Removing soot from a moc


Sith Lord
Aug 16, 2016
Hi everyone. I bought a moc recently that has soot on it. Does anyone know what I can use to remove it without messing up the card. Thanks in advanced.


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apack7229 said:
Hi everyone. I bought a moc recently that has soot on it. Does anyone know what I can use to remove it without messing up the card. Thanks in advanced.

I would say furniture polish, sparingly, and take your time.

By the way, how on earth did soot get on it, part of Santa's delivery? :?
Holy smoke...what on earth happened to that?
Has the soot got inside the bubble as well?
If it's just loose soot, have you tried a damp tissue with warm water, or perhaps some surgical spirit, as I have been told this is good to remove sticker residue.
What ever you use I would suggest trying it out on an damaged card to ensure no further damage is done to Lukes card.
Good luck, please update with results.
Cardbacks are more robust than most people think. I often wipe new MOCs I buy with plain water on a kitchen towel, it takes off loads of crap and as long as you're careful and sparing with water, doesn't seem to do any damage. I have always been hesitant to put 'products' on card as you never know what the long term effect will be.

This must have been in a fire!
Thanks for the comments everyone. I don't have it in yet but should in a day or two. The guy said it was in an apartment fire so that's why it looks cooked. Also he said it was fully sealed so I think the soot has just clumped together on the sides of the bubble when he wiped it off. Once I get it in I'll be able to post up some better pictures. Just wanted to get an idea before I messed it up.
Just use a slightly damp. soft cloth and wipe gently. It may take several passes by the looks of things. There's no need for any special cleaners or solvents. Just a damp cloth.

TK-7785 said:
Just use a slightly damp. soft cloth and wipe gently. It may take several passes by the looks of things. There's no need for any special cleaners or solvents. Just a damp cloth.


Do you think baby wipes would work also?
Yes I think that they would be perfectly ok, but I would still start with the warm water/damp cloth firstly.
Like Edd I always wipe any new MOCs that I buy with warm water, you really would be surprised how much dirt comes off them.
You could also consider the German made 'Ballistol' if what the guys advised didn't work. I'd be confident it would clean it and protect the plastic and card. But don't use to much small amounts to begin with at a time.
I've used it a lot (but note I've never tried it on a moc myself) its the best cleaning and preserving fluid /oil you can buy.
Holy crap!! :eek:

Wheel it through a car wash in your Toys R Us trolley :lol:

You should be alright with it, it probably looks worse of a job to do compared to how well/easy it will likely clean up. Post a follow up after you've cleaned it. :)
I got the moc in today and have tried what was suggested but to no avail so far. :cry: The soot isn't powdery at all or easily removable, sort of like spray paint. I'll upload some close up pictures when I can get a chance so you guys can see it better.
Here's a few close ups.


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