Look Sir, droids. Sandtrooper


Sith Lord
May 7, 2008
So I found a set of Trooper armor that I had forgotten about after moving house 3 years ago. It's a mix up of ABS, Fiberglass and god know what else but it was not in a good state and cracked discoloured etc. I was going to buy new ABS leg armor as FG is a pain in the ass to work with, but I decided to use it and just heat and shape it to the mannequin. Found a pair of white chelsea boots on eBay, brand new for £11 posted and bought new but unused pauldron for £25. Just hands and gloves left now. Got another helmet and decided to do a sandy. I know the ab plate, and knee piece are not accurate but I can't moan.

It's nice when something is saved from being thrown away sometimes. Paintjob isn't the best but for a budget build I'm happy.


  • 20210730_171950.jpg
    32.3 KB · Views: 82
Looks great, it's a Great project to work on as well, keep posting progress on it
id love to put together a set for display at some point In the future
Didn't see this one, looks good and yes I agree fiberglass is not nice to work with so well done on making it work. I assume its fiberglass and an unsaturated polyester resin solution mix on it, been a while since I have worked with the stuff but yep can be a nightmare to fix but its doable.
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