Ebay payment change again!!


Sith Lord
May 7, 2008
From February, you won't have access to your funds until after the item is delivered.

What a pisstake.

Time to ditch that shithole once and for all.
Just read that as well. Funds will be available 2 days after delivery confirmation. Surely they cant do that?? Why would a seller post an item before funds are received? It's illogical. Ebay is getting worse for selling.
Gave up selling on Ebay years ago - just too risky, zero seller protection and zero trust in buyers - lost count of the number of times 'things didn't arrive' (everything I sent was always recorded...) and the number of times I sold lego only to be told bits were missing etc...

It used to be a great place to buy and sell - guess that was 20 years ago :)
It's much, much worse than just that. After removing selling fees late last year (on the face of it a great thing for sellers), eBay have announced that from February they will be adding a mandatory sales tax to every single item bought on eBay. They don't call it that of course, but that's exactly what it is. So instead of charging sellers a commission on what they sell (which is actually a perfectly fair and reasonable thing to do), those evil b*stards will now add a fee to every single sale and charge it to the buyer! The fees will be added at source and hence cannot be avoided, so if you list an item for sale at £20, eBay will list it at £21.55, or however much their rip-off buyer's tax adds on (I believe it's up to 4% plus 75p, albeit capped at some point on higher priced items).

I for one will be buying as much as possible elsewhere, since eBay clearly don't want my custom any longer.

I just think the whole Ebay platform is a joke and they are getting worse, I will be looking to list anything I'm selling on other sites I think, not worth the bother.
thanks for the heads up. I think they do that on sites like vinted? I guess they are trying to follow suit to the other marketplaces..
It's much, much worse than just that. After removing selling fees late last year (on the face of it a great thing for sellers), eBay have announced that from February they will be adding a mandatory sales tax to every single item bought on eBay. They don't call it that of course, but that's exactly what it is. So instead of charging sellers a commission on what they sell (which is actually a perfectly fair and reasonable thing to do), those evil b*stards will now add a fee to every single sale and charge it to the buyer! The fees will be added at source and hence cannot be avoided, so if you list an item for sale at £20, eBay will list it at £21.55, or however much their rip-off buyer's tax adds on (I believe it's up to 4% plus 75p, albeit capped at some point on higher priced items).

I for one will be buying as much as possible elsewhere, since eBay clearly don't want my custom any longer.


Thanks for info, do you have a link about it?.

I always wondered what the big plan was when they decided to stop selling fees although if its worldwide via global shipping program you get charged still, found that out not so long ago when something I sold had a fee charge :LOL:

Seems to me that if its true about the charges they have just copied many Facebook group rules with G&S payments on top.

Looks like to me they are trying all ways to make people talk about eBay to get more people to sell on there and trying to manipulate people in thinking the changes are better but in fact its just a way to still get their cut from either the sellers or buyers. I understand they are a business and making money is the aim but come on manipulate people with big signs of improvements is just not the right way about it, I always knew its too good to be true and thought what's the marketing strat they would come up with.
Thanks for info, do you have a link about it?.

I always wondered what the big plan was when they decided to stop selling fees although if its worldwide via global shipping program you get charged still, found that out not so long ago when something I sold had a fee charge :LOL:

Seems to me that if its true about the charges they have just copied many Facebook group rules with G&S payments on top.

Looks like to me they are trying all ways to make people talk about eBay to get more people to sell on there and trying to manipulate people in thinking the changes are better but in fact its just a way to still get their cut from either the sellers or buyers. I understand they are a business and making money is the aim but come on manipulate people with big signs of improvements is just not the right way about it, I always knew its too good to be true and thought what's the marketing strat they would come up with.
The info was in an email I received on the 3rd of January. eBay are clearly trying to fleece their customers and since they have more buyers than sellers and since they're thoroughly disguising their new fees (because they won't be visible), they obviously think they can get away with this with literally every purchase made gaining them a fee.

Here's the email I received:

More protection for your buyers

Hi Jeremy,​
We recently changed our fee structure, so it's now free for private sellers to sell, and there are no barriers for you to list the items buyers will love. As part of this change, we're launching Buyer Protectionto give buyers more confidence and security when shopping.​
We wanted to share what this means for you and your buyers. From 4 Feb, a fee will be included in the item price when purchasing from private sellers, but buyers will only ever pay what they see, so there are no surprises at checkout.​

What's great about Buyer Protection

We've added benefits to give buyers more peace of mind when shopping:​
  • •​
    24/7 customer support: Buyers can connect with a real person by phone at any time of day, or start a chat to get quick answers.​
  • •​
    Seller paid after delivery: When buying from private sellers, funds will only be sent once their item has been delivered.​
We've also still got buyers covered with other great free services like eBay Money Back Guarantee and Authenticity Guarantee.*​

How the Buyer Protection fee works

  • •​
    The fee will be included in the item price from private sellers, so there are no surprises at checkout.​
  • •​
    Buyers will pay up to 4% of the item price, plus £0.75.** For example, when they see an item for £20, the fee of £1.49 will already be part of the price.​
  • •​
    The fee is lower on higher-priced items over £300, and there's a cap on the total amountthey'll pay.​
  • •​
    For items from business sellers, they'll get the Buyer Protection benefits at no extra cost.​

How we're improving things for private sellers

As part of our ongoing mission to be the best marketplace for buyers and sellers, we recently announced:​
  • •​
    It's free to sell (excl. Vehicles) so you can bring buyers more of the things they love.​
  • •​
    It's simpler to list so you can get your items out faster.​
  • •​
    It's easier to get your items to buyers with the launch of Simple Delivery.​
Now, to give your buyers even more confidence when shopping, UK-based private sellers will be paid after item delivery, from 4 Feb. Your funds will be available in your eBay balance two days after delivery confirmation.*** We know it's important to get your money fast, so we recommend using a tracked delivery service either through Simple Delivery, or arranging for local collection.​
We're also updating our User Agreement to reflect the Buyer Protection service. If you have any questions or concerns, just get in touch—we're here to help.​
Thanks for being part of the eBay community.​
*eBay Money Back Guarantee and Authenticity Guarantee only apply to eligible items and categories.​
**Buyer Protection excludes Vehicles, Classified Ads and Property.​
***Some exceptions apply. Learn more.​
I received the same email, I won't be selling anything on eBay anymore. Just can't be arsed with it. In a way there really isn't much difference. EBay has always had the power to take the funds off you once you've received them.

The new delivery system must be fully tracked so the seller and eBay know the item has been delivered. It will be good for buyers as it encourages sellers to post the item quickly. I don't know, with the hassle that Andy has had recently it all just puts me off, the time wasted, life's to short!
As a buyer and seller I've often had things successfully delivered but the tracking hasn't been updated. Particularly international deliveries. So in these cases the seller loses the payout?

And I presume it's no longer possible to send low value stuff by standard untracked delivery?

Doesn't sound like a safe system for sellers.
The info was in an email I received on the 3rd of January. eBay are clearly trying to fleece their customers and since they have more buyers than sellers and since they're thoroughly disguising their new fees (because they won't be visible), they obviously think they can get away with this with literally every purchase made gaining them a fee.

Here's the email I received:

More protection for your buyers

Hi Jeremy,​
We recently changed our fee structure, so it's now free for private sellers to sell, and there are no barriers for you to list the items buyers will love. As part of this change, we're launching Buyer Protectionto give buyers more confidence and security when shopping.​
We wanted to share what this means for you and your buyers. From 4 Feb, a fee will be included in the item price when purchasing from private sellers, but buyers will only ever pay what they see, so there are no surprises at checkout.​

What's great about Buyer Protection

We've added benefits to give buyers more peace of mind when shopping:​
  • •​
    24/7 customer support: Buyers can connect with a real person by phone at any time of day, or start a chat to get quick answers.​
  • •​
    Seller paid after delivery: When buying from private sellers, funds will only be sent once their item has been delivered.​
We've also still got buyers covered with other great free services like eBay Money Back Guarantee and Authenticity Guarantee.*​

How the Buyer Protection fee works

  • •​
    The fee will be included in the item price from private sellers, so there are no surprises at checkout.​
  • •​
    Buyers will pay up to 4% of the item price, plus £0.75.** For example, when they see an item for £20, the fee of £1.49 will already be part of the price.​
  • •​
    The fee is lower on higher-priced items over £300, and there's a cap on the total amountthey'll pay.​
  • •​
    For items from business sellers, they'll get the Buyer Protection benefits at no extra cost.​

How we're improving things for private sellers

As part of our ongoing mission to be the best marketplace for buyers and sellers, we recently announced:​
  • •​
    It's free to sell (excl. Vehicles) so you can bring buyers more of the things they love.​
  • •​
    It's simpler to list so you can get your items out faster.​
  • •​
    It's easier to get your items to buyers with the launch of Simple Delivery.​
Now, to give your buyers even more confidence when shopping, UK-based private sellers will be paid after item delivery, from 4 Feb. Your funds will be available in your eBay balance two days after delivery confirmation.*** We know it's important to get your money fast, so we recommend using a tracked delivery service either through Simple Delivery, or arranging for local collection.​
We're also updating our User Agreement to reflect the Buyer Protection service. If you have any questions or concerns, just get in touch—we're here to help.​
Thanks for being part of the eBay community.​
*eBay Money Back Guarantee and Authenticity Guarantee only apply to eligible items and categories.​
**Buyer Protection excludes Vehicles, Classified Ads and Property.​
***Some exceptions apply. Learn more.​

thanks for the info Jeremy, much appreciated. I guess I will get the same email at some point.
As a buyer and seller I've often had things successfully delivered but the tracking hasn't been updated. Particularly international deliveries. So in these cases the seller loses the payout?

And I presume it's no longer possible to send low value stuff by standard untracked delivery?

Doesn't sound like a safe system for sellers.
My personal experience of eBay and this particular situation at present (i.e. as a seller you send an item via a tracked postage service, but the tracking never completes/shows the item as having been delivered), then as long as the buyer doesn't report the item as not having arrived, then after a certain period of time (the typical length of time it takes for that service to complete. So in other words, not an unreasonable length of time) eBay releases the payment to the seller.

I'm sure this particular policy will continue under these new rules, as anything else would be manifestly unjust.

That said, taxing 100% of purchases by making all buyers pay an unwarranted surcharge
is so unfair that as more and more people become aware of it, I hope eBay will be flooded with complaints and lost custom.
As a buyer and seller I've often had things successfully delivered but the tracking hasn't been updated. Particularly international deliveries. So in these cases the seller loses the payout?

And I presume it's no longer possible to send low value stuff by standard untracked delivery?

Doesn't sound like a safe system for sellers.
So according to ebay, if you send an item untracked or if you send it tracked but the tracking info doesn't update once delivered, they will hold onto your payment for 14 days before releasing it, instead of the 2 days if sent tracked and confirmed delivered.
That said, taxing 100% of purchases by making all buyers pay an unwarranted surcharge
is so unfair that as more and more people become aware of it, I hope eBay will be flooded with complaints and lost custom.

The new buying fees only apply to item brought from private sellers (which echoes the likes of Vinted), I'm assuming Ebay are looking to force everyone off private sellers. I would have thought they'd have left it free to buy and sell for individuals but then make it hard to find stuff unless you paid for sponsored or promoted listings.
make it hard to find stuff unless you paid for sponsored or promoted listings.
I think they already are doing that - so many saved searches of mine are producing more and more random crap. Not yet to Amazon levels of shite, but heading that way
When I got that email, this bit at the beginning "More protection for your buyers" filled me with dread. It's just too easy to be scammed by buyers now so that didn't go down well for me.

But it seems like eBay does have an end game in mind with the whole thing and we are probably not finished yet. Making things free for sellers was an amazing move I thought. So much so, I am back on there selling random stuff from around the house.

If the buyer fee percentage is hidden, and all you see is the price you will pay then I guess it softens the blow a bit. You just have to have your price in mind and not go over it. Other auction houses adding the fee later after bidding is finished is a bit more devious in my opinion so I think this new eBay attempt is better in that regard.
Trouble is though they pretty much have a monopoly. Other sites where you can sell barely get any traffic. Or does anybody know of where is good to sell online in the UK?

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