to give huge thanks at this point to Mike (Momike) & ShawnK for all the information that's already out there thanks to them & the photos of a lot of the Mailers that Mike has provided me.

Single figure mailers were available in the U.K Australia & in the U.S (also in Holland / Spain & Italy), I think they were also available is some other countries, but to date I have no knowledge of this & where, so if you can help with further details that would be great, so please do get in touch.

Some figures were country specific from what I know so far, like the Rancor Keeper & Dengar which were only available here in the UK (now known to be also offered elsewhere though the fine details are sketchy), as a child I vividly remember getting a Dengar mail away, as A - I remember not wanting to cut my cards down for the nameplates & B - what really makes me remember it is that I used to go over to Germany for my summer holidays to visit my family there & also my childhood friends who were all in to the SW toys, I got my Dengar in hand just prior to going & proudly took it there with me to show them, well when I got there my friends were all suitably unimpressed & proceed to frogmarch me to the nearest toy shop where I was rather shocked to see row upon row of carded Dengars, he was the most common carded figure currently available there & very much a peg warmer :lol: - he was not on general release in the U.K at that time with it being on the mail in card front offer, see the promo add below which has to date never been found in flyer form like the Rancor keeper & Emperor ones & only available as an advert found in comic books etc.


From speaking to Mike I have the impression that there was an offer right toward the end of the toy line in the ROTJ era that had a promotion where you could choose which figure you would like to receive out of a choice of 6 figures, sadly I have to date not found as much as one scrap of information regarding this offer, so if you know anything at all about this offer, please do get in touch so some more can be added to this guide.

Additional to the above re ROTJ era offer - now confirmed by a single small slip of paper that the offer did in fact exist (see Admiral Ackbar mailer in the Palitoy mailer section for details) & the image below kindly provided by Chales Jones

Charles Jones slip.jpeg

Sadly there is from what I have found so far, not one confirmed example of a sealed palitoy mailer out there for Dengar (since found X 3 examples)/Boba Fett or the Rancor Keeper (since found at least 2 examples) or for that matter even a confirmed open example that can be looked at to confirm exactly which baggies or mailer box were used for these 3 figures (since confirmed), so for now at least a lot of the information regarding those 3 is speculation.

As with the first page of this guide, this post will be under construction throughout & constantly a work in progress
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Post No - 89

Palitoy Issued Mailers Country of origin U.K

Palitoy mailers came as a plain white box with just the recipients address label & a bagged figure, no catalogs & paperwork like their Kenner counterparts, each country had its own mail away issued figures & some were issued in several.

Funny as it may sound with the figures/mailers abundance, I have to date not come across a Palitoy issued Emperor mailer :? same with a Boba Fett, so sadly no photos for you on those 2 :( Now found & included both Fett & Emperor Palitoy mailers below :)


Survival kit - the early issued Palitoy SK mailers came with kenner baggies & were later changed to the Palitoy versions which did not have the Blue Box Kenner logo on them, similar to the Toltoys 4-Lom being issued in a kenner baggie, assumed due to the fact production of euro baggies had not yet started when these earlier offers were available, later issue above with Palitoy baggie.


Ackbar Palitoy mailer 1983 - Copy_zpslxfamj5w.jpg

ROTJ era? AA mailer with offer note - photo courtesy of theguiltyone Palitoy-b baggie.


Admiral Ackbar Overstock mailer Palitoy-b baggie, note that the stuffer slip as shown above was not included in these overstock plain white boxes

anakin mailer 2.jpg

Anakin - The Anakin was an offer that went ahead in the States, but from what any of us can gather it never actually got as far as being offered up as a mail away promotion either here in the UK or In Australia, all the stock would seem to have been made & packed ready for the promotion to go ahead, yet (speculation) it would seem that due to the decline of the toy line through the POTF era they never actually got as far as doing the Anakin promotion outside of the U.S.

Not one addressed example of this mailer has ever turned up either in the UK or in Australia, no flyers/cardbacks stickers or wraparounds - nothing a total blank canvas, though we do know that the mailers have turned up sealed as overstock in the UK directly from Palitoy & also as overstock/dead stock in Australia.

So in short it being labeled as TT's is no more wrong or right than it being labeled Palitoy, IMO they should be labeled as neither, but just graded/regarded as non kenner overstock Anakin mailers.

If anyone has any further information regarding these I would really appreciate it


Boba Fett incarnation 3 of 3 - EDIT Palitoy fett mailer photo now included with what is "considered" to be the correct combination of baggie & box I think for the ROTJ era promotion (overstock box - no address), no flyer was included with the palitoy issued ones, but there is still speculation the jedi era promotion fett via the envelope stuffer slip "could have" come with a different box size & possibly even a different baggie type - mine field! this example has the Palitoy-a baggie & the regular size fett mailer box which I am now fairly convinced would have been the correct pairing for this period offer.


New evidence as of 15.11.20 -

Boba Fett SW/ESB era 1st issue 2 of 3 The 1st issue mail in offer fetts have now been confirmed to have been issued with the kenner ESB-a (1st issue) baggie, again just the box & baggie (no flyer or paperwork), but this was not the 1st one to actually be issued, it was the 1st type to be mailed out, BUT! -

There is also a 3rd known incarnation of the palitoy fett mailer, this was handed out on toy store visits of Darth Vader & possibly boba Fett, those contained a small font SW-d kenner issued baggie again with an overstock blank box of the same dimensions as the 2 examples above, see below image & further information below image.

SW-d small font mailer.JPG

1st known incarnation of the fett mailer 1 of 3, but never actually offered with this baggie type in the mail in offers (see above info) - SW-d small font Kenner baggie, click to expand the below images which confirm these mailers were handed out by Boba Fett on the toy store visits to anyone spending a minimum of 3 pounds in store & by the looks of things possibly also handing out the now quite rare Palitoy mini catalogs.

469482168_10162421222005960_6251504696077593048_n.jpg 469535196_10162421222020960_947057524626082501_n.jpg469476941_10162421221965960_5423182312119798797_n.jpg

Max Field fett.jpg

Finally a posted example to show, Photo courtesy of Max Field


Additional - There were also some in-store promotions where a mailer version of the fett was given out to children, I think on fett visits to toy stores, these examples are even earlier than the ESB-a version & were given out with overstock plain white boxes which had the Kenner SW-d (small font version) & sometimes a red sticker (shown above) offering the promotion, some of this is older info but I have left it in, as the SW-d version 1 is now shown above, though there is a 2nd version of the Kenner SW-d small font (font variation) I have as yet to get images of to share

Please also see this (now somewhat very outdated) thread for what (very little) is/was know/thought to be right to date -


4-Lom Palitoy-b baggie


Dengar 1 photo courtesy of Mike - above is the most well known example of the palitoy Dengar mailer (left) with the Palitoy-j baggie & D1108 Coded box & with the later issue ROTJ era offered version (Right) with a nice mailed out example of the box, which is the same dimensions with the same flap arrangement (identical) but did not have the D1108 code printed on the box like the earlier ESB era one offered & came via the ROTJ era slip stuffer offer.


Dengar 2 Above are 2 further examples, ESB era D1108 Coded box with alternate ESB-d baggie which has been confirmed to have been found in the mailer though infrequently, we are not sure if these were issued prior to the Palitoy/Bradgate/Parker Palitoy-j versions or afterward, either after to make up shortfall of stock, or prior to them before UK issued baggie stock became available, much like the Toltoys issued 4-Lom with Kenner baggie & the Palitoy fett mailers with SW-d & ESB-a baggies.

The other example is the same as the one shown in Dengar 1 above, but this time with an overstock un-mailed example box where you can clearly see they were never printed with the codes.

ATT_1426439890654_20150315_134014 - Copy_zpscanwbayr.jpg

Some further great info on the Dengar palitoy mailer above in the form of the apology letter from Palitoy for the delay in postage of the figure due to the demand for it - PHOTO COURTESY OF Sublevel Studios

Palitoy Dengar delay letter with baggie - Copy_zpsp5uxocys.jpg

Finally some solid conformation on which baggie came with at least one of the 2 issued Dengar mailers, this is now 100% confirmed as the baggie which came with the first issue ESB era Palitoy Dengar mailer, same as the apology letter above but having come from a childhood collection with both the letter & the baggie, its very nice to put this one to rest after several years of speculation regarding the baggie type, though it is still not know if the same baggie & mailer box was used for the later ROTJ mail in offer (new info added above confirming more) - Photo courtesy of theguiltyone

Dengar mailers.png


A cracking group photo of the Dengars that were sold in the final Astons auctions sale, the seller had a total of 8 Deangars / 5 Fetts & 13 survival kit mailers all in the same auction, apparently a long time collector who passed away leaving a garage full of toys for his elderly neighbors in his will, which included all of these fantastic mailers which almost ended up binned with the rest of the collection from what I gather, thankfully they were saved from the pending skip & sold off along with the rest of the collection in the Astons auction, a little newspaper clipping below the dengar group shot for a little more detail.

Please note that one of the Dengars is in a Kenner issued ESB-d baggie confirming another example of baggie type issued with the Palitoy Dengar mail in offer, we can confirm it's correct with it coming from this collection, this is the 1st time this baggie has ever been seen with the mailer & likely used as a substitute due to a shortfall of the Bradgate font baggies normally seen with the ESB era mailer, another interesting snipet of info in the history of Palitoy issued mail away figures (more info on the above images)

Also note that 3 of the 8 in the auction are still sealed, these are the first ever known examples of a sealed Dengar mailers to date & then 3 in one go, amazing what still turns up, I think maybe even more amazing is the fact the owner was obviously quite fanatical about the offers as 3 of the dengars are bundled together with a single address label & a single postage stamp mark, there was a 2nd box which also had 3 dengars written on the box, so one would assume the collector ordered 3 at a time at least twice as well as some individually.

James Cox 1.jpg

Dengar QVC - mailer Photo courtesy of James Cox

And lastly the 4th & final incarnation of the Dengar Palitoy mailer ( what a 4th type I hear you cry?? :eek: ), this was not an official Palitoy offer, but rather a promotion offered after the death of the toy line by the Q.V.C shopping channel, the details are a little hazy but lots of examples have been confirmed, the offer was for 2 figures (now at least 3 different figures confirmed & possibly 2 others bringing the total offered by QVC to 5 different figures in these jiffy mailers, though Madine & Anakin have never surfaced), both in Palitoy-a baggies & came in a rather plain padded envelope, all examples confirmed to date are un-mailed examples as it is assumed they never did shift all the stock even through the shopping channel, seems at least 3 figures were offered up in this promotion via QVC (Dengar/Emperor/Rancor Keeper) Confirmed, they are all identical bar the stickers on the back confirming the figure inside though 2 different size Jiffy mailers are confirmed to have been used, now updated.

It is speculated that some other single mailer issued baggies/figures were also available through this offer, likely Anakin & possibly others (more info added to the previous paragraph re other figures), but this has not been 100% confirmed.

Dengar appology note palitoy.jpg

& rounding the Dengar section off the appology note for the Dengar offer, same as the previously included Boba Fett one, Photo courtesy of Walkie

Emperor - which I have now finally have, since finding a shipping case of them, I can now confirm them having been issued with 2 baggie types, Palitoy-a & n see photos (Below)


Palitoy -a baggie


With Palitoy-a baggie, paint app's error (unpainted left hand)


Palitoy-n - all these 3 examples came from the same shipping case, so I assume a new shipment of baggies came in halfway through packing the case & it was of no concern which baggie type came with the mailers back then & most likely not even considered at the time, though of great interest to myself now.

There was another stash of Palitoy Emperors found a few years after my shipping case find (mad as they were insanely rare till I found the shipper), this find was actually under some guys bed, they'd been sat there for over 20 years & when he opened one, only then was it known what they were, as he had assumed they were in fact Hornby train parts - mad world, this type was fractionally different though with a Matt rather then Glossy finish to the boxes & was 2mm wider in size, so one would assume from a different count shipper, likely 200 count like most other shippers discovered.

Emperor mailers side by side.JPG

emperor mailers side by side 2.JPG

Both versions of the Palitoy Emperor mailer comparison images, showing the size difference as well as the finish of the boxes, the right one being a glossy finish (2mm wider) & the left being a matt finish, the matt versions are from the under the bed find & the glossy versions coming from the shipping case shown on page 6 (shipping boxes section)


Emperor in Palitoy-a with factory error paint drag error, obviously a problem with the print press when this one went through, of little consequence to most I assume, but I love the quirky & the unusual, it makes a welcome addition to my unintentional Emperor side focus.



Emperor in QVC shopping channel promotion mailer envelope, which would have had the Palitoy-a baggie included, the Code for all 3 figures in this offer seems to be the same ( 012071 )


Rancor Keeper - I've removed a lot of the older info for this one as it all got a bit confusing, in short plenty of hese have now surfaced including a few sealed examples, most of the examples known are overstock versions (plain white box, never sent out so no address or postage markings) though a couple of mailed out examples exist, non of them sealed though, this is the only known box type for the RK mailer & is unique to this figure as the box has apposed end flap orientation which no other single mailers have.

I will try to get an image for the mailed out version shown as there are also some fake ones in circulation tracing directly back to a known faker, these have a very different postage marking.

Some interesting background history on the sealed examples that were eventually discovered, these were from a fairground stall, apparently many many overstock mailers had been bought in bulk directly from palitoy by the stall holder, multiple figures not just Rancor keepers, they were used as a booby prize & handed out to folks who did not get a big win on the stall, sadly further details are not known, but what an awesome peek into the past of the toys.

Another find of many sealed examples has been found in 2024 & is now shown in the "Bulk Finds" section on page 6, sadly these are all in a very poor condition.


Rancor Keeper - in QVC shopping channel promotion mailer envelope, which had the Palitoy-a baggie included

mailers - Copy.jpg

Nien Nunb - also available as a blank box in overstock form, the above shows one of the very few mailed out examples known to exist, Photo courtesy of Mike, note the Palitoy-r baggie

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Nien Nunb in Palitoy-a baggie overstock mailer, shown with a sealed example, font close up below -



Nien Nunb in kenner box but Palitoy address label & Clipper mailer baggie (palitoy-r) :unsure:Talk about just get it together & sell it with whatever we have at hand to fill the shortfalls on orders, 2 examples of this cobbled together (in house) version have been found & confirmed.

Palitoy single figure mailers are IMO one of the toughest of all items to track down when it comes to baggies, well when it comes to ones other than Anakin, you would think there would be plenty in circulation - now try finding them :? New info 14.10.21 - obviously there have been a couple of decent size finds since this was written in the early 2000's, but they are still very very rare compared to their kenner counterparts & out there in significantly smaller numbers.


Refund of postage cost note, I have no confirmation of which figure this came with, but as it has been with me all my life, I can only surmise & speculate it came with the Dengar as that was the only mail away figure I got as a kid, well that I remember, I have never seen another one of these up for sale or in any collection & can only assume it came with Dengar as this was the only mail away figure I got as a kid.

EDIT - a couple more examples of this slip has since been found, still an insanely rare little piece of paper though & I have since added the correct stamp to it & had it custom cased for protection, it is speculated by some that this came with the Rancor Kepper rather than Dengar, sadly we can't confirm which is way 100%


Apology note issued from palitoy for the shortfall on availability of the boba Fett figure during the mail in offer, there is also one for the Dengar as there were huge delays with both promotions due to demand - photo courtesy of Mike


Rancor Keeper offer official flyer which came in tear off pad form, thought to be via toy shops, speculated to be at least 100 count


Comic add above & counter top flyer below

Fett mailers large 1 - Copy.png

Counter top flyer, these are individual, unlike the Rancor Keeper type & wee not on a tear off bulk pad.


Emperor official flyer, there were also comic book adverts as well as full size posters.

Flyers & comic book adverts for the above bar the Dengar which is already shown in the post above.

Ackbar Palitoy mailer 1983 - Copy_zpslxfamj5w.jpg


This is a hugely exciting find, the photo was kindly sent to me by a fellow member on SWFUK (theguiltyone) it is a slip included in a mailer he has, this is a huge find in terms of both baggie & palitoy mailer collecting, it was speculated that there was a 6 figure mail in offer run by palitoy towards the end of the toy line, presumably to get rid of remaining overstock, though not one scrap of information can (till this find) be found about the offer, note that not just figures but also the Darth Vaders collectors case & the display arena were available in this offer & the postage is marked Altrincham rather than Birmingham like other known ESB & SW era palitoy mailers, this really is a huge missing piece of the mailer history & palitoy puzzle, it is obvious this was a separate mail in campaign from the previous offers, as from what I know (see pic of the cardback sticker offers) the postage prices increased for this offer, the 4-lom was previously offered for 14 pence rather than the 15 pence stated in this later offer which would tie in perfectly with an increase in postage costs though minimal by today's standards :lol:

Additional, I now have one of these slips myself as does a friend & I noted that one of the figures offered is not included on mine, so one would assume they updated the stuffer slips to indicate which offers wee still available.

Further info - note that this "stuffer slip" promotion did not require the addition of name plate cut outs or bounty hunter pops etc, this was obviously a last ditch attempt to move the dead stock of a toy-line that was dwindling & becoming difficult to get rid of.

Photo courtesy of theguiltyone

Cardback offers.jpg

Some great kenner cards with Palitoy mail in offer stickers applied photos courtesy of Mr Palitoy

SK blow up - other offers2.png

SK blow up - other offers.png

Possible Other's - Luke Jedi & General Madine some great recently unearthed info within this simple letter pertaining to the Survival kit offer, which according to the letter had at least 50,000 applications (where did they all go??), seems they ran out of stock & made this offer of alternative figures, though no example of either the Luke nor the Madine have surfaced to date, it is not even know if these figures were sent out in mailer boxes or even baggies for that matter, but one would assume they were.

FULL list of order codes for the mailers (PENDING) many are shown in the above letter EXAMPLE - Boba Fett = AH

General Madie - no example has ever been found

Luke Jedi - no example has ever been found

C-3P0 - no example has ever been found
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Post No - 90

Clipper Country of origin Belgium & Holland


From what little I know of the mail in's in Belgium & the Netherlands Darth vader was sadly the only figure that was offered in such a promotion, though for some unknown reason he came in 2 baggie styles/types both issued in the same box.

As you can see the above information regarding the clipper mail away offers has changed a great deal from us initially thinking Darth Vader was the only mail away figure offer, since then many have been added to the guide including Nien Nunb / Admiral Ackbar / The Survival Kit / Teebo & Klaatu Skiff, though we are still very much sketchy on solid information regarding many of them.

we have since confirmed the existence of a 3rd incarnation for the Vadre mailer, bringing the variations known for him to 3, that's 2 different box types & 3 different baggies, see below for full details.


Admiral Ackbar - Photo Courtesy of Ronny Anngren

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Nien Nunb Clipper overstock, same "made in Hong Kong" no kenner font but it's not Palitoy-a like the Palitoy issued ones, has an old dutch price sticker on the back & is now confirmed to be a Palitoy-r baggie, font close up below -



Darth Vader - Clipper no text baggie (Euro-b) & Clipper Macau text baggie (Euro-c) shown side by side, the Euro-b shown on the left is a lot tougher to find than the Euro-c & available in much smaller numbers, it has the thicker textured cape & both Euro-a & b baggies sport the thick saber tips.


Darth Vader - Clipper Macau Text (Euro-c)

Colin Campbell - Copy.jpg

Darth Vader - Clipper overstock, Palitoy-k baggie & plain white box, photo courtesy of Colin Campbell, this one looks to have the more regular thinner saber tip


It is also worth noting that the clipper vader came with a thicker textured cape in the plain text Euro-b baggie but not the made in Macau Euro-c & a thick tip saber in both, just confirming whats been stated above with a good image of the textured cape version & saber.

clipper mailer_zpszaavfsbk.jpg

Clipper flyer for the above shown mailers offer

2 other clipper mailers are confirmed to exist, being Nien Nunb & Admiral Ackbar, no photos available at present! & it is unclear at this time if they were offered in baggies with mailer boxes or in padded envelopes with loose figures, since revised & available images shown below -




The flyer offer above & comic book add with the offer details depicting the same offers as the cardback & also a section to attach your name plates for the promotion

Clipper cardback sticker offer 7/2/19 further info on a clipper mail in offer, this cardback sticker shows 3 other offers which we have very little info on, those being Teebo / Klaatu Skiff & the Survival kit, it is speculated these were sent out in white boxes in baggies the same as the other offers, but to date we have only found 1 overstock example of the Klaatu which would seem to have slightly different inner cardboard that other mailers know to date, sadly we have no solid provenance for this, but do suspect it is correct with it turning up in the Netherlands. pic's below - Photos courtesy of Willem

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New addition - Survival Kit mailer which would seem to have some in a padded envelope & a Palitoy type SK baggie (no kenner logo) note the font though extremely pale compared to normal & maybe specific to the Netherlands & Belgium offers, it is worth noting I have seen a figure in a baggie with the same really lite coloured font, think it was an 8-D8 from memory, there is also a Lobot in the guide with the same font.




& above some additional paperwork which would seem to indicate more offers, sadly nothing more is really known as no examples of the items offered have surfaced.
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Post No - 91

Toltoys - country of origin Australia, though wicky is stating also for New Zealand/Malaysia & Singapore, so I'm doing a little digging, to see if any of the mailers were offered in any of those & if this is even the case TBC.

It is worth noting that all Toltoys mailers came with palitoy baggies as I believe Palitoy supplied them for these offers & as with the palitoy ones they simply came in a box with the baggie, no paperwork at all, but the 4-Lom was issued with a Kenner baggie, assumed to have been issued before palitoy bag stocks were available like the early Palitoy issued mailers (fett) as the 4-Lom was the 1st single mail away figure promotion in Australia.

There is also a confirmed 3rd box font style of the Toltoys mailers for at least the 4-Lom & possibly the Nien Nunb, it differs significantly in terms of the printing on the box, sadly I do not have an image available I am able to share publicly.

toltoys mailers.jpg

Couple of insanely rare addressed examples shown above.


4-Lom NOTE that the 4-Lom was issued in a Kenner logo baggie unlike all other TT mailers, it is speculated that this is due to production of TT's baggies (same style used by palitoy) had not started at the time this offer was available & they were supplied Kenner baggies for the first available mail away offer they ran.


Admiral Ackbar Palitoy-b baggie, please NOTE - it would seem the Ackbar mailer was only ever issued with the plain white overstock box rather than the one with the printed address info as was previously considered (& shown here) for the Paul's Ice Cream promotion, thanks to James Kenneison for the conformation.


Nien Nunb Please NOTE that NN was available with 2 font styled mailers (possibly even 3), large & smaller font version.

Toltoys SK Mailer - Copy.jpg

Survival Kit Boxes shown with Toltoys sticker, would have had the same palitoy baggies in them as the palitoy examples (see palitoy mailer section)

List of cardback offers courtesy of Robert Heron -

41-A with the survival kit offer
41-D with the 4-LOM offer
45-A with the display arena offer
47-A with the 4-LOM offer
65-B with the Nien Nunb offer (in both 'Revenge' and 'Return' labels on the front)

Other info as to where the Ackbar offer came in also courtesy of Robert Heron -

Seems he was never offered on a cardback & this is the way it was found - It was advertised on ice block wrappers (Lollies) by the company Paul's (in conjunction with Toltoys), and never advertised on any card back, see below photos -

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Rob (4).JPG
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Post No - 92

Kenner - country of origin U.S

America had more mail away offers than any other country & not just single figure mailers, lots more great photos & information on the other offers as well as the single figure mailers can be found on Shawn K's great website linked below, well worth a look as there is some very interesting information on all things mail away -


Survival kit offer - offered as a way of bulking those hoovered up weapons up your mother relived you of on a daily basis, well if your mum was anything like mine that is. photo courtesy of Mike


4-Lom photo courtesy of Mike (silver ESB catalog)


Admiral Ackbar - photo courtesy of Mike Silver ESB silver catalog & was available with the Return & revenge notes


Anakin - which came with the ROTJ Jabba catalog - photo courtesy of Mike


Boba Fett 1st issue issue, with brown envelope ( SW-d) small font type- Photo Courtesy of Chris Eddleman


Boba Fett SW-d / large font version Large Booklet with Sweepstakes flyer - Photo Courtesy of Chris Eddleman


Boba Fett SW-d / large Font version, Small Booklet pink flash a cool weapons error version discovered with 2 blasters I felt worthy of inclusion

ROTJ-j fett Chris Edlleman AMENDED.jpg

Boba Fett ROTJ-j which has been previously called SW-b IMO incorrectly / Large Booklet - Photo Courtesy of Chris Eddleman


Boba Fett ESB issue ESB-a (1st issue) with Luke Yoda Booklet - Photo Courtesy of Chris Eddleman


Boba Fett with "true SW'b baggie"

RobbieZombbie 4 (fett).JPG

Bobba Fett - Sealed mailer exciting discovery, first ever sealed fett mailer to have surface, would have been 2, sadly the seller opened one to show the contents :eek: what a sad loss, but hey at least there is still a sealed example out there :) PHOTO COURTESY OF ROBBIEZOMBBIE, other examples have since been discovered



Bossk SW-a - I always thought it was rather odd that this ESB issued figure was put out in a SW-a first issue white text baggie, not sure what the reasoning behind this was TBH EDIT (26/1/15) : It has now been confirmed beyond a shadow of doubt that the Bossk mailer has also turned up with both the ESB-a & ESB-c baggies & Now also ESB-f (what in tarnation) , confirmed from sealed examples opened for grading - now that is odd! as most other know single figure mailers came with the same bag type throughout their short lifespan bar the fett's obviously, NOTE that the black flyer is known in 2 versions (Matt & Glossy) both examples shown above with SW-a baggies


Bossk ESB-f

Bossk ESB-c.jpg

Bossk ESB-c
Please Note this is a Canadian example mirrored in the Canadian section below, I do not have a US Kenner example to show for the time being, that's assuming the ESB-c was indeed issued in the USA

Bossk ESB-a 2.jpg

Bossk ESB-a


Bossk ESB-c but with the Yoda & Luke catalog


Emperor ESB-c - the most commonly found mailer out there as I am sure most of you will already know & issued with the ROTJ Jabba catalog - photo courtesy of Mike

James Cox ROTJ-c Emperor.jpg

Emperor ROTJ-c - Photo courtesy of James Cox, Note the catalog is different to the usual ROTJ Jabba version, I am sadly not able to confirm if this is correct or not, but I've seen 100's of them with the Jabba version which should be regarded as the correct catalog.


Nien Nunb - came with the Vader ERG ROTJ catalog - photo courtesy of Mike

Jean François Rolland 1.jpg

Jean François Rolland 3.jpg

Han Trench Coat ROTJ era mailer, New inclusion 29.3.23 - possible mailer intended for production that never actually made it there?? this "could be" like the Palitoy Anakin offer which never saw it's production run, but this one would have been for the USA rather than the UK, we don't have anything more to go on than the little info on here as well as the above images you see, we have no solid provenance so please regard this as a "possible" offer.

This was apparently purchased from a Tom Neiheisel in the early 90's & it could just as easily have been a marketing idea that never made it to fruition, it's a big mystery & obviously never released, but I feel it deserves a mention, this has the ESB-d baggie type with it & what looks to be a very different dimension box to other mailers, Images & info
courtest of Jean François Rolland


& a photo I found on an auction site with them all laid out nicely together which I figured would make a nice addition.

Kenner Canada -

Darren H 2.jpeg

Darren Hilton - Copy.jpeg

4-Lom ESB-d Canadian issue - Photo Courtesy of Darren H


Bossk ESB-c Canadian issue

Other known single mailers known to have been issued by Kenner Canada but sadly no good images available (Admiral Ackbar / Survival Kit Mailer) & I assume the others issued in USA?
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Post No - 93


Right folks, all I can say about the PBP offers is that we do not have a lot to go on to date, that's actually a bit of an understatements as it goes, we have 2 scraps of paper to show what was offered & no actual mailer images, we do not know if they were ever sent in baggies let alone mailer boxes like the other we are accustomed to.

NEW INFO - from what we can gather they were sent in heavyweight jiffy mailer envelopes & in baggies, we are not 100% if they were kenner or palitoy baggies as we just don't have any solid provenance though looking at the examples that have been unearthed since I first wrote this section it may well be a mixture of Kenner & Palitoy depending on the offer dates much like Toltoya & Palitoy single mailer offers, though the sole image we have of a complete mailer example seems to be AFA graded & contains a kenner NN baggie, so it is still speculation if the others were non kenner baggies or simply loose figures (Fett/IG88/Bossk/Dengar).

These are the 2 known flyers in question which depict 5 figure, it is not even clear at this time if indeed all 5 figures were offered, but I can confirm the Nien Numb was & some collectors in Spain got those sent to them, it's speculated they may well have just been sent out in a padded envelope as loose figures, sadly as said nothing can be confirmed 100%

Please do reach out to me if you know of anything about the PBP mail away offers as it's all a bit of a mystery for now.

spanish maile away_zpshj7xhi0g.jpg


ADAM - Echo_zpsyb8evzgb.jpg

2021-10-08 23_04_09-NUEVO mailer PBP 1984 Nien Nunb con sobre rosa y ads en AFA - Star Wars Sp...png

New addition photo from Google images




Another example of the Nien Nunb now confirmed with some close up's of the included offer paperwork which was added for display ability I would assume (not included with the mailer)

HARBERT - country of origin Italy

Firstly apologies but I have just had to tag this info into a pre existing section as I can't edit the guide to create new sections anywhere other than right at the end.

Only fairly recently it has been confirmed that Harbert like many others did in fact have some mail away promotions.

The only ones I have any information on are the ones for the 2 included promotional adverts shown below (Boba Fett & Rancor Keeper)

As far as I am aware no examples of either have surfaced that can be confirmed as being issued / sent out in Italy, so we have nothing more to go on than the 2 images shown.

It is likely they were sent out in the same manor as other countries (boxed with baggies) but that is at this point just a wild assumption, I would guess they like Clipper & Meccano were being sub supplied via Palitoy, so it's quite possible they would be the same as the palitoy issued examples (shown in the Palitoy single mailer section)

Fett Harbert.jpg

Fett Offer

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Rancor Keeper offer
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Post No - 94

Star Wars Issued Brown box early issue Multi-Packs (& white Cantina packs) - this is going to be a long haul & an on going project trying to compile as many as I can, this will be happening with the help of Andy_R & Pat O'Brien both from RS, so please be patient.

Multi packs (MP's) were issued by several companies in the U.S to provided a cheaper alternative to Carded figures & a way for folk to add multiple figures to there collections, these packs were available via post from retail stores Sears/J.C.Penny/Wards/Spiegel & Aldens with some companies only offering a few & others offering many, some packs were specific to just one outlet while others being available from multiple retailers, hence some having many issue code numbers on them rather than just a single order reference number, they had from 2 to 16 figures in them which came in baggies with a small catalog showing other items from the toy line & were a perfect way for parents to give kids a lot of figures as a gift without breaking the bank, there are to date at least 85 known packs but I have heard that there may be as many as 98 (unconfirmed) with some others intended for release in the POTF line, though no example has ever surfaced (15.10.21) - 1 has been confirmed & it is likely they never made it to the production stage, nowhere near as many of these pack exist as with MOC as the packaging was at the time not regarded as something of any value & was in most cases discarded as simply being a cardboard box :eek:

There are 3 eras of MP's Star Wars E.S.B & ROTJ, each era having different box types, 4 if you include the POTF issue one, but that never came with baggies (confirmed).

In this first section I plan to cover the early issue plain brown or white box early issued MP's, please note that although the number of MP's issued is one thing, confirmed remaining examples of some is still a matter of debate, with several having never been discovered to date, bear this in mind when looking at the visual reference/photos & availability of them, hence some will be listed but no image is available.

If you have a pack that is not shown in the guide below I would be most grateful if you could help out & provide photos of any you have so they can be added to the index.

Samir Krim.jpg

Awesome group shot of Samir Kirm's excellent collection


Catalog page showing some of the packs available
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Post No - 95

White Creature packs were I think the first issued (not 100% if they came before the brown boxes or at the same time TBH)


Sears 49-59412 - 1978 - 2 pack Greedo - Blue Snag PHOTO COURTESY OF DEL

Please note that there are 2 different versions of this pack, the other example was issued on it's own rather than in the play set, the alternate version opens from the top rather than the end & has a retaining flap, the "Made in Hong Kong" text is not shown on the front but is on the side/bottom edge


Sears 49-59412 - 1979 - 2 Pack Greedo Red Snag - PHOTO COURTESY OF REBELALLIANCE


Sears 49-59413 1978-9 - 2 Pack Hammerhead Walrus man PHOTO COURTESY OF - Andy Raymond

Please note that there are 2 different versions of this pack same as the blue snag / greedo version), the other example was issued on it's own rather than in the play set, the alternate version opens from the top rather than the end & has a retaining flap, the "Made in Hong Kong" text is not shown on the front but is on the side/bottom edge, please see the SWCA Multi Pack guide for images - link on 1st post of this guide, image now added above

2 packs.jpg

Pic of the 2 Greedo / Snag 2 packs side by side, the red text contained the red snag & the black text the blue version & both stated Pack #1 which has caused confusion in years gone by.


The 2 Cantina packs (#1 & #2 Blue Snag) but a sealed example that has been X-Rayed Photo courtesy of Uncle Ron


Spiegel/Penney/Aldens 1979 - 924-3353 - 57T4489 – 85Y8413 - 4 pack Hammerhead Walrus man red Snaggletooth Greedo
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Post No - 96



Great photo of a freshly opened pack, figures never removed COURTESY OF LandoSkiff (Dan) which I think makes for a great introductory photo for this section


Sears 49-59414 - 1979 - Death Squad Commander Luke (Farm Boy) Han Solo (Large Head) this pack has been seen with the small head han solo but it's very rare.


Wards/Penney/Spiegel/Aldens 48-24489 923-0889 - ( 57T882 / 57T887 ) - 58Y684 - 1978-79 - Leia Organa Han Solo (Large Head) Chewie Jawa - 4 pack NOTE THE 2 VARYING FONT STYLES ON THE LEIA & JAWA -Both SW-d, but there seem to be more & more minor variations creeping into the mix so both large & small font like with the SW-a's so do need subclassing SW-a/1 /2 etc at some point, noticed by snaggletooth
thanks mate ;)


Wards/Penney/Spiegel/Aldens 48-24490 - 923-0871 - ( 57T4880 - 57T4886 ) - 85Y7685 - 1978-79 Ben Luke (farm boy) C-3p0 R2 D2 - 4 pack


Sears/Wards/Aldens - 1978-79 - 49-59415 - 48-24491 - 85Y7686 - Darth Vader Stormtroopers x 2 - 3 pack


Sears 49-59416 - 1978 - Chewie R2 3p0 - 3 pack

MP 1.jpg

Sears 49-59417 - 1978 - Jawa / Tusken Raider's X 2 - 3 pack PHOTO COURTESY OF - Mike Horn


Same as the above pack (Sears 49-59417) but an X-Ray done of a sealed pack, Photo Courtesy of Uncle Ron


willem-Jan Bos 2_zpsrxbazda5.jpg

EDIT: - New addition 29/6/16 same pack as above but a bit of an oddity picked up recently, this pack has been printed incorrectly with an additional digit in the code, same as the above one (Sears 49-59417 - Jawa / Tusken Raider's X 2 - 3 pack) but has an additional number 4 in the code (factory typo 49-594147) first & only such code error I have seen, confirmed as the same pack as has been X-Rayed to confirm, PHOTO COURTESY OF WILLEM-JAN BOS Is this in fact an authentic factory error or could it be a Jeff G creation? Hmm food for thought


Wards/penney/spiegel/aldens - 1978-79 - 48-24496 - 923-0988 - ( 57T-4881 - 57T-4888 ) - 85Y8415 - Darth Vader Tusken Raider Stormtroopers x 2 - 4 pack


Penney/Spiegel/Aldens - 1979 - 924-3346 - 57T-4890 - 85Y8418 - Luke (X-Wing) R5 Boba Fett Power Droid - 4 pack, this is a Q.C sign off pack & the only known example of one (see pre production section on page 6)


Sears - 1979 - 49-59451 Luke (X-Wing) Boba Fett - 2 Pack Pack, see page 6 for a Q.C sign off example with the same sign off signature as the others shown on this section.

16 pack.JPG

Shane Carters alternate 16 pack.jpg


Sears - 1977-78? - 49-59455 Luke (Farm Boy) Leia (Organa) 3p0 Death Squad Commander Tusken Raider Chewie Greedo Hammerhead Darth Vader Snaggletooth (Red) R2 Walrus Man Stormtrooper Jawa Han solo (Large Head) Ben - 16 Pack both known versions (1977/78)


Sears/Aldens - 1979 - 49-59458 - 85Y8416 - Chewie R2 Death Star Droid 3p0 - 4 Pack the one pictured is another signed QC sample & again the only one known to date, same signature as the one above.

NO IMAGE AVAILABLE AS YET & from what we know no examples have ever been found.

Sears - 1979 - 49-59459 Darth Vader Stormtroopers x 3 - 4 pack

4 pack mock up.jpg

Sears/Aldens - 1979-80 - 49-59461 - 85Y8410 Jawa's X 3 Tusken Raider - 4 Pack

NO EXAMPLE HAS EVER SURFACED TO DATE So with it being what I would regard as a bit of a grail pack & me having a huge soft spot for Jawa's, I have managed to pickle this approximation of what it may look like, I have put all SW-b baggies into the set with a box that only has half the factory code on which I got cheap ( the prefix part of the code is the same as this pack), I know it may well not be right, but I think its as close as we are ever likely to see unless a genuine pack surfaces, hell we have no idea what baggies would be in the pack bar that they would be SW era ones though likely B or D's, it could be for all we know 3 VCJ's :eek: so please bear in mind this is NOT the actual pack, just an approximation of what it should be
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Post No - 97

ESB Issued Plain White Box MP's

As with the SW issued packs above, generally speaking the baggies in all the packs were identical, this era covered a lot more packs & figure combinations than the previous SW era ones due to more figures having been released & the success of the previous store MP's, most were plain white boxes with just catalog numbers much like the SW issued ones above though some sported the figure line up's in text on the front & there were a small number released with line art images on the boxes of the included figures in Blue on the packet front, These "line art packs" are regarded as highly desirable & always command a huge premium, maybe one day eh!.


Wards/Aldens - 1980 - 48-24511 - 58Y8404 - Darth, Fett, IG88 ,Hoth trooper - 4 pack PHOTO COURTESY OF PAT O'BRIEN


Wards - 1980 - 48-24512 Han Hoth, Leia Bespin (crew neck), Lando Bespin, BSG (White) - 4 PACK

variant - Copy.jpg

Wards/Spiegel/Aldens - 1980 - 48-24513 - 57-4874 - 85Y8403 - Luke Bespin, Yoda, R2, FX-7 - 4 Pack (2 different versions of this pack exist), other box version now added, NOTE the spelling errors/differences on the 2 packs on the word "Fatigues"


Wards/Spiegel - 1980 - 48-24514 - 57- 4873 - Hoth Troopers X 2, Hoth Rebels X 2 - 4 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY_RAYMOND

10 pack New.jpg

Penney - 1980 - 928-0439 BSG (White), Lando Bespin, FX-7, Han Hoth, IG-88, Hoth Rebel, Luke Bespin (Blonde), Hoth Trooper, Yoda (Orange Snake),Leia Bespin (Crew Neck) - 10 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY_RAYMOND

There are alternate spellings of "Fatigues" on the ESB 9 and 10-packs, and also light blue and dark blue print variants.

The misspelling of "Fatigues" as "Fatiques" was corrected but both packs can be found with either spelling.
This makes 3 variations for the 10 pack alone: dark blue print with "Q" spelling, dark blue print with "G" spelling, and light blue print with "G" spelling.

Note that this spelling error/issue is also on the 4 pack shown above (Wards/Spiegel/Aldens - 1980 - 48-24513 - 57-4874 - 85Y8403)



Penney - 1980 - 928-0454 Imperial Trooper, Chewie, Darth, IG-88 - 4 Pack

Andy 3.jpg

Penney - 1980 - 928-0488 BSG (White), FX-7, 3p0, R2 - 4 Pack, Photo Courtesy of Andy Raymond


Penney/Spiegel - 1980 - 928-0496 - 57-4871 - Luke (X-Wing), Leia Bespin (Crew Neck), Han Hoth, Lando Bespin, - 4 Pack

928-0515 Sven.jpg

Penney - 1980 - 928-0512 Hoth Rebel, Luke Bespin (Blonde), Han (fat head), Fett - Photo Courtesy of Sven Schneider



Sears - 1980 - 49-59032 Ben (White Hair), 3p0, R2, Chewie, Stormtrooper, DSD, Death Squad Commander, Hammerhead, Luke (farmboy - Blonde), Leia (Organa), Luke (X-Wing), Greedo, Snaggletooth (Red), Walrus Man, R5 - 15 Pack - PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY_RAYMOND available in standard & line are versions


Sears - 1980 - 49-59035 Luke Bespin (Blonde), Leia Bespin (Crew Neck), Lando Bespin, BSG (White), Hoth Rebel, Han Hoth, FX-7, Hoth Trooper, IG-88 - 9 Pack, this one has also been issued under another number from the same store just to confuse the issue (so I am told) & is another with the "fatigues" spelling errors as mentioned above on the 10 pack

NOTE that this pack shares the same code as a ROTJ era 3 pack (Sears – 1983 - 49-59035 - Admiral Ackbar/General Madine/Rebel commando – 3 Pack)


Standard issue

Mark Yeo.jpg

Line Art Version Photo Courtesy or Mark Yeo

Sears - 1980 - 49-59051 3p0, R2, Yoda (Orange Snake), Luke (X-Wing) - 4 Pack


Spiegel - 1980 - 57-4870 - R2, 3p0, Han (Big Head), Chewie 4 Pack


Standard issue pack

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Line Art Version with close up below, Photos Courtesy of Mark Yeo

Line Art 4 pack box Yea.jpg

Sears/Spiegel - 1980 - 49-59054 - 57-4872 - Bossk, Fett, Vader, IG-88 - 4 Pack - I have two photos available for this pack, each with differing catalogs, I would suspect that it is possible that it could have been found with either, but I suspect (speculation) that the black background ESB one is the more likely correct one for this pack.


Sears/Aldens - 1980 - 49-59057 - 85T8403 - Hoth Trooper, Hoth Rebel, FX-7, Han Hoth - 4 Pack


Wards/Penney/Aldens - 1981 - 48-24545 - 929-4877 - 85Y8370 - Darth, Fett, Hoth Troopers X 2. - 4 Pack


Wards/Penney/Spiegel - 1981 - 48-24546 - 929-5049 - 57-4867 - Chewie, R2-D2, 3p0, Yoda - 4 pack. PHOTO COURTESY OF - BENJAMIN

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Wars/Penney/Aldens - 1981-82 - 48-24547 - 929-4224 - 85Y8372 - Dengar Rebel Commander, At At Driver, Imperial Commander, 2-1b, Leia Hoth, Ugnaught, lobot. - 8 Pack


Wards/Sears/Aldens - 1981 - 48-24548 - 49-59172 - 58Y8371 - Han Hoth, Yoda, Luke (X-Wing), Lando Bespin. 4 Pack - PHOTO COURTESY OF THEGUILTYONE

This pack is listed in the Kellerman book twice, I.E it's listed on 2 separate lines directly next to one another, both packs have the same line up & I have to assume this was a little error at time of printing, so regard the 2 further codes here as the same pack but for Sears & Aldens - 1981-82 - 49-59172 - 58Y8371 which has now been amended above to show all 3 on the first line here.


Sears/Wards 1981 - 49-59176 - 48-24549 - Stormtrooper Hoth Rebel, Hoth Stormtrooper, Rebel Commander. 4 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Sears - 1981 - 49-59179 Rebel Commander, Leia Hoth, Ugnaught, Lobot, 2-1b, Han bespin, At At Driver, Imperial Commander, Dengar. 9 Pack

14 pack Pat O'Brian - Copy.jpg

Sears - 1981 - 49-59182 Darth Vader, Yoda, Chewie, Ben Kenobi, 3p0, R2, Luke farmboy, FX-7, Tusken Raider, Jawa, Hoth Stormtrooper, death Squad Commander, Greedo, Hammerhead. 14 Pack, 3 examples of this pack turned up all together last year (2022) as well as 2 examples of the below shown 8 pack in the same find, so it's a pleasure to be able to to finally add an image to the guide, all baggies are ESB-c bar the creatures which are ESB-d photo courtesy of Pat O'Brien EDIT - please NOTE the 49-59182 code is show on the edge of the box & not show in the photo!





Penney - 1981 - 929-4216 Hammerhead, Snaggletooth, Tusken Raider, Ben Kenobi, Greedo, Jawa, Walrus Man, Stormtrooper - 8 Pack, great to finally have this one on the guide thanks to a member showcasing it on facebook last year, one of very few examples known to exist, it was news to me that any ESB era packs were issued in brown boxes rather than just white ones, every days a school day! info added 17.10.21 - lots of images for this one I know but it's so dam cool! also codes on all different sides of the box.

I find it intriguing that all the figures are SW era rather than ESB era & more so with the brown box, you'd have expected this to be a SW era MP.


Penney/Spiegel - 1981 - 929-5056 - 57-4868 - Hoth Rebel, Han Hoth, Luke X-Wing, Lando Bespin. - 4 Pack Photo Courtesy of ANDY RAYMOND


Spiegel - 1981 - 57-4869 Hoth Rebel Commander, Hoth Rebel, Stormtrooper X 2 - 4 pack


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Wards/Penney/Spiegel - 1982 - 48-62351 - 655-1634 - 57-6252 - Vader, Fett, IG88, Stormtrooper - 4 pack Photo Courtesy of Andy Raymond

We can't confirm if the baggies for this as the only 2 known images depict different ones, but the are they only examples we have seen, I also note that the Boba Fett in the below of the 2 shown packs is in what would seem to be a ESB-f baggie, please be aware that this figure has never been documented in that baggie so is "could be" a fake


Wards/Penney/Spiegel - 1982 - 48-62352 - 655-1642 - 57-6253 - Chewie, Han (Large head), Leia (organa), Luke (farm boy) - 4 pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Spiegel – 1982 - 57-6250 Luke Hoth/Lando calrissian/Ben/Leia Hoth/FX-7/Bossk/Darth Vader/Han Hoth/At At Driver/DSC/At At Commander - 12 pack


Wards/Penney/Spiegel – 1982 - 48-62355 - 655-1626 - 57-6251 - R2-D2/Yoda/Luke X Wing/Ben - 4 pack - Image courtesy of Andrew Neo

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Penney – 1982 - 655-1659 - Lando calrissian/Leia Bespin (turtleneck)/Lobot/Ugnaught – 4 pack Note the Lobot white arm variant both arms are totally white ( above pack without catalog code label) & also note - this is the only pack & sole baggie type the turtle neck Leia can be found in, I believe this to be the only box to be plain on all side bar the side with the P.O.P - no code on it just plain white, EDIT another example now added (2nd shown) with a code sticker on it.

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Wards/Penney/Aldens/Spiegel – 1982 - 655-1758 - 57T-6251 - 48-62354 - 85-8372 Luke Hoth/Tie pilot/Zuckuss/At At Commander/R2-D2 (sensorscope)/CCP/C-3p0 (R.L)/Bespin Security Guard (White) - 8 Pack

This pack is listed twice on the Kellerman matrix, once for Penny & once for Wards, they are however one & the same pack, it also only states 2 of the 4 retailers on the matrix even though it's duplicated, glad it's not just me that does this lol.


Sears – 1982 - 49-59231 - Luke Bespin/2-1B/FX-7/CCP/At At Driver/At At Commander/Tie pilot/Imperial Commander - 8 Pack, just look how excited that kid must have been to get at the figures 😃 box torn right through in the mid section, some may say it's ruined, but to me that's history right there.


Sears – 1982 - 49-59242 Luke Hoth/Han hoth/Yoda - 3 Pack New addition 17.10.21 with special thanks to Shane Carter for the inclusion


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Sears – 1982 - 49-59243 Rebel Commander/Hoth Rebel/Hoth Rebel - 3 Pack Photo Courtesy of Andy Raymond additional pack shown (without catalog) has a weapons error, the Hoth Commander had no weapon in the baggie, but there was (oddly) a loose one within the pack as shown

49-59244 3 pack MISSING FROM GUIDE.jpg

Sears – 1882 - 49-59244 R2-D2 (sensorscope)/C-3p0(R.L)/Chewbacca - 3 Pack.

Note this is the same line up as the SW era pack "Sears 49-59416 - 1978 - Chewie R2 3p0 - 3 pack" & again Sears being the retailer supplying it, this time though with the ESB era versions of R2 & 3P0



Sears - 1982-83 - 49-59245 Darth Vader/stormtrooper/stormtrooper,- 3 Pack Photo Courtesy of ANDY RAYMOND, included is a photo of a 2nd example with a weapons error trooper with Jawa blaster, not that I expect it'll help his aim much🤣

I have checked & cross checked the Kellerman guide & no mention of a second pack with the Hoth Stormtroopers is listed, so as of 27/9/15 you can regard this as another pack guys, really threw me out this has, as you can see they both share the same code, but one has an earlier issue ESB style white box, the other a ROTJ Red Sticker one - if anyone can clear this up & shed some light on this issue I would greatly appreciate your input,

EDIT 22.1.23 - I can now only assume this is indeed the same pack but due to it being issued as late as 83 (most ESB packs only went up to 1982), they updated the box with what was being issued at the time & kept the same code & figure line up??


Sears – 1982 - 49-599246 Boba Fett/Stromtrooper/IG-88 - 3 Pack Photo Courtesy of ANDY RAYMOND


Sears – 1982 - 49-59247 Dengar/Zuckuss/Bossk - 3 Pack Courtesy of ANDY RAYMOND



Wards 48-24470 year of issue unconfirmed but I expect it's 1981 with whats written on the box - At At Driver/Leia Hoth/Imperial Commander/Hoth Commander 4 Pack (added 21.10.21) - some of the figures have never been seen in this baggie type before, so this is quite the exciting discovery both in terms of previously unknown things (Q.C Pack / Never before seen pack / or baggies).

As I understand it this turned up in the latest Hakes auction & till now as said was not known about, check out the dates it was issued, it's not listed in the Montgomery Wards 1981 Christmas catalog, the date written on it is from April 1981, months before the Xmas catalogs were sent out. Makes us wonder if it was from a spring catalog or perhaps another flyer type thing? if so & this is only turning up now, it begs the question - what else is out there we have not yet seen / were there other MP's available in this offer etc etc, makes the mind boggle, info / speculations Courtesy of Andy Raymond & Photos Courtesy of Samir Krim


Sears Wish Book from 1982 depicting some of the MP figures offered that year, figured this would make a nice addition to this MP post, PHOTO COURTESY OF THE EVER HELPFUL - Andy Raymond

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Post No - 98


3 pack 3.jpg

The most common of all the multipacks issued by the catalog distributors & still widely available for sale if you know where to look, some are readily available frequently, others are much tougher to track down & as will the ESB era issue some are just dam near impossible to find.

They came with a huge verity of figures/figure combos with some figures making an appearance in several packs, with the toy line being so well established & its popularity huge, lots of these packs were produced, with a vast selection of figure in them with all 77 figures already being in production by the time these hit the catalogs.

They come with a large round red sticker depicting several charterers on it (bar the 3 flyer ones at the bottom & the more recently added line art packs of which there seemed to be 5), including the very bright red cape bib fortuna pre production figure we are all accustomed to seeing, but never get the opportunity to own.

They came with a catalog folded over inside the box as the previous catalog multi packs did, just this time obliviously related to the ROTJ era & sporting its logo.

It is worth noting that when this era of MP's were produced that many packs have been found with various different baggie types / substitutions, many being found with ESB-h baggies which were "suspected" to be used frequently as substitute, so not every line up of baggie shown on the guide below will be the same in every pack issued, though there are many with confirmed combinations cross checked against multiple examples.
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Post No - 99




Sears - 49-59245 - 1982-83 Darth Vader/Hoth Trooper/Hoth trooper,- 3 Pack

PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND Note that the vader is in a SW era baggie, making the whole 2 packs with the same code thing even more obscure (see 49-59245 ESB era MP's section for more info)



Wards/Penney/Spiegel – 19.83 - 48-62687 - 655-3796 - 57-6279 - General Maidine/Rebel Commando/Lando (Skiff)/Luke Jedi knight (know with blue & green saber)/Chief Chirpa/Logrey/Admiral Ackbar/Boussh - 8 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Wards/Penney/Spiegel – 1983 - 48-62688 - 655-3804 - 57-6278 - Gamorrean Guard/Ree Yee's/Bib/Biker Scout/ERG/Klaatu/Weequay/Squid head - 8 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Sears/Wards/Spiegel – 1983 - 49-59181 - 48-62689 - 57-6277 - ERG/Biker Scout/Ben/Nien Nunb/C-3p0/R2-D2/Tie Pilot/Yoda - 8 Pack, this pack was also issued with the tie pilot in ESB-h baggie (confirmed from a sealed pack)


Penney – 1983 - 655-3861 Dart Vader/Luke X Wing/Yoda/Boba Fett – 4 pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Penney – 1983 - 665-3879 - Stormtrooper x 4 – 4 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND



Penney - 1983 - 665-3887 - Ben/R2-D2(Sensorscope)/Chewbacca/C-3p0 (R.L) – 4 Pack


Sears – 1983 - 49-59035 - Admiral Ackbar/General Madine/Rebel commando – 3 Pack -

This catalog number is a repeat of one used for an earlier ESB Issued 9 Pack (Sears - 1980 - 49-59035 Luke Bespin (Blonde), Leia Bespin (Crew Neck), Lando Bespin, BSG (White), Hoth Rebel, Han Hoth, FX-7, Hoth Trooper, IG-88 - 9 Pack) - PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Sears – 1983 - 49-59041 - Gamorrean Guard/Squid Head/Bib Fortuna – 3 Pack 2 examples shown above with baggies they were issued with, just as an example that not all ROTJ issued packs came with the same baggie types, Note the blue font on this box, from what we know this was the sole ROTJ era pack that came with this colour print on the box, additional image with catalog - Photo Courtesy of Andy Raymond - side note, check out that awesome weapons error squid with 2 blasters in the ESB-h baggie


Sears/Spiegel – 1983 - 49-59222 - 57-6280 - Lando Calrissian/Boussh/Luke jedi (available with both blue or green saber) – 3 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Sears - 1983 - 49-59444 - Klaatu/Ree Yee's/Weequay – 3 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Sears – 1983 - 49-59872 - Chief Chirpa/Logrey/Chewbacca – 3 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Penny/Spiegel – 1984 - 655-6153 - 57-6290 - Chiief Chirpa/Lumat/Logrey/Wicket – 4 Pack Note the Logray staff - see Logray section for more info, this is NOT a weapons error, same thing with the previous pack shown above (Sears – 1983 - 49-59872)

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Penney – 1984 - 655-6161 - Leia Organa/Luke FarmBoy/Darth Vader/Han Solo (large head)


Penney – 1984 - 655-6179 - Chewbacca/IG-88/C-3p0/R2-D2 – 4 Pack


Penney – 1984 - 655-6237 - Emperor/Klaatu Skiff/Nikto/8D8/Rancor Keeper/At St Driver/ERG -7 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Penney -1984 - 1655-6245 - B-Wing Pilot/Leia (Endor)/Wicket/Han (Trench)/PruneFace/Teebo/Papaloo – 7Pack worth noting the supposed ESB-h baggie for papaloo, which is a twin heat seal overstock baggie, which is correct (see single figure baggies on the Revised kenner guide for details)


Wards – 1984 - 48-62381 Luke Jedi/Leia (Endor)/Lando (Skiff) – 3 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND, NOTE that this pack can be found with different baggie types & also the luke with both blue & green saber versions.


Sears – 1984 - 48-59010 - Klaatu (skiff)/Nikto/8D8 – 3 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND

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Sears/Wards – 1985-85 - 49-59012 - 48-62251 - Wicket/Papaloo/Teebo – 3 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND, it is worthy of note that this pack was printed with 4 pop's rather than 3 making it a bit of a factory error, this is the only one that has been seen to date with the 4 pops printed, all other examples that have been seen have the usual 3, there must have been a full print run done like this, but to date this is the only confirmed example.


Sears – 1984 - 48-59014 - Rancor Keeper/Prune Face/At St Driver – 3 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND

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Spiegel – 1984 - 57-6287 - C-3p0 (R.L)/Ben/Chewbacca/R2-D2/Han Hoth/Leia/Luke X Wing – 7 Pack - Image courtesy of Pete Fizke


Sears/Wards/Spiegel –1984-85 - 49-59017 - 48-62252 - 57-6288 - Darth Vader/Emperor/ERG – 3 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Sears/Wards – 1984-85 - 49-59021 - 48-62380 - C-3p0 (R.L)/Ben/Yoda/Chewbacca/R2-D2/Han Hoth/Leia/Luke X Wing – 8 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND


Sears – 1984 - 49-59023 - Gamorrean Guard/Squid Head/Imperial Commander/Boba Fett/Bike Scout/Hoth Trooper/Stormtrooper/At At Commander – 8 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDY RAYMOND

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Please note the below 3 x 3 packs do not sport the red ROTJ round sticker & were not included in the Kellerman matrix, but are mentioned in the book in another section & were offered exclusively in a Wards envelope stuffer & assumed to have been offered in credit card statements according to the Kellerman book, envelope stuffer image Courtesy of PAT O'BRIEN


Wards – presumed to be - 1984-85? - 48-62372 Darth Vader/Biker Scout/ERG – 3 Pack PHOTO COURTESY OF PAT O'BRIEN

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Wards 48-62373 - presumed to be - 1984-85? - General Madine/Admiral Ackbar/Boussh – 3 Pack

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Wards – presumed to be - 1984-85? -48-623374 Boba fett/Bib Fortuna/Squid Head – 3 Pack Photo Courtesy of Samir Krim




Catalog 1009-32-SW41, sadly this is the only 1 of the 5 we have any real info & images for, they "maybe" by JC Penney judging by what it states on the below advert??


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ROTJ era Line Art Packs (new addition 21.10.21) I have long known about these packs via the ever informative Andy Raymond (thanks Andy) but never had as much as a scrap of info nor any images to include on the guide, as there's very little known about them, but I am including what info I do have below, photos Courtesy of Andy Raymond

There's next to nothing on these packs sadly, what I have I am sharing, I can't make out the figure line up's let alone the pack code numbers so what you see is what you get, these would seem to be different figure line up's to the other packs already covered in this guide, there is no mention of these on the kellerman matrix sadly.

Side note - check out those prices $85 a pop - I'll have them all please :LOL:


NO IMAGE AVAILABLE AS YET & likely never will be, but there's always hope!

Penney – 1985 - 655-7128 - Warok/Romba/Wicket/Logrey – 4 Pack – Never seen this pack & may never have been released & if it was there's a good chance it was sent out with carded figures like the other POTF era Pack below



Penny – 1985 - 655-7136 - Luke (Poncho)/Han (Carbonite)/Luke (Stormtrooper)/Amanaman/Barada/EV-9D9/R2-D2 (pop up)/Imperial Gunner – No example of this pack has ever surfaced & It is unclear if it was ever actually issued, though unlikely.

New info on the above pack as of 2021 - an example of the pack finally turned up for sale on ebay & it can now be 100% confirmed they did indeed issue the pack, sadly not in a mailer box & not with baggies 😭

It was in fact sent out in a large brown padded envelope as you can see & with all POTF carded figures rather than baggies, well it gets a mention in the baggie guide anyway, but what a huge disappointment that those ace POTF era figures were indeed never offered in Kenner baggies - wounded!


& finally I figured this image needed to be added as it's just such an awesome sight!, behold Andy Raymond's collection all stacked up :eek:
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Post No - 100

Special Offer Items (vehicles & play sets)


A lot of these special offer items if not all were issued to catalog stores like Sears & Wards (US/Canada) so they could offer something that was not readily available through the larger high street retailers.

There is a huge point of contention with many of the special offers, being did they come with carded figures or baggies?,for the sake of completeness I will include some offers here where little to nothing is known about them

This is an area of baggies which is a little bit of a mystery for some of the released items, many of the Canadian issued items came with MOC's rather than baggies but I am not 100% sure which ones did come with baggies, from my understanding to date only these few Canadian issued SO items have turned up with baggies, but can not be confirmed as having come with them as no sealed examples have been found & opened :eek: to confirm this one way or the other & after so many years it is highly unlikely this will ever happen, so please do not regard everything in this section of the guide as set in stone, rather speculation & assumption, it may simply be a case that some had baggies substituted for the tough to find GDE 12/20 back MOC's, but it is also quite probable that these 3 came with baggies -

GDE Bi-Logo

These came with all sorts of special offer stickers as you can see below -


Death Star (cardboard) 2 x stormtroopers, these were GDE carded figures PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES


Millenium falcon with Han solo & Chewbacca, these were GDE carded figures PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES


Creature Cantina with Yoda photo courtesy of the Final Frontier Normally found with a 20 Back GDE Card, but I have heard of it being found with a baggie - sadly I can not confirm this & it is more likely to have been pickled back together with baggies


Sandcrawler with 2 Jawas (SW-a) photo courtesy of the Final Frontier more commonly found with 2 x GDE 20 back MOC's, now all the GDE experts are adamant this was only ever issued with GDE carded figures & they are more knowledgeable about them than I, but I have now seen 2 examples paired with SW-a jawa baggies & the biggie for me assuming the experts are correct is this - the SW-a jawa baggie is very rare only having ever turned up in the Palitoy land of the jawas set (that we know of) & with that set being difficult & expensive to find, it begs the question of how would 2 separate sets been put back together with these baggies knowing that they are almost as difficult to find as the GDE carded - food for thought & I am not writing off the possibility that these may well have been issued with baggies at some point, possibly due to stock shortfalls ???

Mike Heel 2.png

Dewback with stormtrooper - Confirmed to have been issued with a baggie (ESB-a) & the only GDE Canadian issued S.O item we can confirm did come with a baggie, Photo Courtesy of Mike Heel


Land of the Jawas has been seen offered for sale with a Jawa baggie not a GDE MOC PHOTO COURTESY OF THE FINAL FRONTIER - but is known to have been issued with a GDE 20 back, I can not confirm the baggie was ever actually issued with it & it is looking more likely that the seller just put a baggie in place of the more expensive harder to find GDE MOC


Land of the Jawas ultra rare with a yoda figure, though as it is the world's only known example, its likely we will never know if this came with a baggie or a GDE MOC, but is highly likely to be carded PHOTO COURTESY OF THE FINAL FRONTIER

Maxime Belair 1 S.O snowspeeder - Copy.jpg

Maxime Belair 2 S.O snowspeeder - Copy.jpg

Exciting new discovery as of 22.1.24 with this Canadian issue pink box version of the Snowspeeder offering a free luke X-Wing figure (included), sadly only a rather battered box with partially complete vehicle was found through marketplace on facebook in Canada, we do not know if the figure was included as a baggie or a MOC, but I would assume a MOC judging from the other special offer vehicles offered by GDE, it really is mad such incredible discoveries are still turning up this late in the game, very much something new to me & what a great find.

Kenner USA

The Kenner issued SO items came with large yellow stickers usually in one of the corners on the box fronts like the one at the top of the post, they sported photos of the figures that were included in vehicle/play sets & have become a very iconic & sought after item, many of them are hard to obtain with some of the mini rigs near impossible, due to very small numbers of them having survived & sadly I do not have images for 2 of them yet (Cap-2 & INT-4) - please do get in touch if you have photos available & they will be added.


X-Wing with Pin head han & Luke farmboy SW-a's


Imperial Tie Fighter with Darth Vader & Stormtrooper SW-a's


Landspeeder with R2-D2 & C-3p0 SW-a's


ESB Action Display Stand - never actually issued, but salesman samples & toy fair mock ups have been discovered though extremely rare, the backing card & stand remained the same, presumably to be updated when released with an ESB scene, the only difference from the first issue one was the name tag stickers, but it was intended to be issued as a special offer item (presumably?) due to the inclusion of 6 baggied figure (Bossk/FX-7/Luke Bespin?Leia Bespin/Lando Calrissian & Hoth trooper), examples have been found with ESB-c baggies, but 2 sets surfaced with SW-a baggies, making these SW-a baggies some of the rarest & most desirable baggie know to exist (bar the Bossk which was issued in a single figure mail away & is quite common) - PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES

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Twin Pod Cloud Car - Bespin Security guard (White) ESB-c - Photo Courtesy of Mike Heel

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Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Set with Hoth trooper ESB-a Photo Courtesy of Mike Heel


Rebel Armored Snowspeeder - Hoth Rebel Soldier ESB-c


Darth Vader Collector's Case, bounty hunter pack including IG88/Bossk & Boba Fett & confirmed to be the sole way to find the very rare & highly desirable ESB-b baggies, though to Date I have only ever seen two of the 3 figures in this baggie type with IG88 never having to my understanding shown up & could in fact be in an ESB-e baggie (unconfirmed) PHOTO COURTESY OF MR KENNER

Close up of special offer (Below) -


& now 12/10/15 a fantastic conformation of the baggies & also a conformation they were now always as previously thought to be ESB-b's but also in some cases ESB-a's, this one as you can see shows both Fett & IG88 in ESB-b baggies, but the Bossk is an ESB-a bag, though Bossk has also been found several times in the very rare & pack specific ESB-b baggie, which confirms (finally) that all three of the figures can be found in this ESB-b baggie, but as said not in every case, good to put this one to rest at last, please also see IG88 ESB-b baggie in the single baggie section for further details. PHOTO COURTESY OF - Chris Fawcett



Darth Vader Collector's Case 2ND issue with Luke Bespin/Yoda & Darth Vader, I have to date not confirmed which baggie type came with this set, but it is presumed to have been either ESB-e or ESB-f but I think? its the ESB-e's - PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES

Further photo of another example which shows it a little better but minus the protective bag (Below) -


Some new more decisive info on the S.O Mini Rigs Courtesy of Mike Heel -
3-backs -



5-backs -




The above are confirmed & here is a little more info -

The INT-4 is a 5 back. The MLC-3, MTV-7 and PDT-8 all came on the 3 and 5 back boxes however the stickers that represented the free figures were different. The CAP-2 and INT-4 were never offered on 3-backs.


MLC-3 - 2 versions 3 & 5 back Hoth Rebel Commando presumed ESB-c - PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES


MTV-7 - 2 versions 3 & 5 back, again presumed ESB-c but may have been ESB-a - PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES


PDT-8 - 3 back 2-1B either ESB-c or ESB-a - PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES





Toltoys Australia/New Zealand

Usually found with a smaller yellow rectangular sticker without pictures of the figures like there Kenner counterparts - PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES

But have also cropped up with small red circle stickers & also huge yellow strip like the ones at the bottom



Landspeeder Luke Farmboy/R2-D2/C-3p0 - not confirmed which baggie, could even have been MOC's, but baggies are presumed to have been in this (speculation) PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES

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Dewback stormtrooper baggie type unknown but sustpecter ESB-a 1st issue Photo Courtesy of Mike Heel




TaunTaun - Sadly the only example to have surfaced was just a cut section from a box front - so again no clue as to which figure was included let alone the baggie type, but it is logical to assume it was a hoth figure, maybe Han & another figure?? we will just have to keep guessing eh


TaunTaun Version 2 this one was offered in the Australian equivalent of the Sears wishbook (Waltones Greatest show on earth) & as you can see by the sticker it was Han Hoth included with this version of the special offer & it also still sports a Waltone sticker in the top right hand corner of the box front, I am assuming this was an earlier offer that the other one above as its a solid belly Tauntaun rather than the open belly version in the other offer.



Waltones Greatest show on earth toy catalog as mentioned above, this is the 1981 issue which shows the above special offer Tauntaun as well as some stunning 3 packs & the death star playset 8) PHOTOS COURTESY OF - Paul Naylor

Meccano France



Troop Transporter -new addition 24/3/15 just found out thanks to Matthieu Barthelemy via FB that an obscure baggie I picked up is in fact a legit baggie rather than an aftermarket botch, great news!, photos of the vehicle box & special offer sticker courtesy of Matthieu Barthelemy


Sadly the baggie is split & missing one stormtrooper.


Special offer Troop Transporter ESB issue, same Star Wars logo box was used but the stormtroopers were replaced with Hoth troopers for the ESB release


Baggie for the above Troop Transporter


Same baggie as above but with a double weapons error - all 3 above images COURTESY OF Stéphane Faucourt



Land Of The Jawa's - at last a palitoy item to include, though not technically a special offer item as the jawa came as standard with the palitoy version of the play set, this one is rather special as it has the elusive Sw-a baggie for the Jawa, the general consensus is that either A - this was issued prior to palitoy getting there own baggie stock, or B - low stock levels, so this being a substitute, though I assume scenario A is more likely PHOTO COURTESY OF Andy Clarke

Close up of the baggie is in the Jawa section of the guide if you want a closer look.
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