Disney + from outside the US

GLucas said:
Pomse2001 said:
I have heard in danish news they use the Netherlands to test disney + in europe. When the test is done then disney + will come to rest of us. I have heard it will come to denmark march 31st 2020 I guess it will also come to uk the 31st 2020 :?

Do any of you know what there will be on disney + ? will we be able to see some of the old cartoon tv series like duck tales, darkwing duck etc. etc. ? :?
Lot of Disney stuff Lars, I had a 7 days free trial here in The Netherlands. The only good about it is the Mandalorian, but if you want to rewatch other SW movies you have a descent database. I am not into Disney so I've unscribed before paying Disney and watch the remaining episodes using other streaming services. :roll: :? 8)

Thanks mate, so there was not any of the older disney cartoon tv series on disney + ? :?
Pomse2001 said:
GLucas said:
Pomse2001 said:
I have heard in danish news they use the Netherlands to test disney + in europe. When the test is done then disney + will come to rest of us. I have heard it will come to denmark march 31st 2020 I guess it will also come to uk the 31st 2020 :?

Do any of you know what there will be on disney + ? will we be able to see some of the old cartoon tv series like duck tales, darkwing duck etc. etc. ? :?
Lot of Disney stuff Lars, I had a 7 days free trial here in The Netherlands. The only good about it is the Mandalorian, but if you want to rewatch other SW movies you have a descent database. I am not into Disney so I've unscribed before paying Disney and watch the remaining episodes using other streaming services. :roll: :? 8)

Thanks mate, so there was not any of the older disney cartoon tv series on disney + ? :?
Check this out mate, maybe you'll find an answer on your questions :wink:
GLucas said:
Pomse2001 said:
GLucas said:
Lot of Disney stuff Lars, I had a 7 days free trial here in The Netherlands. The only good about it is the Mandalorian, but if you want to rewatch other SW movies you have a descent database. I am not into Disney so I've unscribed before paying Disney and watch the remaining episodes using other streaming services. :roll: :? 8)

Thanks mate, so there was not any of the older disney cartoon tv series on disney + ? :?
Check this out mate, maybe you'll find an answer on your questions :wink:

wow thanks, that is great news :D
Tried to stay spoiler free but its everywhere, I was willing to wait but getting cheesed off, the only way to watch is to stream the damn thing, anyone help me out via pm
Any guesses as to when TROS will be released on Disney+?

I'm wondering if it will be May 4th and if so they may delay release of final episode of The Mandalorian for a week or 2.
It's not long gone on sale for download and dvd so I doubt you'll see it on there until nearer July or August
Probably right. And I hope you are right now I just bought the DVD :lol:

I do have a feeling there will be something special released or announced on 4th May. Probably should have waited a week or 2 but patience is definitely not my strong point :D
Cheers mate! Anyone want to buy a DVD :lol:

I think I'll keep it as a reminder of my impatience. Or a reminder not to listen to other people :lol:
I've only just noticed the we're up to date with Clone Wars in the UK, no more 2 episodes behind! (and no more sneaky downloads)
Well I watched ep 9 yesterday and must admit that it was more of a struggle to get through than I thought it would be. There was something that didn't quite click with it for me this time around and as this is only my second viewing of it it does feel like this won't be one I'll be going back to that much.

There's nothing especially wrong with it as a piece of entertainment, but I guess this last trilogy maybe doesn't have the staying power of the other two (yes I'm even thinking now that the prequels might hold up better as a continuation of the star wars galaxy than these films). It's way to early to know for sure so I'll see how these grow on me over time and I have enjoyed watching them at the cinema so it's all certainly not doom and gloom from me.

One thing that did seem odd about ep 9 though was that the original way finder was in Kylo's Tie fighter (the TIE Whisper apparently), which I thought was destroyed when his ship crashed and exploded when Rey sliced the wing off. He then smashed the other one on the death star but after Rey stole his Tie fighter from there she pulled it out of the burning wreckage on Ahch-To. All I can guess is that Kylo removed it from his exploded Tie fighter after Rey sliced the wing off but it does seem to be a little bit of a stretch.

Anyway, just watched the last ep ever of The Clone Wars series and have to say that those last 4 episodes are exactly how Star Wars should be made. Between those episodes and The Mandalorian it feels like the Star Wars franchise is finally getting back on track :D

Agree Ian- those final episodes of the Clone Wars were absolutely brilliant. Can't wait for the Ashoka live action series 8) Also really enjoyed rewatching the Mando. First time around, felt some episodes were too simple and slow. Also too short. Enjoyed it way more second time, although I would like to see them increase the character complexity and length of episodes in season 2.
Cazza said:
Agree Ian- those final episodes of the Clone Wars were absolutely brilliant. Can't wait for the Ashoka live action series 8) Also really enjoyed rewatching the Mando. First time around, felt some episodes were too simple and slow. Also too short. Enjoyed it way more second time, although I would like to see them increase the character complexity and length of episodes in season 2.

I felt the same about Mando Andy and some of those episodes do have a lower tier Clone Wars feeling to them (which stands to reason with who's involved) but by the time I got to the end of the season I really enjoyed it as a whole and felt that they got so much of it right that I'm hoping Disney have learnt a lesson from it.

The new season of CW didn't start with a bang for me either and I preferred re-watching Rebels episodes as there was some great writing on that show but I can't knock the last 4 episodes in any way and from what I've heard those were really the new episodes from this final season as the others had been worked on a while back.

It's great to have some real Star Wars in our lives right now (not that everyone will probably side with me on that comment), and I'm hopeful for what's too come. They just don't need to rush things with it, there's plenty of time to let each new thing settle and look forward to the next thing coming :D

Agreed about the last four episodes of Clone Wars.
For me, these have been the best content to come out of the Disney era (along with Rogue One & Mando).

Even though the season dipped badly with the middle arc, it definitely made up for it at the end.
The Ahsoka/Maul duel, Order 66 and Vader scenes were brilliantly realised and had emotional weight.

Special mention has to go to the brilliant soundtrack. Full of foreboding and very Blade Runner-esque in parts.

It's great feeling to connect with Star Wars again, after suffering through the ST which fell extremely flat for me.
Hopefully, Disney have taken note and there will be more of this to come.
Yeah, loved the soundtrack- said to my boys it was Blade Runner-esque 8)

I wasn't keen on the Ashoka/sisters story arc. Escape, get caught/escape again/get caught again etc etc! Those last episodes were really outstanding though and enjoyed the Bad Batch episodes too :)!
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