Holy cow! Currently £6k - Luke Jedi Knight Factory Variant

waves of light

Sep 8, 2015

It's a Buy It Now, so strictly speaking not "currently" £6k; that's just what the seller is asking.

And, although I'm sure someone is hot for this, this fails to ring my bell. It's an interesting production error to me and no more. The figure is no different, they just forgot to stick in his sabre and pistol. I'd be interested to know how they identified how many were produced. And as for "one of only 2 known examples", I think "known" is the keyword there. New rarities turn up on a daily basis. Also, by doubling the quantity of known examples I'd argue the price should drop, not increase!
This one is up there with the 2 coin Han Carbonite which has been there for ages - I love factory errors but they don't add 500% to the value of the card :roll:
itfciain said:
This one is up there with the 2 coin Han Carbonite which has been there for ages - I love factory errors but they don't add 500% to the value of the card :roll:

I know.. I mean, you're actually paying extra for the fact that something is missing!

Only 7hrs before the discount ends guys... tick tock.
Seen this so many times on ebay I feel like it has been about forever,, and I don't know why but it really irritates me I mean it is the shittest variant (if you can even call it that) god it was packaged without the accessories so what nobody cares it is worth what a complete Luke Jedi is worth £200 with the grade...

Rant over, been waiting a along time to get that of my chest. :D
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