Disney wankers


Sith Lord
Dec 29, 2012
Daughter is a huge EU fan especially Mara Jade - was really excited about the Disney MJ lightsaber going live today - but what a surprise only available online at Disney Store USA not UK

Yanks can buy 2 each but we don't get the option of buying any.
****in Disney wankers
It's huge mate, comes in a mock crate, way too expensive to ship across the pond.
She saw it last night and got so excited about it.
I was sitting clicking refresh non stop when it went live - well it went live in America.
Available in Parks and Disney Store just not UK Disney Store.
Everyone scalper will have picked up 2 and rubbing their hands.
**** Disney
****, must've been a huge let down. They could at least let people know before the drop that it's only limited availability. Though better yet they could just release it here too
EBay absolutely full of them already. So the scalpers got 2 each and the rest of the world get nothing.

This is everything I hate about modern collecting. Be online at x o'clock and buy the thing or get ****ed.
Exactly mate, just sucks the fun out of modern collecting.
I don't enjoy any of the Disney SW but my daughter does and I love seeing her enjoying adding to her collection and getting excited about the shows but her absolute favourite is the old EU books so getting this saber would have been great but once again Disney thinks SW fans only live in America.
The utter bollocks of exclusives is just nonsense, if it was only available in the Parks that's one thing but it was up on Disney Store.com but not UK.
Since I'm having a rant I'd probably be tempted to pick up the occasional Retro figure if they were available in shops but I'm not going to buy a whole wave just to get the ones I want. Modern collecting is just a **** show - thank **** for Lego (y)
Exactly mate, just sucks the fun out of modern collecting.
I don't enjoy any of the Disney SW but my daughter does and I love seeing her enjoying adding to her collection and getting excited about the shows but her absolute favourite is the old EU books so getting this saber would have been great but once again Disney thinks SW fans only live in America.
The utter bollocks of exclusives is just nonsense, if it was only available in the Parks that's one thing but it was up on Disney Store.com but not UK.
Since I'm having a rant I'd probably be tempted to pick up the occasional Retro figure if they were available in shops but I'm not going to buy a whole wave just to get the ones I want. Modern collecting is just a **** show - thank **** for Lego (y)
Yep you can depend on LEGO 👍👍
It's huge mate, comes in a mock crate, way too expensive to ship across the pond.
She saw it last night and got so excited about it.
I was sitting clicking refresh non stop when it went live - well it went live in America.
Available in Parks and Disney Store just not UK Disney Store.
Everyone scalper will have picked up 2 and rubbing their hands.
**** Disney
ffs indeed **** Disney
Exactly mate, just sucks the fun out of modern collecting.
I don't enjoy any of the Disney SW but my daughter does and I love seeing her enjoying adding to her collection and getting excited about the shows but her absolute favourite is the old EU books so getting this saber would have been great but once again Disney thinks SW fans only live in America.
The utter bollocks of exclusives is just nonsense, if it was only available in the Parks that's one thing but it was up on Disney Store.com but not UK.
Since I'm having a rant I'd probably be tempted to pick up the occasional Retro figure if they were available in shops but I'm not going to buy a whole wave just to get the ones I want. Modern collecting is just a **** show - thank **** for Lego (y)
I still enjoy popping into forbidden planet, or occasionally Smyths to see what's there, but being honest I can't remember the last time I bought something full price, I'd rather hope there's something in clearance that tickles my fancy. Tight as a ducks butt etc but there you go. I want to collect guilt free, I don't want to feel done over for a 30 quid black series, wether I can afford it or not.

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