Nah, didn't get a chance when we brother was over.
The more I've been thinking about it, the more plot holes I spot and the more I dislike it. Disney will judge the success of the film on how much money it makes and TBH I'm ****ed if I am going to give them any more money that'll go towards the " Ohhh look we did well, we made (insert huge number) Dollars world wide" let's keep going people obviously like it.
Besides, I'm not sure repeat viewings are going get me over the gapping plot hole that is that completely non sensical chase scene. It's the central part of the film and it's just bullshit.
I'm not in the "It's ruined SW Disney should burn in hell"' camp.
But I do think it's a truly poor film. A couple of plot holes I can accept (gravity in space and ur fat chinese bird's sister not getting sucked into space through the open bomb door etc), a few always slip through. The Snoke and Fantasm thing are similar to the Emperor and Boba, we didn't get back story with them and they were wasted chances. But the rest of it is just so underwhelmingly poor. They haven't really tied it in with TFA or the other SW movies at all beyond a very basic level, and plot points/character arcs have just been ignored or finished in such piss poor ways. Bits of it read like a plot written by a school kid in an exam who is told they have 5 mins left and they need to finish up.
As I said previously it is a million miles better than the prequels, though I stand by my comment that saying that is like saying getting a speeding ticket is better than coming home to find your family raped and murdered. The ending of George's obssession with CGI is a plus, and the graphics and CGI in the film are great and don't look out of place or OTT but I just can't get my head round the piss poor plot.
As someone said, the SW films aren't aimed at us old farts, they are aimed at kids. I guess I just hoped I would still be able to enjoy them. Now, to me, SW (the new movies) are just the same as any other franchise, I may well go and see the next film in the cinema or I may not. It'll depend what I have on at the time. It certainly won't be something I look forward to or count down the days to.
The days of SW, the entire franchise not just the OT, being special to me are gone. That's what saddens me. Realising that the series I loved so much has moved on and become something I can't really relate to. It's a Guardians of the Galaxy typed thing now. It's "ok", it'll kill 2 hours, but it doesn't hold up to the most basic of scrutiny and if I never saw it again I wouldn't be worried.
Sad that SW has become that for me, but such is life I guess.
Sorry, very long answer to your question. But, 'no' I haven't been to see it again and
I won't be watching it again either. It's closed a door for me.