gary smith in sun news paper


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2006
what a downer . Just had me page 3 fix ,only to turn page to see his mug and story about him being attacked last year . Lol his mam said she didnt reconize him as there was no palitoy near his bed lol
Jeez, that is an ugly mug!!!

Only joking fella, hope you're well.
I hope they get the amount of time they deserve! Sick Bastards!

Hope you're recovering well mate :wink:
As the others have said, I hope you're on the mend Gary and that these guys get what they deserve.
Although, If I was in your position, I'm not sure that having all this raked over again is what I'd want. Still, at least you know they didn't get away with it.
1. Glad you are ok first and foremost - I think everyone was shocked to hear such a thing had happened to such a nice bloke.

2. I can't believe the planning and reasoning for this attack - really am shocked..

3. I am very sad to see that people moving into England for a better life treat the country and its people with such little respect..

I knew England was bad but...

If they don't want their kids to be taught about religion in general at school in the country they CHOSE to come live in then they should just move back to wherever it is they came from and live in their lovely countries - learning strictly about their own religion..

I am appalled to read this Gary mate and I hope you are still doing ok after such a horrific attack.
Joe said:
3. I am very sad to see that people moving into England for a better life treat the country and its people with such little respect..

I knew England was bad but...

If they don't want their kids to be taught about religion in general at school in the country they CHOSE to come live in then they should just move back to wherever it is they came from and live in their lovely countries - learning strictly about their own religion..

without wishing to derail the thread Joe - chance are the little ****ers were born here, but your sentiment is good. If people object to western teaching in a western country things are very wrong.
If they dont like it they can kindly **** off back to their own county and fill their heads full of what they want.

god my blood boils reading this it really does.

hope all is well Gary, your a proud man to go back to work, well done.
I do NOT understand this: " Detectives had made secret recordings of Muslims Akmol Hussein, 26, Sheikh Rashid, 27, Azad Hussain, 25, and Simon Alam, 19, plotting to target Mr Smith. " so they waited till they actually attacked Gary ( after 2 failed attempts ) before the police did anything??? Like others have said I'm glad Gary is a tough nut & survived.
aussiejames said:
I do NOT understand this: " Detectives had made secret recordings of Muslims Akmol Hussein, 26, Sheikh Rashid, 27, Azad Hussain, 25, and Simon Alam, 19, plotting to target Mr Smith. " so they waited till they actually attacked Gary ( after 2 failed attempts ) before the police did anything??? Like others have said I'm glad Gary is a tough nut & survived.

This really sucks! Does anyone know how Gary is? It is a shame what our world has become.
He hasn't been on much since, you may get him if you PM him, but I think he is ok. Well, as OK as you can be after something like that.
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