My bluray and dvd movie collection, feel free to add your own

Some belters in there! Great to see you're still collecting. I'm the same as most others really. Used to love collecting films, but tend to just stream these days.

Ps- did you watch Suoergran?
cheers mate, glad you like them, yeah i watched supergran, very nostalgic!
Heres a few more pickups i got recently

Solo, bargain at less than 8 quid delivered

lord of the rings 4k, looks ace

Jurassic park 4k

Nope 4k


Polar Express 4k

lastly a 4k steelbook of willy wonka, it looks great in 4k

So as well as a collection of Star Wars, i have a collection of movies, i don't mind streaming and have Amazon Netflix and Disney+ to, but i prefer to have an actual physical copy of the movie
i have a bluray cabinet in the living room and its full, lol
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i have one other shelf in the living room, that has Dr Who, Futurama and other bits on it
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Heres my dvd collection, in cabinets put together by my brother in law, these are on the landing

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here we have my steelbooks, just metal packaging, but i like the artwork on them
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and my middle earth collection so far, i have my eye on a couple more steelbooks

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This bond set has most of the movies apart from the latest ones, love the artwork on it

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Nice collection you have and love those cabinets - one day I will get some too - but with over 400 discs going to need a big (expensive?) one!
Liking your Lifeforce - not seen that since it was released.
Here are my steelbooks - a rather random selection - but all came from Charity shops. I do like the Day the Earth Stood Still set.

Heres a couple more, loved this film as a kid, great effects in it

gotta love a bit of 4k trek

And finally my bargain of the week at under 6 quid delivered
I recently started collecting Blu-Rays because they have got ridiculously cheap, and the majority of the 70s-90s films I enjoy aren't on any of the streaming platforms I subscribe to :rolleyes: one reason I never collected DVDs is because even 20 years ago the quality was noticeably crap, while all these 1080p Blu-Rays look great on my 4k TV, and have none of the compression artefacts that streamed video suffers from. A lot of these were only a quid or two each, the most expensive was £7. As you can see I don't have sophisticated taste 😆

I've also been doing the same with PS4 games, I bought the console recently and most of these games were only £2-5 each. Almost everything here came from either CEX or Music Magpie (free postage even for £2 Blu-Rays!)


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Nice collection mate, blurays do look good, much better than dvd, can't grumble at discs at a couple of quid each, my local charity shop does them a quid each, definitely better than streaming though i do do that to
Earlier in the year I decided to bin all my blu ray and dvd boxes, thinking it would be more practical and better to free up the space.

I thought I'd be buying digital downloads in the future but changed my mind (after reading this thread) and prefer having the physical media

I did keep a handful of classic covers though :) IMG_6154.jpegIMG_6153.jpeg
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Glad your keeping the collection mate, streaming is great, but there's no guarantees that what you buy is yours forever, anyway some lovely titles there
So i just ordered this on ebay, missed it at the cinema but the trailer looked good, anyone see it? we watch christmas movies year round here
Violent night was ace, really enjoyed it, violence and santa the combo i didn't know i needed, lol
Just won this, goofy campy fun, already have it on bluray, i'll sell that on and keep the 4k
Violent night was ace, really enjoyed it, violence and santa the combo i didn't know i needed, lol
Just won this, goofy campy fun, already have it on bluray, i'll sell that on and keep the 4k
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Love Flash Gordon, also have it on Blu Ray, not sure why but I always seem to want to watch between Christmas and New Year.

Got this today, one of my all time favourite films and a very welcome addition to my collection

Cheers mate, yeah flash is a christmas movie! i don't think i've seen fantastic voyage, let me know how it looks, just bought this

Have it on dvd but thought it would be better on bluray, love the show, they did a great job on this
Cheers mate, yeah flash is a christmas movie! i don't think i've seen fantastic voyage, let me know how it looks, just bought this
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Have it on dvd but thought it would be better on bluray, love the show, they did a great job on this
We love the family guy movies -my daughter and I always say they ruin SW for us though - can't helping thinking about them when we are watching the actual films 🤣

Highly recommend Fantastic Voyage mate, absolute classic. I can send you the dvd if you like (y)
Yeah the family guy films are great, they do make you think of them when watching the movies, lol
ill pick the bluray up of fantastic voyage thanks mate, give it a watch, just won this,love the nolan batman,this is the 4k and features 3 discs and a mini book about the movie
got a few more on the way, love the rocky movies, haven't seen the directors cut of p4, hope its good

also love me some evil dead, had to be done

lastly 4k edition of groundhog day, german edition, menu and audio is english

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