My bluray and dvd movie collection, feel free to add your own

So i got this as part of my Christmas presents, Robodoc, a 4 hour, 4 part documentary on the robocop franchise, mostly the first movie

I hope you all have a great christmas and new year!
so i was browsing ebay and found this, threw a cheeky bid on it and won it for 20 quid with free shipping, can't grumble at that price
So i got a few more in, first up some Trek, the motion picture the directors edition


next up its a wonderful life, i know its a christmas movie, but we watch them year round


finally an arrow video box set of tremors 2


so its my birthday in a couple of weeks, my wife ordered me this, the halloween tin box steelbook set, the later movies, i enjoyed them at the cinema, and this set looks ace


so i was browsing ebay and come across this set on a bid up, i added a cheeky last minute bid and won, its a five disc set with loads of bumph, got it for £28.00, bargain, also won the Wickerman on bluray, a 3 disc set , has a couple of different cuts of the movie and the soundtrack on cd, i remember watching it years ago, not a bad little horror flick

Babylon 5 was brilliant. The best Sci Fi series ever IMO. No Star Trek mumbo jumbo of 'recalibrating the phase inverters to emit a modified Tachyon pulse' and hey presto whatever it is you need to happen, happens and everyone carries on as normal.
The plot to B5 carries on from episode to episode too, so stuff that happens early doors does have meaning later on. There are a few crap episodes but it's well worth watching IMO.

It was jinxed though, I think only about 3 or 4 of the cast are still alive. They seem to die at the rate of one every other year, and have done since they started making it. Sinclair, G'kar, Dr stephen Franklin, Delenn, Garibaldi, Vir, Zack Allen.

There should be a thread on here. From memory @sith-smith was also a fan.
Yeah, I heard them. I saw J Michael Stransky interviewed and I think he said he was working on the script. Unsurprisingly, with a new cast. That was a few years ago though.

Never too sure about reboots and remakes, 90% are dire
wait i got a reply, you guys sure your on the right thread?;), yeah gotta love babylon 5, i'm enjoying watching the episodes, it looks great, i'd be interested in a reboot, i'll give most things a chance.
B5 is my favourite series of all time. Simply brilliant! The rumours of the reboot keep coming and going, but personally I'm kind of hoping it doesn't happen. Although it will doubtless look far better (the original series' only real weakness), I struggle to believe it will better it. Plus unfortunately in the current ultra woke Hollywood climate, you know full well they simply won't be able to resist race, gender and sexuality swapping most of the cast, and I really don't need to see a wheelchair-bound trans lesbian Kosh with learning difficulties.
Bit of a silly one next, i love troma, just a fun company, and they make some craptacular movies, i just bought the 4 toxic avenger movies in a box set,

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