It's a graflex shop replica. In my opinion they make the most accurate replicas.
Roman Props is a very close second and he sells complete sabers which is a massive boost as they arrive looking great in ANH or ESB style, no need to add parts or assemble. Roman props is also the better company to deal with - very reliable, fast shipping and just a nice guy.
If you buy from The Graflex Shop you may have to wait a long time and be frustrated with overdue shipping dates plus you will need to buy the additional parts separately from wannawanga to assemble (very easily) the saber you want.
I opted for TGS because I wanted to "build" my own saber.
Prices of vintage flashes had dropped a wee bit so that's definitely an option - honestly not much in it between buying a vintage or replica now.
I have a nice collection of vintage flashes but liked the idea of a replica to play with on the snow without worrying about potential damage.