slim said:
when he finds out the truth he will be in for a shock !

He surely will learn not to bid on an auction, if there´s a lack of knowledge to the hobby.
Eh? where does it say that it is a Kenner cloak and hood? i see it say the difference between them...ill have another read
Hmmm, i dont think thats clear, the kenner cloak has been modified to look like a Lili one, does anyone else think this is vaugue?

Vintage Star Wars 1977 Rare Lili Ledy Variant

Fair to Good Condition. Has paint wear, moderately loose limbs. Includes Vintage (kenner) Weapon and Cloak.

An amazing rare item that is highly sought after - The main difference between the original vintage Lili Ledy Jawa and the Kenner version is the Oval Shaped Eyes and the Removeable Hood on the cloak.
Yeah, i dont doubt he's a good guy.

Its just that its a £300-£350 figure, and to just have (kenner) as the only clue to it being a repro cape is a bit easy to bypass.

It should be wrote as a really BIG statement if a figure as desirable as that has a fake cape.

Its probably worth £25 or less as it is.

Just an opinion, but i missed it in the description
Perhaps give him a day to fix it, I think this has only been up for auction for a few hours. He is one of my saved sellers and I haven't even noticed he had new stuff up for sale. I agree it can be made more clear and I am sure it will be fixed :)
plantman said:
Hmmm, i dont think thats clear, the kenner cloak has been modified to look like a Lili one, does anyone else think this is vaugue?

Vintage Star Wars 1977 Rare Lili Ledy Variant

Fair to Good Condition. Has paint wear, moderately loose limbs. Includes Vintage (kenner) Weapon and Cloak.

An amazing rare item that is highly sought after - The main difference between the original vintage Lili Ledy Jawa and the Kenner version is the Oval Shaped Eyes and the Removeable Hood on the cloak.

Anyone doing this knows exactly what they are doing its the typically under the counter scam technique used on ebay!

Its no different to the tactics used by Han.

You have to know exactly what you are doing to set this up so i dont understand why you are defending this guy james? Thats like me saying ill defend Han because he is English.

It should say "The hood is customized from a standard kenner cloak and is not an original Lily Ledy!" In big letters and it should also say custom in the title description.
Buying something from a seller a few times isn't quite the same as knowing them, sometimes even knowing them well isn't enough.

People are funny and not always truthful when selling, its just the way it is, if its wrong its wrong and if he sells Star Wars toys then he knows its wrong.
Aye they have Kong kong accroding to Luis's Technical card, i havnt checked mine cos you can tell by the eyes and hands
Cool. At this rate in about 50 years I might actually sound remotely knowledgable about SW! :lol:
Yep, I'm going to look like a right twit if it's not fixed soon. I'm not defending him because he's an aussie & yes just because I've bought off him many times doesn't mean I know him. ( but we do chat via email) I've seen him make small mistakes before that he's fixed quickly & big ones where wrong pictures & reused desciptions got put together. But he has always rectified it. If the kenner part said KENNER it wouldn't have been so bad? He has sold a lot of more expensive items and I just don't think he is out to scam anyone- even though in this case it "looks like a scam technique" I don't even want to talk about Han :evil: Even LL experts make mistakes :wink: I probably shouldn't have posted till he replied to Andy. But since I did I'm trying to explain why. I probably haven't done a very good job of it either :oops:
Well i got a reply:

He's putting it in the FAQ area...right at the bottom of the page, sorry but i think he is deliberatly keeping it obscure and missable to generate the chance of a top price.

it should be stated in the listing heading, and clearly in the description.

not fair at all.

Also its a £100 already..its working.
Like I said before, I knew he would fix it. It has been removed and will be re-listed & described more clearly. Regardless some may say it is just beacuse he was "caught out" Now not that long ago Bollux had the infamous Tri- logo Y-wing box with the instructions covering up the important bit :lol: Now that looked like a scam, but we all know he isn't a scammer. A few mistakes out of hundreds of listings I think this seller can be forgiven?? EDIT can you change a desciption/title once someone has placed a bid?
You can add to your description but not the title as far as i know as the title is what the bidder bases their search on.

It would have been totally unfair to let people keep bidding on it so its good he has removed it, i mean it was at £100 already so it shows that i needed removing, this type of listing happens all the time on ebay, so its frustrating to see them as you will understand.

This did belong in the fake section & I totally understand the frustration especially as it reached a bid more than I have ever paid on a starwars item :shock: I just felt the need to "defend" him as many did for Bollux because I strongly believe he was not trying to scam anyone- despite what it looked like :)
I think its great he removed it especially because of the price it was hitting. Ultimately though its because he was caught out, it was a blatant scam i know you dont like it James but it is the same technique that Han used. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows that the way that listing was set up couldn't have been an accident or an oversight.

The bidding proved hat.

I thinks its wrong to compare that technique he used to bolluxs situation James.

All bollux did was accidentally call a Bi logo y wing a Tri logo x-wing just like many had done for years on ebay because 5 days previously a Tri logo y wing didn't exist and how could anyone have known that unless the read RS everyday.

The only similarity was they both changed / removed the listing one was a scam one was a genuine accident.

If I was bollux I would be pissed with you comparing me to somebody doing that and putting his name in this situation.

Just my opinion (not trying to start an argument)
I have dealt with buyer many, many times & also speak to him regularly by email. Recently he has listed more vintage SW figures than anyone else in Australia. He also has 100% feedback of over 600. I have never had a problem with him or seen another questionable listing of his. All i can say is that this listing from him surprises me a lot (scam or not). I think that is why James is sticking up for him.
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