Dumb Question - Palitoy vs Kenner


Jan 8, 2016
I remember when I was a kid that all my figures were Palitoys until right near the end (when we seemed to get flooded with Kenner stuff). One of the things that stood out as a kid was that Kenner stuff seemed to be of worse quality. I don't know whether this was objectively true or not, but I do remember that most kids seemed to think so and we all genuinely though that Kenner stuff was a knock off Taiwan import or something.

Does anyone else remember this and is it reflected in actual quality in the vSW figures?
Kenner cards were available in the UK in the 1970's, as I clearly remember seeing the Dewback on a cardback in a Hertford toy shop, and being mightily irritated that I hadn't seen one on the shelves to buy anywhere :) Jim Stevenson also once told me the tale of a Kenner Vinyl Jawa that had been bought in the UK (and ended up in his collection), so the Kenner cards were present alongside the Palitoys in at least some places over here, presumably to help meet demand, almost from day 1.

As for whether there is any material difference in the actual figures between Kenner and Palitoy carded versions, no there isn't, at least for the overwhelming part. You will struggle to find any difference between a 12-back Palitoy loose figure and its 12-back Kenner equivalent, obvious variations excepted of course. It's true that certain variations are unique to certain cards, and that can make them region-specific, but no, the figures were the same unless they came from a different production run / factory / country.

What I will say is that even as a child because my very first figures were all on Palitoy cards and, just like now, I liked the Palitoy logo, plus I didn't understand that Palitoy was making them under license, to my child's way of thinking Palitoy 'made' the figures. Hence Kenner-carded ones were less desirable because they weren't 'made' by Palitoy. But once off the cards, they were all the same.

I do remember how hard it was to find a Boba Fett when he was first released in the UK, and my very first one was a Kenner carded one from Stevenage market because the Palitoys, then as now, were in desperately short supply. An enterprising market stall holder had had the wherewithal to import / buy some ESB carded ones from a non-Palitoy source, simply to have some for sale (and boy did they sell!). I do remember being very slightly disappointed that he hadn't come on a Palitoy card, but that was completely blown out of the water by how super-excited I was to finally have my very own Boba Fett :D ... I wish I still had it!
Weirdly, I have more of a soft spot for Kenner - these were the cards I remember most from my childhood for some reason and not Palitoy.

I actually focus on Kenner MOCs rather than Palitoy because of this (which is no bad thing given the price of some of the Palitoy MOCs!)
Palitoy for me, my first two figures when I was ten were Yoda and At At Driver on the Emipre Palitoy cards. I just love how the logo looks plus orher toys like Action Man, Action Force and Alex Higgins Cue Ball were by Palitoy and a huge part of my childhood.
Palitoy is vintage Star Wars to me
Sabreman said:
Palitoy for me, my first two figures when I was ten were Yoda and At At Driver on the Emipre Palitoy cards. I just love how the logo looks plus orher toys like Action Man, Action Force and Alex Higgins Cue Ball were by Palitoy and a huge part of my childhood.
Palitoy is vintage Star Wars to me
When I was a kid I didn't care less, the packaging was just an obstacle in the way of getting at the figure or ship. I do remember, at various times, looking lovingly at the cardboard death star on the back of a Palitoy 20 Back card which I kept to ring which figures I had. I don't think I had any Kenner cards till Jedi. Comparing them as an adult collector Palitoy is my favourite, the logo and the fact that they were packaged over here in a place called Coalville. They're as British as fish and chips :D
The packaging for Palitoy 12 backs does have a little bit of plastic under some of the figures for protecting the capes (I think) which I don't think the corresponding Kenners have. When I first started collecting I used to buy from brians toys over the phone back in about 2002. I got a Kenner 12 back luke which had dirt on his chest (still have it) and a 12 back Kenner Han with a badly painted white tunic (had bluey blotches). They were probably cast off's and he was just getting rid of them so it's probably unfair to use this as a black mark against the Kenner quality.
I tend to remember the joy at receiving Star Wars gifts, and did not actually notice the different branded cards until I received a Palitoy Rebel Transporter and noticed the logo on the box. As I recall, it reminded me of other items I'd had, and this was me consciously noticing that some things said Kenner, and others Palitoy. Still have the transporter, but sadly the box is long gone. :D
Snaketibe said:
Kenner cards were available in the UK in the 1970's, as I clearly remember seeing the Dewback on a cardback in a Hertford toy shop, and being mightily irritated that I hadn't seen one on the shelves to buy anywhere :) Jim Stevenson also once told me the tale of a Kenner Vinyl Jawa that had been bought in the UK (and ended up in his collection), so the Kenner cards were present alongside the Palitoys in at least some places over here, presumably to help meet demand, almost from day 1.

As for whether there is any material difference in the actual figures between Kenner and Palitoy carded versions, no there isn't, at least for the overwhelming part. You will struggle to find any difference between a 12-back Palitoy loose figure and its 12-back Kenner equivalent, obvious variations excepted of course. It's true that certain variations are unique to certain cards, and that can make them region-specific, but no, the figures were the same unless they came from a different production run / factory / country.

What I will say is that even as a child because my very first figures were all on Palitoy cards and, just like now, I liked the Palitoy logo, plus I didn't understand that Palitoy was making them under license, to my child's way of thinking Palitoy 'made' the figures. Hence Kenner-carded ones were less desirable because they weren't 'made' by Palitoy. But once off the cards, they were all the same.

I do remember how hard it was to find a Boba Fett when he was first released in the UK, and my very first one was a Kenner carded one from Stevenage market because the Palitoys, then as now, were in desperately short supply. An enterprising market stall holder had had the wherewithal to import / buy some ESB carded ones from a non-Palitoy source, simply to have some for sale (and boy did they sell!). I do remember being very slightly disappointed that he hadn't come on a Palitoy card, but that was completely blown out of the water by how super-excited I was to finally have my very own Boba Fett :D ... I wish I still had it!

Stevenage market! that's my neck of the woods and got many a figure back in the day from there as a kid . Luton indoor market was also a regular visit up until prob 10 years ago when OffWorld left (think that was the name).
lyndoom77 said:
Snaketibe said:
Kenner cards were available in the UK in the 1970's, as I clearly remember seeing the Dewback on a cardback in a Hertford toy shop, and being mightily irritated that I hadn't seen one on the shelves to buy anywhere :) Jim Stevenson also once told me the tale of a Kenner Vinyl Jawa that had been bought in the UK (and ended up in his collection), so the Kenner cards were present alongside the Palitoys in at least some places over here, presumably to help meet demand, almost from day 1.

As for whether there is any material difference in the actual figures between Kenner and Palitoy carded versions, no there isn't, at least for the overwhelming part. You will struggle to find any difference between a 12-back Palitoy loose figure and its 12-back Kenner equivalent, obvious variations excepted of course. It's true that certain variations are unique to certain cards, and that can make them region-specific, but no, the figures were the same unless they came from a different production run / factory / country.

What I will say is that even as a child because my very first figures were all on Palitoy cards and, just like now, I liked the Palitoy logo, plus I didn't understand that Palitoy was making them under license, to my child's way of thinking Palitoy 'made' the figures. Hence Kenner-carded ones were less desirable because they weren't 'made' by Palitoy. But once off the cards, they were all the same.

I do remember how hard it was to find a Boba Fett when he was first released in the UK, and my very first one was a Kenner carded one from Stevenage market because the Palitoys, then as now, were in desperately short supply. An enterprising market stall holder had had the wherewithal to import / buy some ESB carded ones from a non-Palitoy source, simply to have some for sale (and boy did they sell!). I do remember being very slightly disappointed that he hadn't come on a Palitoy card, but that was completely blown out of the water by how super-excited I was to finally have my very own Boba Fett :D ... I wish I still had it!

Stevenage market! that's my neck of the woods and got many a figure back in the day from there as a kid . Luton indoor market was also a regular visit up until prob 10 years ago when OffWorld left (think that was the name).

Yep OffWorld owned by Jason Joiner, he comments on here occasionally. I bought a Jawa and Leia Palitoy 12 back off him about 15 years ago when he acquired the first 20 off a guy in Scotland. Thy come down from jockland in a plastic bag. He did a telephone auction it was state of the art.
That's him...
top bloke got a lot of bits off him in the past and at cheshunt shows . Plus there was a great secondhand record shop next to him in the Arndale so I spent a lot most Saturdays as a young twenty odd year old . First time I ever saw Indiana Jones kenner figures was at OffWorld . Is he still selling stuff?
As a child of 78 I was too you to really remember seeing the iconic palitoy logo in the shops so kenner does have a lot of nostalgia for me.
But it's tri logos that really send me back to the 80's and I'd rather have a figure on that cardback than any other. It's such a shame they just felt short of releasing the full range.
kingshearer said:
lyndoom77 said:
Snaketibe said:
Kenner cards were available in the UK in the 1970's, as I clearly remember seeing the Dewback on a cardback in a Hertford toy shop, and being mightily irritated that I hadn't seen one on the shelves to buy anywhere :) Jim Stevenson also once told me the tale of a Kenner Vinyl Jawa that had been bought in the UK (and ended up in his collection), so the Kenner cards were present alongside the Palitoys in at least some places over here, presumably to help meet demand, almost from day 1.

As for whether there is any material difference in the actual figures between Kenner and Palitoy carded versions, no there isn't, at least for the overwhelming part. You will struggle to find any difference between a 12-back Palitoy loose figure and its 12-back Kenner equivalent, obvious variations excepted of course. It's true that certain variations are unique to certain cards, and that can make them region-specific, but no, the figures were the same unless they came from a different production run / factory / country.

What I will say is that even as a child because my very first figures were all on Palitoy cards and, just like now, I liked the Palitoy logo, plus I didn't understand that Palitoy was making them under license, to my child's way of thinking Palitoy 'made' the figures. Hence Kenner-carded ones were less desirable because they weren't 'made' by Palitoy. But once off the cards, they were all the same.

I do remember how hard it was to find a Boba Fett when he was first released in the UK, and my very first one was a Kenner carded one from Stevenage market because the Palitoys, then as now, were in desperately short supply. An enterprising market stall holder had had the wherewithal to import / buy some ESB carded ones from a non-Palitoy source, simply to have some for sale (and boy did they sell!). I do remember being very slightly disappointed that he hadn't come on a Palitoy card, but that was completely blown out of the water by how super-excited I was to finally have my very own Boba Fett :D ... I wish I still had it!

Stevenage market! that's my neck of the woods and got many a figure back in the day from there as a kid . Luton indoor market was also a regular visit up until prob 10 years ago when OffWorld left (think that was the name).

Yep OffWorld owned by Jason Joiner, he comments on here occasionally. I bought a Jawa and Leia Palitoy 12 back off him about 15 years ago when he acquired the first 20 off a guy in Scotland. Thy come down from jockland in a plastic bag. He did a telephone auction it was state of the art.

Rem that auction well and saw all 20 Mocs on display at my local Cheshunt toy fair which was run by Joiner. I got outbid on the Hammerhead think my bid was £120 and it went for £180. The Luke went for £2200/2300 and this auction was in around 2000 :!:

I like the way u put that the packaging was just an obstacle between us as kids and the toy because that is exactly what it was :D

I don't rem the Palitoy logo as a kid as my era was late Empire onwards but I rem the Kenner logo well.

If anything Kenner packaging was more sophisticated and certainly more accurate than Palitoy and what with Kenner being the original toy company and Palitoy buying a licence it makes sense :!:
When I talk about accuracy I mean for example one can find figures in Palitoy packaging where a picture of the packaged figure cannot b found on the back of the card ie all Palitoy 30 back 2nd series Empire figures or some of the debut 45a Mocs. And when I say sophisticated I mean things like having a proof of purchase badge in the packaging as opposed to just cutting out a name plate so it always seemed Palitoy were saving money :!:

However many argue that some Palitoy packaging is far more beautiful and creative than its Kenner equivalent ie SW X-Wing, Land Speeder and Death Star and I agree with that totally. Also the red/blue Palitoy logo is a stroke of genius and far more beautiful and addictive than the Kenner logo 8)
I think some of it may just have been that the figures I got on original Palitoy cards were some of the better figures to have (Stormtroopers, OWK, Luke FB, etc). Some of the figures I seem to remember being particularly badly painted/moulded. I haven't seen any difference in the figures I see now, but it really does stand out in my memory. My Mum was always one for a bargain and I remember her getting the last 17 figures for me from my local market, especially Luke Stormie, Luke Endor, 8D8 and the brown robot with opening mouth.

For a long time people didn't believe me when I got the Luke Stormtrooper, and we thought it might have been a fake. However I loved it, I will say that I also thought I had a Han Stormtrooper and I know this didn't exist in the 80s!

I don't remember having specific packaging, for example which logos were on them, nor am I knocking anybody for loving the Kenner figures, it's just a memory I have of that time period, I am sure a lot of my figures were Kenner figures (I would have been too busy ripping them open like everyone else), but a few of the figures did seem to get bad moulds and paint jobs.
The Japanese are renowned for taking something and making it better..
Same thing happened with Takara and Kenner. After the initial flop of the 12 backs, Takara still had merchandising rights and churned out some great items.. diecast figures of R2D2 and C3PO that shot out missiles, you wouldn`t mess with these guys if they had them in the movies... and a die cast Darth Vader with a lightsaber that lit up..George lucas, the cheap bastard, loved the takara r2d2 wind ups so much, he bought them for the whole crew...40 years before gentle giant , they brought out carded 8-9 inch figures of darth/c3po/chewie/ and stormtrooper on card...If anyone has them to sell. would be very interested to hear from you..

RifleSmile said:
Weirdly, I have more of a soft spot for Kenner - these were the cards I remember most from my childhood for some reason and not Palitoy.

I actually focus on Kenner MOCs rather than Palitoy because of this (which is no bad thing given the price of some of the Palitoy MOCs!)

Same here. When I started on this forum I didn't even know what Palitoy was, despite owning some boxed Palitoy bits and bobs. All I remember from being a kid is Kenner.
As a kid I also thought Kenner was a bootleg version, though this is due to seeing the card with a large head han on it as from childhood I only knew about the small head. I had seen bootleg version of other toys which looked similar but had some moulding differences and my dad, who worked for a toy company, explained it all to me.

For me the only major differences between Palitoy and Kenner is the logo on the card (or lack of in the later stages) and the vehicle playset variations for Palitoy...which in one case was at least as good and in others...not so!
I've got an ongoing cardback collection going on. It has been complete for ages but I'll always try to upgrade to as early as possible and to Palitoy.

The Pali cards is what I remember from when I started in 1980. I did see cardbacks with the Dewback, Cantina, etc so ,with retrospect, I know I saw SW Kenners.

As an adult I've found 12 back and offerless 20 back cards with UK price stickers on them.
Well having looked through the 20 or so remaining cardbacks I have left from childhood, 50% were Kenner...which surprised me a little, but I guess it is understandable
sith-smith said:
As a kid I also thought Kenner was a bootleg version, though this is due to seeing the card with a large head han on it as from childhood I only knew about the small head. I had seen bootleg version of other toys which looked similar but had some moulding differences and my dad, who worked for a toy company, explained it all to me.

For me the only major differences between Palitoy and Kenner is the logo on the card (or lack of in the later stages) and the vehicle playset variations for Palitoy...which in one case was at least as good and in others...not so!

I wonder if the Large head Han is what drew our attention? I don't remember exactly why we thought it but I do remember it was talked about. I remember thinking some figures just looked badly painted/moulded, maybe it was because we just saw certain figures only in Kenner. Though I do remember that certain figures I thought were great (Luke Jedi), which I am sure I had as a Kenner one for some reason.
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